testosterone levels high bih

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Request for @fangirl063001 !

I stormed into the house with him on my tail.  I could hear the door slam shut and he continued his argument.

"You can't seriously be trying to tell me that was nothing Emma.  I saw the way he was looking at you and you were feeding right into it!"  I groaned and spun on my heels.

"Noah you're being ridiculous right now.  He was just some random guy that was talking to me.  Can I not talk to other people?"  I shouted, throwing my hands around in the air as I talked.

"You can't try to tell me you were just "talking" to him."  He used finger quotes to emphasize the word, glaring at me the whole time.

"We.  Were.  Just.  Talking." I yelled, my eyes never leaving his.

"Talking about hooking up maybe."  He muttered, rolling his eyes.  My mouth dropped and an offended scoff left my lips.

"Is that what you think of me?"  I couldn't believe he would think such a thing of me.


"We've been together for 2 years Noah.  2 years of me giving you nothing but love and loyalty and the second you see me talking to another guy, all of that gets thrown out the window."  I did my best to hold myself together but I wasn't doing very well.  He didn't say anything so I continued to speak.

"I think you need to leave."  I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What?  No Emma please-"

"Go."  I said sternly, glaring at him.

He slunk his shoulders down and turned for the door.  The little whimpers coming from his mouth were making my heart hurt but I kept my head high.  This is the right decision.  Just before he left, I made one more comment.

"And not that it matters, but the guy was gay and we were talking about how handsome you are and how lucky I am to have you."  He turned around to say something but closed his mouth when no words came out.  He left in silence.

2 days later

I haven't spoken to Noah ever since our fight.  I don't really know how to feel about it.  If he is going to act like that with guys who are completely uninterested in me then how would he act with guys who are.  He obviously can't trust me.

I wiped my eyes and rose from my comfy bed and made my way downstairs.  Seeing a body there nearly gave me a heart attack.  I relaxed once I realized who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I groaned, making him jump.

"Sorry, I just came to grab some clothes.  I saw you sleeping in the bed so I decided to let you sleep and make you some breakfast."  I nodded my head and sat on one of our bar stools.

"Well uh- thanks."  I mumbled, playing with my hands.

It was quiet for a little bit as he continued to make the pancakes, flipping them ever so perfectly and putting them on a plate.  He did everything so perfectly.  Why did he have to be so perfect?

"Where have you been staying?" I can be mad at him but still care about his wellbeing right?

"Maia and Rudy's place.  They said I can crash there as long as-" He awkwardly coughed, turning to look at me. "Emma, you know I'm really sorry right?  I would never say you're a cheater and I wouldn't have said anything if I knew he was gay."  

"Noah, that's not the point.  The point is you saw me with a guy and you assumed the worst without even asking me about it.  What do we have if we don't have trust?"  I could see the sadness in his eyes again.  

I know he feels bad.  I can tell he feels bad.  But seriously, if he can't handle himself when I'm talking to people then how could this work? 

"I'm sorry.  I had a few drinks in me and I had people talking in my ear all night about what you guys might have been doing and it got to me."  He took a deep breath before stepping towards me.

"I just don't want to lose you.  I know that's so stupid to worry about because you were just talking, you're right, but you're so beautiful and amazing and you don't even know it.  You can make anyone fall for you and you don't even realize.  I got jealous."  He whispered the last part and I smirked.

"You were what?"  I knew what he said.  He knew I knew what he said.  But I wanted him to say it again, tease him a little.

"I got jealous.  I, Noah Centineo, was jealous."  He repeated louder, placing his hand on his chest.

"You're such a dork."  I giggled, standing up and walking over to him.

"I'm so sorry baby.  I promise, I'll keep my testosterone levels under control."  I flung my head back and laughed as he pulled him towards him by the waist.

"You are forgiven."  I smiled, putting my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.

Our lips moved together slowly, enjoying every last second of each other's lips.  I could feel him smile into the kiss before pulling away with a stupid grin on his face.

"What?"  I laughed, starting to smile myself.

"Nothing.  I'm just really happy right now."  I pulled him back down for another quick kiss.

"I love you."  I whispered after pulling away, my eyes never leaving his brown ones.

"I love you too Emma."

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