Chapter 9: A childish adventure

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(This chapter is a few months after Chapter 8.)

Frisk kept asking Toriel if they could go outside, only for Toriel to always deny their request. Eventually, Frisk had enough and decided to sneak out. They were getting ready, the newly added clock striking 9:30 PM. This was the hour that Toriel forced Frisk and Asriel to go to bed. Frisk was sitting on their newly added bed, happy that they didn't have to share a bed with Asriel anymore. Asriel was laying on his bed, his back turned towards Frisk. Frisk got out the things that they decided to take with them from under their bed. It was simply a yellow scarf and a white tank-top, due to Asriel telling Frisk about the entire Underground. Asriel let Frisk borrow his scarf and his tank-top, due to them being really close friends and because Asriel never actually wore that tank-top. Frisk got off of their bed and headed towards the door. "Hey, Frisk, where are you going with those clothes?" Asriel asked. Frisk turned around to see Asriel sitting up on his bed. "Don't tell mom, but I'm sneaking out." Frisk said. "Oh! Can I come with you? I have never snuck out before..." Asriel said. "Sure thing, Asriel. Just don't tell mom and dad." Frisk said, then waited for Asriel to change into his casual outfit. Frisk didn't change after Toriel forced them to go to bed. Once Asriel got dressed up, Frisk slowly and cautiously opened the door. The lights had been turned off, but Frisk could still make out where everything was. But Asriel couldn't really see as well as Frisk, so he had to hold Frisk's hand. (L-LEWD!!)

Eventually, the 2 children tiptoed all the way to the door leading to Snowdin. Asriel decided to leave a note on the door saying that he and Frisk just went for a walk. Asriel helped Frisk open the door and then they closed it as soon as they stepped outside into Snowdin Forest. Frisk was still amazed by all of the snow, despite Asriel telling them before that Snowdin was full of snow. Frisk wrapped the yellow scarf around their neck and moved on, Asriel following right behind them. The 2 children walked all the way to Snowdin Town, but not without stopping every once in a while to play in the snow. As soon as they arrived in Snowdin Town, Frisk noticed the missing posters of the previous children that fell before them. They felt some sort of 'déjà vu' whilst looking at the missing posters. "We are still looking for them..." Asriel said, a hint of sadness in his voice. Frisk was trying to figure out why the posters seemed familiar to them.

They figured out absolutely nothing, so they just moved on.

Everyone who was still awake and roaming around was nice to Frisk and Asriel in Snowdin Town. It was a really nice-looking town as well, so Frisk and Asriel made a mental note to ask Toriel and Asgore if they could visit Snowdin every once in a while. After staying in Snowdin Town for a while, the 2 children decided to move on deeper into the Underground. But they didn't know that 2 people were watching them.

Gaster was always staying behind them, hiding in nearby areas. He had to change his approach due to Asriel being with Frisk. He would never hear the end of it from Toriel and Asgore if he hurt Asriel in the slightest. This time, Sans was keeping an eye on Frisk as well. After countless Genocide runs, I can see why he would do that. Sans was really suspicious of Frisk, but noticed the sudden change in behavior. How Asriel and the Dreemurrs were still alive, how there was no dust on them, how their eyes were closed this time, how they acted so nice to everyone. And, most importantly, how Papyrus was still alive. Seeing as they didn't do anything bad yet, he relaxed a bit, and went back home to take a nap.

"I told you that Snowdin was cool." Asriel said, making an accidental pun. Frisk just looked away, removed the yellow scarf and sighed. "Yeah, it was pretty cool." Frisk said, not really wanting to make a pun but being forced to. "Was that a pun?" Asriel asked. Frisk just sighed and moved on (Frisk likes puns, they just like good ones.) . "Come on, it wasn't THAT bad." Asriel said. Frisk just turned around, stared at Asriel for a few seconds and moved on. This time, in Waterfall, there were a few more guards than before, and Undyne was on patrol. Frisk immediately noticed Undyne and hid in the tall grass. "Frisk, why are you-" Asriel said, but got cut off by Frisk pulling him into the patch of tall grass. "Shhh..." Frisk said, then pointed at Undyne, who was nearby. "Oh, I see." Asriel whispered, then stayed silent. Gaster was getting impatient and fired a Gaster Blaster in the tall grass, missing Frisk and Asriel only by an inch. Undyne looked up to see the source of the blast, only to see Gaster standing on a nearby ledge. "GASTER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Undyne yelled at Gaster. "Your job." Gaster said, then tried to fire a blast at Undyne. Undyne dodged it and threw a few spears at Gaster's labcoat, sticking him onto the wall. "ROYAL GUARDS! TAKE THAT TRAITOR TO KING ASGORE! He shall give you your judgement." Undyne said, then jumped onto the ledge Gaster was on. "Quickly, let's leave this area." Frisk whispered. Asriel nodded and tried to sneak past the Royal Guards. Frisk followed right behind Asriel this time. Luckily, none of the Royal Guards saw them.

And so, their little adventure continued.

(I need to explain something.)

((I'm not changing the schedule (yet.), I just keep getting distracted by a lot of stuff.))

(((I'm sorry, I'll try to pay more attention tomorrow.)))

(Point out the plot-holes right............ now.)

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