Chapter 12: Obstacles in the way

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Asriel and Frisk walked into the CORE, trying to find the path that would lead them to New Home. Or that's what they thought. Only Asriel was sure. They were casually chatting whilst walking around in the CORE. Asriel mentioned New Home once again and said that it was at the end of the cavern, near the barrier. Frisk asked Asriel more casual questions like "What's your favorite color?" and "Why haven't you guys tried to escape yet?". Well, that last one wasn't really THAT casual. "We simply just don't want to leave the Underground. We're just fine down here." Asriel said. "Okay, if you say so." Frisk said, then continued walking, until a familiar blast destroyed the path right in front of him. Asriel rushed to Frisk's side, trying to protect his only remaining friend. Frisk looked around, panicking, until he spotted the culprit.


"Why, hello there. If you give me your SOUL now, you'll make my job a hundred times easier." Gaster said. Frisk just flipped him off. Gaster just got angry and fired at Frisk, only for Frisk to barely dodge that blast. His HP was now 3/20. The only healing item that he had on him was a slice of Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie. He ate the slice of pie, returning his HP to 20/20. "Frisk, what was that gesture and why is Gaster attacking you?" Asriel said, slightly panicking. "You'll get it when you're older." Frisk simply said, not answering Asriel's second question. "What??" Asriel said, before Gaster jumped onto him, pushing him off the ledge. Asriel held onto the ledge as tightly as he could. Gaster was stopping Frisk from reaching Asriel. "Hand over that precious SOUL of yours and I'll let your furry friend live." Gaster said. "Aren't you risking your status if you let the heir to the throne die?" Frisk asked. "Don't bring that up right now, child." Gaster said, before throwing a few bones at Frisk. Frisk dodged all of them. Gaster continued attacking Frisk, until Frisk decided to use Gaster's bone attacks as platforms to jump over Gaster and help up Asriel. "F-Frisk, Gaster is right beside you.." Asriel said. "I don't care, I'm not going to let you drop into that white abyss." Frisk said, DETERMINED to save his furry friend.

...until he got impaled by a bunch of bones.

Frisk pulled Asriel up, before dropping dead right in front of Gaster and Asriel. His SOUL appeared right in front of Asriel. Gaster was about to take it when Asriel absorbed it first, turning into an adult version of himself. Now with shoulder-pads and all! Gaster was impressed at first. "You... You killed him." Asriel said. "YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!!" Asriel yelled, before summoning a Chaos Saber and attacking Gaster. Gaster dodged that attack just fine. "Listen, we can make a deal. You can help me with my plan, and I'll revive your friend." Gaster said. 'Don't trust him. He just wants to use you, Asriel.' Frisk said, inside Asriel's mind. 'Are you sure? He said that he would bring you back to life...' Asriel said, not being impressed at all that Frisk was talking to him like this. 'Well, I don't trust him at all. Look, in Waterfall, he almost killed us!' Frisk said. ''re right. But, I don't want to kill him. Is there another way to get him to stop?' Asriel asked. Frisk stayed silent for a while. 'Frisk?' Asriel asked. 'I have an idea. How about you lure him into a place with a lot of... how did you call them?' Frisk asked, stopping mid-sentence. 'Royal Guards?' Asriel asked. 'Yeah, that. Maybe they will do something.' Frisk said, before going silent again. 'Alright, Frisk.' Asriel said, before focusing back on Gaster.

"Are you done looking around like a moron?" Gaster asked, getting impatient. "Why did you even wait for me?" Asriel asked. Gaster just blankly stared at Asriel, before firing a Gaster Blaster at him, hitting him right on his chest. But it only dealt 2 damage. "Try and catch me if you can, old man!" Asriel said, before getting past Gaster by hovering over the white abyss and finding solid ground again. "Come back here, you fool!" Gaster said, before chasing after Asriel. 'Wow, for a 'Royal Scientist', he seems to be pretty dumb.' Frisk said. 'Frisk, don't be mean!' Asriel said. 'Sorry.' Frisk said, before going silent again. Asriel continued running, going all the way back to Waterfall. All of the Royal Guards had gathered there because Undyne was giving an important speech. Seems like Asriel arrived just as Undyne ended her speech. "Undyne!! Help me!!" Asriel yelled. The Royal Guards turned around to see an adult Asriel yelling for someone to help him whilst running away from an enraged Gaster. Undyne jumped up into the sky and landed right in front of Gaster, forcing him to stop dead in his tracks. "I've had enough of your nonsense. You're coming with us." Undyne said, before making some handcuffs out of magic and handcuffing Gaster. The same type of magic that she uses to make her spears. Energy. "Hey, you oxymoron! Let me go right now! I can get Asgore to fire you! I have power!!" Gaster said. "Yeah, tell that to King Asgore himself." Undyne said, before some Royal Guards took Gaster away. Undyne walked towards Asriel. "Prince Asriel Dreemurr, how...?" Undyne said. "I just kind of... absorbed Frisk's SOUL. Don't worry, I'll find a way to revert back to normal, just, please don't tell mom and dad." Asriel said, looking down at the ground. "...alright, I won't tell them, but you owe me next time." Undyne said, then left. 'Are we done? Did it work?' Frisk asked. 'Yep, it worked. Now, time to bring you back to life by myself.' Asriel said...

...and he slowly walked back towards the CORE.

(I'm still waiting... for the plot-holes... to be found...)

((Okay, why do I keep saying that? It's pretty obvious that I'm waiting so I can fix them.))

(((Chara when? In the future.)))

(Villain logic.)

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