is that wedding bells i hear? pt.2

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A/N: I just made this one Y/N instead of putting the same name as the last story since a few people wanted a part two. That being said, I hope you guys enjoy & thanks for sticking with me through the shitty uploading schedule.

I opened my second ice cream of the day and plunged my spoon into the creamy goodness. I never let my eyes leave the screen that was playing some sad romantic movie that I couldn't relate to, not anymore. It had been a week since my wedding, or what was supposed to be my wedding at least.

I haven't been the same since. I hate to admit it because I shouldn't have allowed a guy to fuck me up so much, but I'm broken. I fall asleep in tears every night and wake up with a red nose and puffy eyes. I haven't showered, brushed my teeth, or left my house.

Hell I've barely eaten and that says a lot because I love food. I'm just so lost and I feel no need to do anything.

I haven't talked to Noah either. Something about being in any contact with him is too unbearable for me right now. I feel like I'll never be able to face him again. Life just really sucks right now and the last thing I want is to talk to somebody-

My front door opened and slam shut as my best friend walked in with grocery bags in her hands. "Okay bitch we-" She looked me up and down from the back and waddled in front of the T.V, bags still in hand.

"Oh my gosh Y/N. You look like shit." I rolled my eyes and ate more ice cream.

She sighed and went to the kitchen to put the bags down before coming to me and sitting beside me, running her fingers through my messy hair. Or trying to at least.

"C'mon. You need to shower and brush your teeth and get some real food in you." I groaned in protest, putting the ice cream on my coffee table and covering my face with my blanket. She just yanked the blanket off me and pulled me to my feet.

"I don't care if I have to shower you myself, you are going in that washroom and getting clean." Before I knew it I was being shoved in my washroom with the door slammed behind me.

As much as I didn't want to, I knew I needed this. Just because I'm heartbroken right now doesn't mean I can be forever. I have a life to live even if Noah isn't in it. I swear that's never gonna be easy to be okay with.

I turned the shower on and allowed the water to run to get warm. In the meantime I stripped off my clothes and brushed my teeth, the minty toothpaste feeling like a refreshing change. As soon as I finished getting cleaned off I applied some nice creams and put on a towel to walk to my room.

"I can already smell the difference!" She yelled from the living room in a teasing tone. I just smiled and shut my door. It was nice not to be alone.

I threw on a fuzzy sweater and some leggings before going out to greet my friend who wasn't alone. I just assumed it was her boyfriend so I gave a quick hello as I walked past him to my kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge with a smile on my face, finally feeling content for a little bit.

That little bit didn't last long though as the guy sitting on my couch wasn't some random guy, it was-

"N-Noah?" I stuttered, my water bottle slipping through my fingers and onto the ground. My heart started to race and I didn't know what to feel. Sad? Angry? Confused? So I felt it all.

"Y/N I-I need to talk to you-"

"Save it you jerk." I quickly picked up my water and walked to my room, shutting my door only for him to open it and shut it again. Before I could say anything my friend could be heard from outside.

"Neither of you are allowed to leave until this is sorted out."

I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. I didn't want to talk to him, I couldn't. I could barely look at him without feeling like I was going to cry.

"Y/N." I ignored him.

"Y/N please. Please talk to me." I ignored him again.

"I fucked up, I know that. But please, let me explain." This time, I didn't ignore him.

"How are you going to explain yourself Noah?! How the fuck do you expect yourself to come up with a good explanation as to why you cheated on me-" I stood up and started to shove him the more I spoke. I didn't intentionally want to hurt him but I couldn't stop myself.

"and why the fuck you thought it was a good idea to tell me at" I hit his chest once.

"Our" I hit him again, pounding on his chest like a caged animal. But of course my hits weren't harmful too him, I was too emotional to be strong.

"Wedding." I banged one last time but his hands stopped me. He wrapped mine around his waist and he held me as I sobbed into his chest.

I've never cried this hard in my life. I was a sobbing mess, so much so that I couldn't even hold myself up and I fell to the ground, him dropping with me. We stayed there for a little bit, both of us crying at the misfortune that is our lives. Both of us crying at the fact that we lost the person we love the most.

Finally, he broke the silence.

"I was wrong. I'd been lied to and manipulated and-and...I was wrong." I pulled away from him and wiped my eyes, an unintentional groan leaving my lips.

"You still did it though Noah-"

"But I didn't." I was confused so I decided to let him continue. Maybe if the story is really terrible then it will help me get over him easier?

"John, my best man and best friend, well, ex-best friend now. He was the one that told me the next morning that I slept with the girl from my bachelor party. You see, I was too drunk to even remember what I had done and honestly, I don't remember anything from that night and he was my best friend so obviously I would believe him." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"Basically I was talking to Israel and he told me that it wasn't true. John was jealous of you because he felt like you were taking me away from him so he wanted to try and sabotage our relationship for good. Apparently he threatened the other guys so that they wouldn't tell me. I'm so sorry that I ruined our wedding. I'm so sorry I allowed anything to come in the way of us having our happily ever after. I'm so sorry."

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes before responding. "How do I know you're not just lying? I can't do this again Noah." My voice cracked at the end eliciting a whimper from Noah's lips.

"I know. There's a video showing me passed out after like 20 minutes of us being at the club and Israel takes me home. Here." He handed me his phone and I watched the 1 minute compilation of clips a good 5 times to try and see any problems with it. Him acting, girls near them, incorrect timestamps. Anything to prove he was lying. But there was nothing.

I handed his phone back and nodded my head, fixing my seating position so my feet were crisscrossed. He reached out to grab my hand and I hesitated for a second before letting him hold it. I shyly glanced up at him and gave him a light smile, him sending one back.

"I'm sure this isn't a shock but I still really want to marry you." His raspy voice always gives me butterflies, especially when he says sweet stuff like that.

"Me too. But I need a little bit of time to help rebuild my trust in you. Sorry, it's just I know it will eat me up inside if I marry you right away without feeling like I can 100% trust you like before." I looked down at our hands before looking back at him, a sweet smile plastered on his face.

"I understand. We can take this time to plan an even cooler wedding than the last." I couldn't help the blush that crept on my face at his words and I brought his hand up to my lips to give him a sweet kiss.

I moved my body so that my back was resting against his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. I snuggled into his chest and shut my eyes, enjoying the sound of his heartbeat. I was slowly starting to doze off but before I fully slipped into consciousness, I could hear him say something I've missed hearing him say the past week.

"I love you so much baby, more than you'll ever know."

Noah Centineo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now