3 words that make me melt

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A/N: sorry for ghosting for a while but thanks for sticking around. I'm a sad gal so I decided to write a cute one for you guys. love ya

I was walking through the park with him by my side. We've been dating for about a year and a half now and it couldn't be better. Noah is the best boyfriend anybody could ever ask for.  He's trust worthy and kind and makes me feel special. Plus he's really hot so that's a nice bonus.

He doesn't make me feel unwanted and unloved- not that he loves me. I mean he hasn't said he loves me but I wouldn't complain if he did. I actually hope he does cause I sure as hell love him. So much that it consumes me sometimes.

It makes me kind of sad to think that he might not feel the same way. I don't like the thought of him leaving me someday for someone better.

"Y/N? Babe are you okay?" His question snapped me back into reality. I wiped my face to smoothly wipe away some tears that unintentionally fell from my eyes.

"Whats wrong?" he pressed on, becoming more concerned by the second.  I just shrugged it off and plastered a light smile on my face.

"Nothing, I'm just tired and it sometimes makes my eyes tear up. Can we go home please?" He nodded and smiled, giving my hand a light squeeze.

We turned back for the house and within seconds he slung me over his shoulder and ran down the sidewalk.

"Noah" I squealed, laughing a bunch as I was bouncing with each step he took.

"Who's house are we going to?" he asked between laughs, not slowing down or moving to put me down in the slightest.

"Mine I guess. Aren't you going out with your 'boyfriends'?" I joked, using air quotes around the word even though he couldn't see.

He stopped walking and put me down. I got my bearings and looked up at his face, seeing a fake hurt expression on it.

"I would never leave my loving girlfriend alone on a Friday night," he paused and allowed a smile to creep onto his face. "but yeah, we are." he giggled, making me roll my eyes and start walking.

"Well alright. I just hope you don't mind me going on a date with Netflix." He ran up to me and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you" he whispered so quietly that I couldn't tell if he actually said it or if I was just hearing things.

"What?" My head spun to look at him, my eyes widened in shock.

"I said, I love Netflix too. Let's get home" he replied trying to cover up his words. He probably did say he loved Netflix.  I can't see him saying I love you to me anytime soon. We walked into my house and went straight to my room.

"I have to go to the bathroom" he mumbled, him leaving my room and giving me time to get changed.

I put on shorts and a hoodie that I took from Noah and lay on my bed with my phone. He came back in and jumped onto the bed, making sure I nearly flung off.

"Hey" I laughed, giving him a peck on the lips.

"What chya doing?" He questioned, resting his head on my shoulder. I smirked and clicked on a picture of a random guy in my discovery.

"Looking at cute guys. He is so hot isn't he?" He's a good sport so Noah just played along to my little tease.

"Ugh the hottest." he said, mimicking my voice. I just rolled my eyes and pushed him off, leaning on my side and looking at him.

"So when do you have to leave?" I asked, sending him a sweet smile.

"Probably soon" he pouted, grabbing my free hand and playing with my fingers. I moved so I could wrap my arms around him and rolled him over so I was on his stomach. I nuzzled my face into his neck and lay there for a bit.

"You good?" He asked in his most soothing voice while stroking my hair.

"Mhm" was all I said before I made a fart noise making him squirm and laugh.

"You suck" he joked, me slowly rolling off the bed and pretending to cry while doing so.

"How will I live with myself?! NOAH THINKS I SUCK OH MY GOSH" I cried, putting my hand dramatically on my forehead. He laughed and jumped off the bed, extending his hands to me.

"No he doesn't anymore! He is here to save his princess in disguise" he yelled in his most heroic voice.

"My hero!" I laughed, grabbing his hands and falling into his arms. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I love you so much" I whispered, hugging him tighter.

"I love you too" he whispered back, sighing in content and rubbing my back.  I pulled away and gave him a kiss before jumping down from his arms. He pulled me back in for a hug.

"Don't you have to go?" I giggled, enjoying his warm embrace.

"Just one more minute." He whispered back, kissing my cheek and and hugging me tighter.

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