heart eyes 4 u

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Request for KatieAllcorn9 !  I hope you enjoy thiss

Imagine going to school with one of the hottest guys in the world.  Scratch that, THE hottest guy in the world.  Well that's how I feel.  I go to school with Noah Centineo and he is the most perfect guy.  He's tall, dark and handsome, super smart, so insanely funny, talented, athletic, I could go on forever.  Most importantly, he's my best friend.

We've been friends since junior year.  He used to talk me into getting him cookies at the school's cafeteria and I used to talk him into giving me rides home.   It was the perfect relationship and is completely platonic, well, it was at least.

I don't know what switched in my head to make me think of him as something more.  Maybe it was his stupid jokes or his cute smile.  Or maybe it's the way he is nice to literally everybody he meets.  I'm not sure what exactly did it, but I am madly in love with him.

So madly in love that I can't even think about dating anyone other than him.  In fact, I can't think of anyone but him.  Day and night, Noah Centineo is on my mind playing like a broken record.  I think I've gotten to the point where I like him so much that it hurts to think about him.  Or maybe I'm past that point, I don't really know.  But what I do know is he doesn't love me back, not like that at least. 

*honk honk*

I finished tying my shoes and threw my backpack over my shoulder before leaving my house.  He was waiting for me, like always, at the end of my driveway.  I checked my phone and saw the time, 8:05, he was always on time.

"Noah" I nodded, stepping into his car.

"Katie" he replied, giving me his signature smirk and starting the car. 

The car ride was like any other.  We drove in silence, me trying to get a few extra moments of shut eye in before we reached our destination and him trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn't disturb me.  It was nice, kind of like we were just enjoying each others presence.  I was anyway.

We pulled up at school and hopped out of the car.  We both have our backpacks slung over one shoulder as we walk side by side into the school.

"So, I was thinking that for our english project we could-" He began to babble but I zoned out, unintentionally staring at him as his eyes lit up with this big idea he had for the boring project we had to do.  Another thing I loved, he brought light to dull situations.

"Katie?  Hellooooooo, earth to Katie." he waved his hands in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze and focusing on what he was saying.  I didn't even realize we were at his locker.

"Sure.  That uh- that sounds like a good idea." I muttered, pretending to know what he said even though we both know I do not.

"What's up with you?  You seem- distracted today." Ha, he thinks I'm distracted from him.  Little does he know that he's the one that's been distracting me...again.

"Sorry" was all I could muster out.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, concern laced all through his voice.  Yeah sure Noah, let's talk about my undying love for you and ruin our friendship.  Great idea!

"No.  I'm gonna go to class early."  I didn't give him a chance to say anything before I walked down the hall to my math class.  I pass my friend Ally and slam her locker shut, pulling her to the class we both have together.

"Hello to you too." She chuckled as we both took a seat at the back corner of the class.

"I can't take this anymore.  My feelings for Noah have gone out of control.  I couldn't even talk to him about our stupid english project without forgetting how to talk.  He does something to me that I can't explain and it's really starting to suck."  I kept my eyes glued to my shoes in sheer embarrassment that I've allowed myself to get feelings this strong for my best friend.  My best friend!

"Katie, I think you know what I'm gonna say." She said, her eyes fixated on me.

"Nope.  No thank you.  I can't tell him how I feel, it would ruin our friendship."

"Not if he feels the same way!"

"He doesn't" I groaned

"You don't know-"

"I do.  He doesn't."  I turned in my chair and faced the front of the class as the students piled in, Noah included.  I saw him look at me before taking a seat in a chair at the front of the class.  I could see Ally move closer to me.

"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it." She whispered before moving back to her original position just as the teacher walked in.

"Alright class, it's a work period today.  You can work in groups to complete the work on the board.  Or don't, it's really up to you."

I smiled to myself as I took out my headphones and plugged them into my phone.  Maybe I can get a break from Noah for a little while.  Nope.  I barely started the first song when I got a text.

Ally:  He's looked at you like 5 times since you've been on your phone.

I turned to look at her and glared.  Was he really looking?  I couldn't help my curiosity getting the better of me so I looked up and caught him quickly look away.  Hmm.

I'd periodically get texts from Ally telling me he was looking and the more I got them, the more I felt myself blush and grow nervous.  Did I look okay?  Was he looking at me cause I had something on my face?

Soon class ended, thank god, and I got my things and left.  Ally was by my side and Noah was already gone.  I sighed before exiting the class only to be met with the brown eyed boy.

"Hey Ally, could I borrow Katie for a minute?" He asked, almost sounding...nervous?  She only nodded and walked away, being sure to send me a wink before turning around.

"What's up?  You can't be weird like this to me I mean, you're my best friend."  I felt my heart sink the more I looked at him, his expression saddening the longer we waited in silence.  I couldn't bare to see our friendship break just because I couldn't keep my feelings in check.  But I had to tell him the truth.

"It's gonna ruin everything." I whispered, trying to prevent my voice from breaking away.  He put his hand on my chin to make me look at him.

"What are you talking about?  You could never ruin anything, not with us."  He replied softly, a sweet smile appearing on his face.  I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, ready to get this dreaded moment over with.

"I love you."  I said, way more confident then I expected.  He chuckled a little.

"I love you too silly."  He clearly didn't get what I meant.

"No, Noah, I love you.  I'm in love with you.  Like, not in a friend way."  I exhaled deeply, feeling this invisible weight come off my shoulders.

"Oh-" He whispered.

"I'm sorry" I whispered back, holding my eyes closed tight to ensure my tears didn't fall right in front of him.

"Thank fucking god.  I thought I was the only one who felt that way."  He laughed, causing me to open my eyes and look at him in confusion.

"What?"  I questioned, not sure if my ears deceived me.

"I'm in love with you too Katie.  Have been for a while actually."  He awkwardly scratched the back of his head as a smile crept on my face.

Without further thought I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down so his lips met mine.   They fit together so perfectly, this moment being way better than I could have ever imagined.  When we pulled away, we both had stupid grins on our faces.

"What do you say we skip the rest of the day and go for a drive?"  He asked as I extended my hand for his as my answer.  We made our way outside of the school, our feelings finally exposed.

"Say it again."  I could practically feel his smile on me as we walked out of the school.

"I love you Katie Allcorn.  So fucking much!"

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