Chapter 16: Introduced once again

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"What about the monster that is causing havoc?" Royal Guard 229 asked. Chara whistled, and all of the void creatures ran towards her. Frisk was about to go in front of her to protect her, but then he remembered their last encounter. The void creatures sat beside Chara, and Chara started petting them. "Can I...?" Frisk asked. Chara nodded, then let Frisk pet the void creatures as well. Royal Guard 229 just wished that they were at home right now, sleeping or drawing. After a while, the trio, and the void creatures, left Snowdin Town, and returned back to Home. Frisk had offered Chara to stay with him in Home, and Chara gladly accepted. Was she being too cheerful all of a sudden? Perhaps. Anyways, once they arrived right outside the door, Chara was starting to have second thoughts. "Are you okay?" Frisk asked. Chara nodded. "...I guess you've chosen to use body language to talk to me instead of actually speaking to me. Oh well, at least that lets me understand what you are trying to say." Frisk said, then approached the door with Royal Guard 229. Chara looked back at her pets. She told them something and they all ran off towards Snowdin Forest. Frisk and Royal Guard 229 opened the door, then closed it as soon as everyone passed through.

Chara was immediately hit with a bunch of memories about this place. Well, she DID use to live here at one point... But then, she ended up in the void. But whatever, the past is in the past, but she still hasn't let go of it. I guess that'll just happen with time... "Come on." Frisk said, holding out his hand for Chara. Chara just grabbed his hand, not really able to say anything to him. "Oh, I wonder how everyone will react to you being here..." Frisk said. Chara gulped. She hadn't thought of how everyone would react. Would they still remember her? Well, of course! She was the first one to fall down here! You can't really forget someone like that! ...or can you? Huh.

Anyways, Frisk, Chara and Royal Guard 229 slowly went up the stairs and entered Home. Toriel approached the trio, curious as to who Chara is. "My child, did you... find another human?" Toriel asked Frisk while Royal Guard 229 slowly left. "I... think they are a human. But they can't speak." Frisk said, moving to the side so Chara could stop hiding behind him. "Oh! Do not be afraid, my child. Nobody here will cause you any harm." Toriel said. Chara was starting to tear up, not from fear, but from happiness. She was back with her family at last. Chara ran towards Toriel and hugged her tightly whilst sobbing her heart out. "Seems like someone is happy to be here. I wonder why..." Frisk said, whilst Toriel returned the hug. Asgore and Asriel arrived to see where the sobbing was coming from, only for them to get hugged tightly by Chara as well. "Those types of hugs seem familiar, but I don't know why..." Asriel said, hugging back.


Chara backed out of the hug in shock. Does Asriel not remember her? "Human, or should I say, new friend, did Frisk rub off on you?" Asriel said. "Did you say anything about me?" Frisk asked. Chara was... confused. Why didn't Asriel remember her name? Actually, why didn't anyone recognize her? Was it because of the scars? The eyes? The clothes? I highly doubt it. Chara didn't even try to talk to Asriel, since she knew that nobody would understand her. She started crying, her tears hidden because of her scars. She ran straight into Frisk and Asriel's room, not wanting to look at her former family anymore. "Uh..?" Asriel said. "...I'll go check on them." Frisk said, then ran into his and Asriel's room.

Frisk entered the room, only to find a crying Chara sitting on his bed. "Are you okay...?" Frisk asked, actually expecting an answer. Chara just nodded. "You don't have to lie to me. You can think of me as a friend. A really close friend." Frisk said whilst approaching Chara. Chara looked towards him, still crying. Frisk sat near Chara and gave her a tight hug. "I might not know why you're crying, but I do know that everything will be better eventually. And if you think that crying is for the weak, you're wrong. Crying shows that you truly are strong." Frisk said whilst comforting Chara. Chara smiled and hugged Frisk back, her tears slightly staining Frisk's sweater. Frisk really did remind her of Asriel in some aspects. Mostly on the friend factor. Toriel walked into the room at that point. "My child, is everything-" Toriel said, but was cut off by Frisk. "Everything is fine, mom." Frisk simply said. Chara continued crying, her memories of Home flooding back and her newest discovery hurting her more. Toriel left the room afterwards, seeing how Frisk handled the situation just fine. "I hope one day, you can tell me some things about you..." Frisk said, then sighed. "Don't worry, I can wait." Frisk added. Chara just smiled and slightly nuzzled into his neck. "Is that supposed to be a 'Thank you'?" Frisk asked. Chara simply nodded. Frisk just smiled, not wanting his newest friend to start crying again.

Asriel then entered the room.

"Howdy, how are you guys doing?" Asriel asked. "We're both doing just fine." Frisk said. "How are you so sure?" Asriel asked. Frisk whispered something to Chara, then Chara turned to face Asriel whilst Frisk was trying to wipe her tears. "Howdy! Seems like Frisk knows how to make you feel better, huh?" Asriel said. Chara simply nodded.

She inhaled and exhaled as she thought of her new life which was awaiting her.





The Forgotten Soul [Discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن