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Long ago, there were 2 races. HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the HUMANS were victorious.

They sealed the MONSTERS underground using a powerful spell, ensuring their imprisonment underground.

A few centuries later, a HUMAN fell into the UNDERGROUND.

The king and queen's son, ASRIEL, heard their cries and rushed to their side.

At first, the HUMAN was weary of the MONSTERS but soon grew to love them dearly.

The HUMAN and ASRIEL became the best of friends, to the point where the HUMAN was adopted by the king and queen.

Seeing that the HUMAN had 'forgotten' everything before their fall, the king and queen decided to give them a new name.


One day, the royal family decided to see what the royal scientist, Dr. GASTER, was making.

He called his creation, 'the CORE'.

Dr. GASTER said that its purpose was to turn geothermal energy into magical electricity so it could provide every single MONSTER with power in their homes.

The creation was still being under construction when the royal family visited.

There were 2 royal guards accompanying the royal family during their visit.

They made sure that none of the royal children would wonder off.

But Chara somehow managed to wonder off from the rest of the family.

Despite getting several warnings from a short and a tall scientist, they still wondered off.

After a while, they reached a hallway that seemed like it was supposed to be connected right to the CORE's main panel.

But the hallway 's edge was really unstable and collapsed, taking Chara with it.

Everyone tried to catch Chara, but it was too late.

They had already disintegrated into white particles.

The CORE started to glow a very intense white, which worried everyone.

SANS, the short scientist, got close to everyone and teleported them away from the CORE.

The CORE exploded shortly after, sending some debris towards everyone.

PAPYRUS, sadly, was hit by a piece of flying metal right in his skull, rendering him unconscious.

ASGORE tried to knock back some of the debris with his trident.

SANS and Dr. GASTER tried to make sure that PAPYRUS was just fine.

The royal guards ran off to tell everyone the news.

Everyone had lost hope after that day.

The, so called, 'FALLEN ANGEL' was presumed dead.

The royal family had lost a child and almost their lives.

ASRIEL had lost their best and only friend.

But one day, another HUMAN fell down.

We shall start our story at this point...

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