late night drives

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A/N: *gasp* the bitch updated. happy new year cuties.

I stare up at my ceiling and allow my eyes to stay locked there.  I try to reach for my phone but I just end up dropping it on the ground. A long sigh escapes my lips as the sobs start to follow.

This has been happening a lot. I've been sleeping like shit and crying basically every night for the past week. Usually when this happens I would call someone, most likely Noah, but him and I aren't really on good terms right now so I guess I'm alone.

I cover my mouth to try and quiet down the sobs. My whole body shakes with each cry that leaves my lips. It felt like my heart was being cracked and broken into a million pieces. It hurt.

Then my phone rang. I almost didn't hear it over myself but the vibration on my floor surely made it hard to miss. I wiped my eyes best I could and reached for my phone in the dark room.  I found it and answered the call, not even checking who it's from.

"H-hello?" I sniffled, trying to sound okay. It clearly didn't work.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" It was Noah. I should have known it was him.

"Nothing just my usual fucked up self." I could hear him sigh on the other end as his breathing picked up.

"Alright I'm coming over. I'll be there in 15. Meet me in the car." This was what usually happened, he had to come to console me.

"Okay." I whispered, staring at the darkness in my room enjoying the call with him, even if it's mostly silence.

"Y/N?" I heard him whisper after probably only a few seconds of silence.


"Everything will be okay." I only nodded to myself in response and hung up the phone to get dressed.

I didn't really change much. I just went from sweats and a bra to sweats and a sweater. I grabbed my phone and sat on my couch to wait for his text to go out.

Sitting there, even though I was alone just like before, was nice. I think it's because I know I'm not going to be alone soon but I don't really know. Noah has that effect on me. He can make me feel better easy.

My phone vibrating took me out of my thoughts. I immediately looked to see the message:

Noah👀: I'm outside.

I stood off my couch, grabbed my keys, and left.  As soon as I walked outside I was met by his bright car lights blinding me. I squinted my eyes and made my way to the passenger side and got in.

If anybody saw us they would think we were living the most awkward moment of our lives. But that wasn't the case, not with us.

Noah and I do these late night drives a lot. They always consist of me sitting with the window rolled all the way down staring out at the night sky. Some music playing lightly in the background and us not talking.

Him and the driving are the only two things that calm me down. But only when they're done together. Noah's like this gift from god that has literally saved me from myself.

So we drove, me staring out the window, admiring the stars and Noah driving wherever. I was so entrapped in the sky that I didn't notice Noah put his hand on my thigh at first.

I did after a few seconds though. I sure as hell did.

And after blushing and trying to stop myself from smiling, I placed my hand on top of his. 

I moved my position so that I was sitting with my head facing Noah. I was sitting the way I should have been sitting all these car rides. The way I've always wanted to be but never had to courage to do so.

Noah kept glancing at me and smiling, clearly confused with my new seating arrangement.

"The sky is the other way." He chuckled, moving his hand from my thigh.

"I like this view better." I whispered, reaching for his hand again.

I kind of expected him to pull away but he didn't. We intertwined our hands and sat there in silence a few more minutes until he hit a red light.

He turned to look at me and gave me a smile. I sent one back.

"You're so beautiful." My heart beat picked up and I could feel my cheeks turn a shade of red. I looked down at our hands.

"Thanks." I managed to mumble out. Noah just chuckled in response and started to drive, giving my hands a light squeeze.

I noticed that we were pulling into one of those drive in movies which wasn't a normal thing we did. But I went a long with it because it's a movie and extra time to spend with Noah.

He found the perfect spot and parked. Now we were sitting in silence waiting for the movie to start and I was slowly trying to build the confidence to tell him what I've been putting off for ages.

"Noah...I have to tell you something."  I pulled my hand away from his and fiddled with my fingers in my lap.

"Me too." He whispered, turning to look at me.

"You first." I replied, letting out a deep breath of relief.

"Okay. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you this past week when you might have needed me. I don't even remember what our stupid fight was about. I'm so sorry." Noah is usually very private and doesn't share his feelings but right now, I can tell he's really upset.

"It's okay Noah. Really, it is-"

"No.  No it's not okay Y/N. You're not supposed to abandon people, especially people you love. I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn't have let something come between us. You need me and I'd be lying if I said I didn't need you and I risked it all because of some stupid argument."

I stayed quiet because I wasn't sure if he was going to continue but he didn't speak up again so I did.

"It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. The fact that you're back is way more than I could have ever asked." I reached over and wiped the tears on his cheeks.

"Noah, you've done so much for me. You buy me food when I'm hungry, take me for drives when I'm sad, go with me to places that nobody else wants to go with me. But most importantly, you've helped me see that loving somebody is one of the most amazing things you can do, even if they don't love you like that back." Great, now I was crying.

I pulled my hand away and wiped my face as Noah fully turned his body towards me, the shock evident on his face. I gave him a weak smile and turned my whole body to face him as well.

"Sorry if I made things awkward-"

I was cut off by his lips softly crashing into mine.  His hands moved to cup my cheeks and mine went around his neck. Our lips moulded together perfectly and I was melting under his touch.

When he pulled away I kept my eyes shut to enjoy the moment a few seconds longer. To just enjoy the perfect feeling that was there a few seconds ago. I fluttered my eyes open when he spoke.

"I love you. I've been in love with you this whole time. I don't know how you didn't see." Well, there goes my heart again. I felt my mouth curl up and turn into a huge grin.

"I see now and that's all that matters. I'm in love with you too."

So there we sat, in his car in the middle of a drive in movie with this newly exposed love between us and that shit is beautiful.

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