tmz exclusive

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Request for @CamilasBookShelf !

"Camila! Over here!"

"Camila! Tell me what's going on in your life?"

"Camila! Who are you sleeping with now?"


The shouts kept coming as I kept making my way from my car to the local coffee shop that I was meeting my boyfriend at. I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head as I entered the store.

I made my way to a table near the back of the store to try and get some privacy. He was already sitting there.

"Noah! How are you?" I asked, giving him a kiss on the cheek before sitting down.

"Better now that you're here. You can't catch a break with those guys huh?"  He grabbed my hand from across the table and held it, running his thumb soothingly across it.

"Yeah. They follow me everywhere. I don't even know how they find me." I chuckled, comforted by his hand.

We talked for quite some time, enjoying the little bit of privacy we got from being slightly hidden in the large coffee shop. There were some fans who came up to us to get pictures but they never bother me.

The ones who do bother me are the paparazzi who want nothing more then bad publicity and flashy headlines. It's all about the money. I hate how they make us feel like we aren't human and don't deserve privacy.

I finished off my coffee, as did Noah, and we stood up to give each other a goodbye hug and kiss. Sadly, we can't leave together because we're keeping our relationship under wraps. For now at least. I gave him one last smile before leaving the café and entering the blinding lights.

"Camila who was that?"

"Is that a secret lover?"

I ran to my car and drove away as fast as possible. I didn't want to deal with them and their invasive questions. It took me about 10 minutes to get back home. Thankfully I live in a neighbourhood with security so I know I'm getting my privacy.

"Hey Jerry! Having a good day?" I said to the security guard at the front gates, sending him a bright smile.

"Always better after talking with you Camila!" He cheered. He's always so sweet.

I drove into my garage and parked my car, making my way into my house. I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I slumped onto my couch, soon becoming alarmed at the amount of texts I was receiving.

Noah - 10 texts, 3 missed calls
BFF - 4 texts, 1 missed call
Publicist - 15 texts, 10 missed calls
Manager - 13 texts, 6 missed calls

I don't normally get so many messages from so many people at one time unless something has leaked. I gulped and texted Noah.

Me: Sorry I was driving home. Please tell me this isn't bad.
Noah: Check Twitter. Wait no go on instagram. Or ugh
Noah: Fuck it doesn't even matter where you check. It's everywhere.
Me: What's everywhere?
Noah: Just look.

He sent me a link to an article. I hesitantly opened it and saw some pictures of Noah and I on our date today. I felt myself start to panic the more I read.

" 'Noah and Camila seem to be getting up close and personal...' oh god this sucks. So much for our little secret." I groaned, opening my messages with Noah once again.

Me: I'm really sorry baby. I shouldn't have met up with you knowing I was being followed.
Noah: No way, this isn't you're fault. Maybe it's time we make this official?

YES YES PLEASE. Camila, keep your cool girl. But ugh I've been wanting him to say this for so long. I want to be able to walk down the street holding his hand and not have to sneak around all the time. I'm so sick of keeping the one thing that makes me the happiest a secret.

Me: I would love that!

I jumped up and down and squealed a little, doing a quick little dance before looking back at my phone for his response.

Noah: Tomorrow night is the night we go public
Me: Tomorrow? But isn't that the opening night of your new movie?
Noah: Sure is. See you then beautiful ;)

The next night

I quickly checked my hair in my phone camera before turning to Noah to give him a smile. We were currently sitting in our limo outside of the red carpet for his new movie, To All The Boys I've Loved Before. This was where we were going to let our relationship known. I had to make sure I looked good.

"Baby, you look beautiful like always. You're gonna knock em dead." He winked and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and looked out at the crowd. I always hated the crowds.

"Says you. You look hot 24/7 without even trying. I have to work for this." I giggle, trying to lighten the mood.

"You ready?" I nodded and took a deep breath.

He got out of his side of the car and the crowd screamed. I opened my door and slipped one foot out, overwhelmed by the amount of people saying my name.

"Is that Camila?"

"Oh my god. Camila and Noah are really dating?"

"I always thought he was dating Lana."

I held my head high and completely stepped out of the car, Noah shutting my door and taking my hand. He sent me a warm smile and we walked onto the carpet.

We posed for pictures together and the photographers weren't very rude this time. That's refreshing. His fans were freaking out about how cute we are and a lot of people were ready to pull him to the side and quiz him on our relationship. The first people we went to talk to was TMZ.

"If it isn't Noah Centineo and Camila! What a lovely couple you two make! You are a couple correct?" The guy asked, sending a smirk both of our ways.

"We sure are. But shh, only you guys can know." I winked, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Ooh seems like we have a TMZ exclusive." He turned to the camera and wiggled his eyebrows before looking back to us.

"So Noah, tell me about..."

I zoned out what was being asked. I looked up at Noah and smiled at him, happy that I was finally able to share with the world that this amazing gem was mine. That I could finally share my happy secret.

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