fancy seeing you here

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Request for @Pooja072 !

I had my camera out and was taking as many pictures as I possibly could.  This being my first time in America, I really wanted to capture as much as I can.  I kept my camera up, innocently taking pictures and without realizing it, I took a picture of a guys face.  

But it wasn't just any guys face.  It was Noah Centineo's face.  His face was on my camera.  More importantly, his face was mere inches away from mine.

"Why hello.  I'm down to take a picture with you if you'd like."  He laughed, making me awkwardly laugh as well.

"Sorry I was just taking random pictures.  It's my first time in America!"  He smiled at me, wider than before.  His smile is so cute.

"Welcome then!  I'm Noah."  He extended his hand which I gladly shook.

"Pooja."  I smiled back at him, confidence overtaking me.

"Well Pooja, how about I take you for some coffee?  We can talk about places you should visit."  His offer was shocking to me.  Why would he want to hang out with me?  I didn't question too much though.

"I'd love that!"  With that, we made our way down the street and to a Starbucks that was close by.

"I'll get the drinks, you find a table."  I nodded my head and searched for a table, finding one in the back. 

I made my way over to the two seater and took a seat, looking around the pretty crowded store.  There were so many people, all different types, all engaged in different conversations.  I smiled when I saw Noah walking over.

"That didn't take long."  I said, grabbing my drink and taking a sip.  He nodded.

"A bunch of people in the line didn't know what to order.  We got lucky this time!"  I smiled and continued the conversation.  

This was only the beginning of the amazingness that was yet to come with him.  We spent almost every day of summer together going to so many places.  DisneyWorld, Hollywood Blvd, the Hollywood sign, etc.  It was a way better turnout for my trip then I expected.  

The two months that I had to spend here went by too quick.  Before we both knew it, we were saying goodbye to each other at the airport.  I stopped in front of my plane terminal and turned to look at him, tears already blurring my vision.

"I'm gonna miss you Noah." I cried, covering my face with my hands and him embracing me in a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you too."  He whimpered, holding me tight to him.

"Promise to keep in touch?"  I mumbled, pulling away to look at him.

"I promise.  We're gonna talk to each other forever and always."  I smiled at him and gave him one last hug before heading to my plane.

I gave my ticket to the lady and turned to Noah before she gave it back, giving him one final wave and smile, him sending one back.  I grabbed my ticket and walked onto my plane without any second thoughts.  

I tried to calm my tears, reminding myself that I'll always have him.  Him being one text or call away.  I looked out the window and watched the sunset.  I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths, smiling at the memories I have with Noah and the more I'm going to have.

Sadly, long distance relationships are almost impossible to keep.  Especially for people like Noah.  With his crazy work schedule and his lack of down time, it was a matter of months before our daily contact became weekly, bi-weekly, then barely ever.  In fact, I haven't talked to him in around 2 years and a lot has changed.

Noah Centineo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now