Chapter 15: A wish come true

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Chara's POV

I wonder.

How long I've been here.

Feels like ages.

It's probably not.

But still.

My pets.

They cannot make me as happy as they used to.

As much as I adore them.

They're just like a bunch of misunderstood dogs.

They look dangerous but they are harmless.

Suddenly, I hear a sound.

A... crack?

The void...

There's a white crack in front of me.

Wait, it's open...

And I can see a more colorful world...

I use my hands to make the hole bigger, as I try to fit through.

Hearing a bunch of whining, I looked back to see all of my pets getting sad.

So, I decided that I'll be taking them with me.

I kept trying to make the hole big enough for them to pass through, one by one.

They also helped just by passing through the hole, forcing it to become larger so the rest can pass through.

In the end, I was the last one remaining, and I passed through the, now enormous, hole into this colorful world...

...wait a second, I remember this.

This is the Underground. So, I was here the entire time? But why didn't anyone help me? I was soon pulled out of my thoughts as I heard someone gasp behind me.

3rd Person POV

Chara turned to face the person who emitted the gasp. It was Monster Kid. "Woah, are you a human? You look so cool!" Monster Kid said, amazed by Chara's appearance. Chara's 'pets' then showed up behind her. "Are those your friends? They look so cool!!" MK said, clearly more amazed than afraid. "🕈☟✌❄ ❄☟☜ ☞🕆👍😐 ✋💧 🕈☼⚐☠☝ 🕈✋❄☟ ✡⚐🕆✍" (It's just pointless gibberish.) Chara said. "Oh, I see you're not a human then... But you look just like one! How do you do that?" MK said. Chara just didn't say anything, as she noticed that Monster Kid wouldn't understand her no matter what. "Are you unable to speak normally?" Monster Kid asked. Chara just ignored him and went towards Snowdin Town, her pets following right behind her. Monster Kid decided to follow her as well, but after a few creepy glares from Chara, he understood that he just shouldn't go near her at all.


Frisk and Asriel were sitting in the living room, reading books and drawing the cool parts of the books. But it seems like someone wanted to go outside instead of reading and drawing. Again. Frisk walked up to Toriel. "Mom, can I please go outside?" Frisk asked. "Only with your and Asriel's personal Royal Guard." Toriel said. "Royal Guard 229!" Toriel added. The monster hybrid in full armor walked up right next to Toriel. "What is your command, your majesty..." Royal Guard 229 said, wishing they were doing something else right now. "Please, keep an eye on my son, Frisk. If I find even the slightest scratch on his skin, you won't see the light of day." Toriel said, getting kind of creepy towards the end. Royal Guard 229 gulped. "O-Of course, your majesty. I will d-do my best." Royal Guard 229 said, then followed Frisk, who was walking towards the door leading to Snowdin Forest. Frisk thanked Toriel right before opening the stone door, with the help of Royal Guard 229, and walking out to the cold, snowy forest. Royal Guard 229 closed the door as soon as Frisk walked outside of Home (I'm counting the hallways leading to the door as part of Home.) .

Frisk and Royal Guard 229 walked through Snowdin Forest, having a few conversations during their little 'journey'. "So, how many times has your role changed?" Frisk asked. Royal Guard 229 sighed. "A lot. I've gone from something as simple as the person who cleans up every Royal Guard's armor to being the 2 royal children's personal Royal Guard. Sometimes, I just wish I could keep only one role for more than a few weeks." Royal Guard 229 said. " this actually not the job you wanted?" Frisk asked, having a feeling that the Royal Guard was lying. "I... Yes, you're right. This isn't the job that I always wanted. I wanted to be an artist, but my family forced me to become a member of the Royal Guard." Royal Guard 229 admitted. "So why don't you just quit your job and pursue your dream?" Frisk asked, curious. "It's not as easy as just quitting and focusing on something else. What will my family and friends think of it? What if I'm not successful and I'm forced to live on the streets? There are a lot of factors." Royal Guard 229 said, then stayed silent for the rest of the walk. Frisk felt slightly bad for the forced Royal Guard. Maybe one day, he could do something to help them pursue their dream of becoming an artist.

After a while of walking and a few stops to play games in the snow, the duo finally reached Snowdin Town. As soon as they reached Snowdin Town, a local resident came up to the Royal Guard. "Please, help us!! There's this monster that is wreaking havoc!!" The resident said, then pointed towards Chara, who was just staring at the trio. The resident ran away, screaming. Royal Guard 229 was about to get out their two-handed battleaxe, but Frisk stopped them as he recognized who this was. "You're... the person in the black room... that means... my wish came true!" Frisk said, then ran up to Chara, hugging her. Chara was confused at first. What wish? How is Frisk able to interact with her now? Can he understand her? "👍✌☠ ✡⚐🕆📬📬📬 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎 💣☜✍" ("CAN YOU... UNDERSTAND ME?") Chara asked. "I... have no idea what you just said. Can you speak English?" Frisk asked. Chara nodded, but all that came out were more wingdings. "Maybe, with time, you can speak English again..?" Frisk said, being unsure himself.

Chara thought of being normal again, and smiled.

But it wasn't the creepy smile that she was used to doing.

It was an actual, genuine smile.

(Update?? Update!!)


(((I'm still alive!! I... think...)))

(My throat feels sore.)

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