drunk in love

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Request for @marinafayer !

I didn't intentionally drink so much to the point that I couldn't think. I wouldn't intentionally get that drunk at a party. It just happened. My friends kept handing me more shots and I was more than happy to take them. Okay so maybe I did intentionally do it. Thank god Noah was here, he was my designated driver for the night.

I've been needing a night out to forget about...things so this is quite nice.  Being able to forget about stuff for a while. I put what seemed like my millionth shot glass down and put my hands in the air, letting out a loud cheer followed by applause.

"Okay, time to go." I could hear from behind me before arms were wrapped around my waist and pulling me out of the house.

"Bye everyone." People just laughed and turned back to what they were doing.

I turned around abruptly and wrapped my arms around his waist. He kept his arm tightly around my shoulder to keep me up right. We got to the car and he opened the passenger side for me to get in.

I turned to him before taking a seat. "Are you mad?"

"No." I nodded my head and got in, him shutting the door and walking to the other side of the car.

I put my seat belt on and stared out the window, mesmerized by the lights that left the house. He started the car and drove off.

"Are- haha arrr pirates. I love pirates. You too?" I turned to him expectantly and he chuckled.

"Yes. Pirates are cool. How much did you have to drink?"

"One. Maybe two. Twelve? Don't know. Don't be so-so buzzkill." I hiccuped between some words. He sighed and kept driving.

I felt bad. I'm bad enough when I'm sober and now he has to figure out how to deal with me drunk? Poor guy.

I let my head rest on the window and shut my eyes, dozing off to the sound of Noah's breathing and the quiet music playing from the radio.

I woke up in my bed, my eyes open wide. I checked the time and saw that it was just past 2 am so we must have gotten home recently.  I got out of bed and clumsily made my way to the living room.

"Marina! Go to sleep." He laughed, getting up to take me back to bed.

"N-no! I'm not sleepy." I yawned.

My eyes went wide as I walked as fast as I could to the washroom. I slunk down by the toilet and lifted up the seat, puking my guts out. Noah came by my side and sat on the side of the tub, holding my hair up and rubbing my back.

Tears stung my eyes the more I threw up, my drunk self overwhelmed by what was happening. It felt like forever but it was probably only a few minutes until I finished puking.

I sat back against the cold wall and took in deep breaths. My hair was clinging to my sweaty forehead. Noah flushed the toilet and got up to wet a wash cloth.  He sat beside me and wiped my face.

"You drank a lot tonight babe." He whispered, concern laced through his voice.  I didn't say anything, my mind still foggy.

"People don't drink that much unless they want to forget something." He turned to look down at me. My heart hurt. All this work I put into forgetting what I wanted and it all came rushing back sooner than anticipated.

"Life sucks." I chuckled, sad but still a little drunk so the situation wasn't as serious to me.

"I miss you- all the time. It aches s-sometimes." He moved the cloth from my face to listen to what I had to say.

"I k-know you have to b-but I hate when you go. I'm so-I love you too much to see y-you go." Now, I was sober enough to be affected by the situation. I looked down and let the few tears fall from my eyes.

Noah pulled me close to him, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm soothingly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't know it hurt you this much. It hurts me to leave too. I hate leaving you here for months on end." He whispered, looking ahead of him.

"I know that you're still drunk and-"

"I'm not drunk." I interrupted, wiping my tears and sniffing.  He chuckled before continuing.

"And you probably won't remember this but I love you too. So much." I turned to look at him and gave him my best smile, my eyes still puffy and red.  His are too.

I pull him in for a hug and held him close, never wanting to let go. He stood up and picked me up with him, me wrapping my legs around his waist as he carried me to bed. This time he got in with me.

We cuddled up close together and I smiled to myself, happy that he was with me.

"I don't want you to leave." I mumbled, sniffing a little to try and stop myself from crying again.

"I know baby.  I know."  And we fell asleep. I hope I remember this in the morning.

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