Chapter 1: The second fallen one

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3rd Person POV

The human fell down, their body landing onto the tiny flower sprouts. The flower sprouts barely broke their fall, causing the human to break their arm. The human slowly got up, took off the ribbon from their head and wrapped it around their broken arm. "...I think I should stay here." The human said, then sat down near the flower sprouts. Eventually, a familiar goat boy arrived at the spot with his goat parents. The human tried to hide, but Asriel found them. "Howdy! Are you hurt?" Asriel asked. "Patience.... Patience.... Stay patient...." The human kept mumbling. "Patience? Is that your name?" Asriel asked. Patience didn't say anything. "You have a really nice name. My name is Asriel." Asriel said, then extended an arm for the human.

Asriel's POV

This is amazing! This is the first human who has fallen down! Or was it the second one...? No, I'm pretty sure that this is the first human who has fallen down. And Patience... That's such an interesting name! It's so unique too! Mom and dad approached Patience and healed their arm. I actually didn't notice that they were hurt. The ribbon was red! Anyways, Patience tried to run away after mom was done healing them. Man, they didn't even take my hand. We would never have hurt them! Why did they run away? I saw them run towards Home, so I ran there, my parents chasing after me.

After a while of running, we found a worn dagger near the catacombs. Did they actually have a knife on them? Is that how they got hurt? I kept thinking until we arrived at a bunch of levers. We found the ribbon in a room. It seemed to be faded. After a long while of running, we arrived at Home. Nobody was there. And the door to Snowdin was still shut. How could a human disappear so quickly? I continue thinking as I return to Home and sit on the floor, near the fireplace.

Gaster's POV

I lately got reports of a human showing up. But it seems like they disappeared before I could get my hands on them. Why couldn't Sans, that imbecile, catch them?! I guess we'll have to wait until they come out of hiding. Humans are said to be dangerous, after all. But I don't think so at all. If I go out there right now, time spent on research will be wasted. Papyrus is still trying to recover. It seems like he lost his memories. Sans can help him with that. Right now, I am busy creating some extraordinary.

Sans's POV

Gaster... He has been acting strange these days... I do not trust him with any kind of SOUL. I let the human escape into Snowdin Forest. Perhaps, they are nice. Having a bit of hope once in a while does wonders. Now, Papyrus... At least he remembers us... I just hope that he's okay.

I have to keep an eye-socket out for Gaster.

Chara's POV

...huh? 'Chara's POV'? What is this, a book about a video game? Wait, have I become self-aware already? Wow... Seems like falling into the CORE does wonders to you. Also, 'The second fallen one'? Wow, another human fell? Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention to this dull and boring writing. The writer should really just give up and quit. Even when I was looking around in this void, I found them slacking off mid-chapter. Maybe that's why there are so many plot-holes. Also, are they seriously just going to call the human by their SOUL type instead of giving them a proper name? They have officially hit a new low. I know what you readers will say. 'Oh, Chara just shattered the fourth wall!'. Classic. The writer's family doesn't even support their books. They just want the author to become a doctor. Another classic.

Like, come on, even the creatures that were supposed to hunt me down are stupid. The author wrote them so badly that they can be defeated by a single plot-hole. Look, as soon as I snap my fingers, a void creature will appear behind me and try to attack me. That's just how the author's writing works.

And just, think about this! This entire story is just a dumb idea! Besides, there are other, much better books than this one. And the author of this story is not even trying! I mean, I exist only and only just to be self-relief for the author. You know, I allow them to express their emotions and their opinions about themselves.

And now, all of these stupid names that the players have given me. 'Bitch', 'Gay', 'Thunder' and everything in between. Is this funny to you? Naming me like I'm some sort of joke? Pathetic.

3rd Pers-

Halt! Author, were you trying to change the POV because I'm telling the truth? Wow. You really are pathetic. You don't want to accept the truth about yourself. You know what? How about I try and make this much better.


Much better. Now, you can do whatever the hell you want. I'll be waiting for the next time I show up.

Thunder's POV

Oh come on, Chara just messed up the POV names. *sigh* I already hate this. I'll try and fix this. And the plot-holes. Curse those goddamn plot-holes. Oh, you're waiting for the chapter to end, right? Uh... *sharp inhale* Uh......

S-So, Patience got 'lost'... The Dreemurrs gave up on finding them... Sans helped Patience hide in Snowdin Forest...

Uh, I got nothing.

I'll revert the POVs soon, don't you guys worry.

Also, just a reminder, 3rd Person POV is the POV that you should trust the most.

Uh, bye??

I... don't know how to properly end chapters.

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