Chapter 3: Is this the end?

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3rd Person POV

Undyne phoned the Royal Guards in Hotland. "Royal Guard 1 and 2, if you see 2 humans, bring them to King Asgore. Alive." Undyne said, emphasizing on the 'Alive' part. "We won't disappoint you, Undyne!" Royal Guard 1 said, then ended the call. Undyne sighed in relief, knowing that the 2 other Royal Guards who are patrolling at the time won't kill the humans. After that, she left her house and started walking towards Snowdin.


Patience and Bravery passed the first waterfall in... Waterfall.

Asgore, why.

The temperature was getting less cold by the second, and the 2 humans didn't have to stay close to each other for warmth. After their bodies finally reached normal temperature, Patience pushed Bravery away. "Hey, you didn't have to push me in order for me to go a small distance away from you." Bravery said. Patience just ignored Bravery and looked around Waterfall. It really caught Patience's attention. The blue, glowing crystals, the seemingly glowing waterfalls, the black and blue ambiance... It was just really fascinating to Patience. On the other hand, Bravery found this place really boring.

Screw you, Bravery.

While they were walking, they had to get past a tall patch of grass. As soon as Bravery walked in the tall grass, Patience tackled them and put their hand over Bravery's mouth. Bravery was about to say something, when Patience pointed upwards to reveal Undyne standing near the ledge, looking around to find the source of the noise. After a while, Undyne left and the 2 humans got out of the tall grass. With them, a little monster kid got out of the tall grass. "Man, that was so COOL! Oh, isn't Undyne the best?" Monster Kid said, without introducing himself. "Haha... yeah..." Bravery and Patience said, not wanting to hurt Monster Kid's emotions. Monster Kid then ran off. "What's wrong with that thing..." Bravery said. "Bravery, even if it's a monster, you shouldn't call them a 'thing'. Would you like it if someone else called you a 'thing'?" Patience asked. "" Bravery said. "That's what I thought." Patience said. Bravery then continued walking, expecting Patience to follow after them.

Patience stood still, not wanting to move on from this area just yet. They wanted to see everything in this area, even the top of the ledge that Undyne was standing on. So, they tried climbing up the steep wall. Nothing. Patience backtracked, thinking that maybe there was a ramp that could help them. Instead, they found the one and only, Dr. Gaster. "Hello, human. Do not worry, this won't hurt a lot." Gaster said, then forced Patience into a BATTLE.

Patience was confused. They didn't know what a BATTLE was. Primarily because they had never gotten into a BATTLE up until this point. The monsters in the Ruins and Snowdin Forest just let them pass, because they never spotted any dust on Patience or Bravery. Patience chose ACT. The only option there was 'Beg for mercy'. So, Patience chose that. "P-Please, let me go.. I don't w-want to die!" Patience said, but Dr. Gaster completely ignored them. Gaster charged up a blast with his new invention, the Gaster Blaster, and fired it directly at Patience's SOUL, causing them to drop from 25 HP to 3. Patience cried out for help. Gaster waited for a few seconds. "But nobody came." Gaster said, then charged another blast and fired it at Patience. Bravery entered the BATTLE quickly and stood in front of Patience, taking the hit. Sadly, that caused their 18 HP to drop to 0, thus killing them instantly. Gaster put Bravery's SOUL in a container that he had just summoned before teleporting the container away. Patience got mad, seeing their friend die right in front of them. Patience tried to attack Gaster, only to deal 1 damage to him. Gaster just chuckled, charged another blast and fired it at Patience, killing them as well. Gaster summoned another container, put Patience's SOUL in it, and teleported it away.

"Well, that was easy. Now, I'll just have to continue my research until more humans fall down. I would rather risk my reputation than risk me losing my own life." Gaster said, then teleported away.

Chara's POV

This thing is tough. I still wonder how the writer can get out of the void so easily. Anyways, I tried looking around for any openings. None. The void is practically infinite, so why did I expect to find an opening? I'm such an idiot sometimes... Hey, this reminds me of the time that Asriel wore one of mom's robes. And he thought that it was stylistic, too! Haha, that goof. I wonder what he's been doing, now that I'm gone. And I wonder what the other humans are doing... Oh, wait. Damn... And I was starting to root for them, too! That fool, Gaster. Why did dad even let him keep his position as the Royal Scientist? Probably because he's currently the only one with enough requirements to have that position. Man, I sometimes hate monsters, but not for long. Now, humanity... That's a whole other story, but I don't hate all humans. Sure, I hate most of them, but not all of them. I can sometimes tell when a human is completely good or completely bad. I shouldn't think of everyone as evil just because some people were evil, right? Ha.. ha..

What a joke!

Almost every single human is evil!

And now, you might be thinking, 'Chara, if you hate humanity so much, then why were you starting to root for the 2 other humans?'. Because from their actions, I could tell that they weren't evil.

Now, if you don't mind, I will go back to trying to find a way to get out of this void.

(Can't tell if Chara is a hypocrite or not.)

((Where are the containers? Somewhere. Hidden.))

(((I finally had a good night's sleep. -w- )))

(Beds... so comfy.)

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