lost & found

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Request for @ErikaOrtiz438 !

I couldn't believe how mad I was at Noah. I don't think I've ever felt so enraged because of him. I sat on the couch with my head in my hands and tried to calm my breathing as he paced in front of me.

I don't even remember what we were fighting about. One second we were having dinner together all happy and shit and the next we were yelling. I feel like all we ever do now is fight.

"Erika! Are you even listening to me? This is what I hate about you. You always expect me to listen but you never listen to me!"  He was raising his voice more and more and I just couldn't take it.

"Noah, shut the fuck up! Maybe I'd listen to you more if you weren't a complete asshole!" I stood up and yelled at him, my arms flailing to get my point across.

"I'm the asshole? You tried to-"

"I tried to what?" I interrupted, fed up with this pointless feud. "Because we've been fighting for so long that I can't even remember why we started in the first place." My voice softened and his face did too. I sat back down and put my head in my hands.

"Noah I-I'm tired of fighting over every little thing imaginable. We aren't happy anymore and it really sucks. I can't do it anymore." I heard him sigh and take a seat next to me.

"I heard somewhere that arguing with somebody means you care." He replied, trying to fight the inevitable outcome.

"Maybe if you're fighting about things that matter but we can't seem to eat dinner together without pissing each other off." I felt my chin quiver and form a pout as my eyes met his.

"What happened to us?" He sat back, exhaling deeply and running his hand through his hair.  I sat back too.

"I don't know."

We stayed quiet for a while, neither of us wanting to say the five words that we both know need to be said. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, knowing I'll have to be the one to say it because Noah won't be able to.

"We need to break up."

It hurts. It hurts to leave the one you love because you keep butting heads. But sometimes you need to take a break to see if the love is worth all this fighting.

"Okay."  His voice cracked and he rose to his feet, walking towards the door.

"I'll pick up my things tomorrow. Goodbye Erika." He turned to me and gave me a weak smile, his hand on the door knob.  I stood up to stare at him.

"Goodbye Noah." He looked down and walked out the door, leaving me and my broken heart alone to cry.

4 months later

It's been a few months since I've seen Noah.   We both agreed to keep no contact to try and let us both figure out what we want. I can't stop thinking about him though.

Whether it's the news updates on how successful he's being or my friends bringing him up to me. Or even my own brain allowing him to creep on my mind late at night, I can't shake him.

I know I love Noah. I know I always will love him. But I didn't realize until now how much I love him. Sure the fighting was exhausting and unimportant but maybe we were going through a rough patch. Everybody has them.

I've learned that I can be quite annoying sometimes. The things that pissed Noah off are things that are pissing me off. I guess we both have things we need to fix for each other. Relationships are a two person job and both people need to compromise for the best.

I want him back. I want nothing more than to have him sitting beside me watching the bachelor and laughing at all the annoying contestants. I want nothing more than to have him be mine again. But I don't even know where he is and like I said, I have no contact with him.

I laced up my shoes and left my house, driving to the nearest supermarket for some groceries I need for this dinner I'm having later. I get there in 10 minutes and park my car in the middle of the parking lot, not too far but not too close.

I grab a cart and walk into the store, going down the produce aisle first. I was minding my own business when a man cleared his throat behind me.

"Excuse me? Would you mind if I grabbed one of those?" I blushed and moved out of the way without looking at him.

"Sorry about that." I chuckled, putting my item in the cart and turning to give him an apologetic smile. I was slightly taken aback when I saw Noah standing there.

"Oh hey there." I smiled, smile growing wider the longer I stared into his eyes.

"Hi! I-uh-you look great!" He gushed, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Wow thanks. I've heard the green from the cabbage really brings out my eyes." I joked, looking down quickly before looking back up at him.

"God I've missed you." He whispered, chuckling at my joke.

"Me too."

We smiled at each other for a bit before moving because somebody needed to get to where we were. I began to move away when he grabbed my hand and turned me to look at him.

"Wait! Maybe we can shop together?" His coy smile sent butterflies to my stomach.

"I'd love that."

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