Chapter 17: Small fragments of remembrance

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A few days have passed since Chara was reunited with the Dreemurrs.

Other than Chara crying less and less around the Dreemurrs and Asriel remembering a bit more than before, nothing much changed.

Right now, Frisk and Asriel were playing with some action figures they found at Waterfall while Chara was knitting something. "YOU CANNOT DEFEAT US, WE ARE THE ULTIMATE TEAM OF VILLAINS!!" Asriel yelled, then pretended to attack Frisk with the action figures. "But the heroes always win!!" Frisk replied, then pretended to fight back. Chara just looked at them and sighed. "Hey, I can hear you sigh!!" Asriel said, looking at Chara. Chara was about to say something, but Toriel and Asgore were right there. And she still couldn't really speak. But she was getting better and better. Her eyes have started to turn into a dark gray instead of the pitch black that they once were, and she could say some words without them sounding like a garbled mess, or should I say, wingdings. But strangely, Chara still chose not to speak. Maybe she's just waiting until she can speak perfectly again...? Only she knows. Anyways, after Asriel said that, Chara went back to knitting. "What are you even knitting?" Frisk and Asriel asked at the same time. "✌☼☜ ✡⚐🕆 👌☹✋☠👎 ⚐☼ 💧⚐💣☜❄☟✋☠☝ ☹✋😐☜ ❄☟✌❄📪 ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠ 👍☹☜✌☼☹✡ ❄☜☹☹ 🕈☟✌❄ ✋❄ ✋💧...sweater." Chara answered. "A sweater..? Why?" Asriel asked. Chara just looked away and slowly pointed at Frisk. "A sweater... for me? Oh, how nice of you!" Frisk said, then approached Chara and gave her a hug. Chara simply stayed silent and hugged Frisk back. "Ooh, Ooh, let me join in the hug!" Asriel said, then hugged Frisk and Chara, creating a group hug. Chara didn't want to let go of the hug, but eventually, she had to, due to everyone getting uncomfortable. After that, she went back to knitting while the boys continued playing with the action figures.


Asriel had gone outside with Royal Guard 229, since he wanted to explore. Frisk isn't allowed to get out of the house for a week, due to his past shenanigans. Chara is just sitting alone in Frisk and Asriel's room. She has been sleeping on Frisk's bed these days because 1) All of the other beds are taken. 2) Frisk's kindness is too much sometimes. He chooses to sleep on the floor just so Chara is comfortable. Strange. Anyways, I guess that makes that sweater that Chara is knitting for him a 'Thank you for your kindness'-type of gift. Huh. Anyways...

Chara had decided to take a break from the knitting and laid down on the bed, just to wind down a bit. She had to admit, after a while, it just hurt her hands. Then, Frisk walked into the room... Chara waved at him, only to not get a reply. "....what's wrong?" Chara said, struggling a bit just to say that short sentence. No response. ".....Asriel?" Chara asked. "No, I am not upset over Asriel. I'm upset over something... personal." Frisk finally replied, but with an angry tone in his voice. Chara stayed silent after that, not wanting to add fuel to the fire. Frisk then exited the room and slammed the door behind him shut.

Chara was pretty sure that Frisk would get yelled at for acting like this.

[Time-skip, a few weeks later...]

Finally, Frisk's extended punishment was over. He could go outside the house again, obviously with Royal Guard 229 accompanying him. But lately, something strange happened. Royal Guard 229 mysteriously disappeared. But also, people could sometimes see dust being flown around due to the slight wind. That sign worried Toriel and Asgore a lot, so the Royal Guards are constantly on patrol, looking around for the culprit.

"I want to go outside!" Frisk said. "Frisk, don't you understand? You'll get injured-" Toriel said, but was cut off by Chara. "....I will protect him." Chara said, whilst pointing towards herself. "But..." Toriel was about to say, but Chara's glare cut her off. "That glare reminds me of someone... A human child that was really determined, just like Frisk..." Toriel paused to think.

"Alright, you can accompany him. But be extra careful. I believe that you two might be strong enough, but still. Be careful, okay?" Toriel said, after sighing. "Alright, mom!" Frisk said, then ran off, Chara chasing him.

Oh, it seems like I almost forgot to mention something. Chara, Frisk and Asriel had started training with Undyne and Asgore during those past few weeks. Chara and Frisk, both being humans with a DETERMINATION SOUL, had a significant advantage when training with Undyne. But when training with Asgore, Asriel had the advantage, due to him being a monster capable of using magic with ease. Since they can no longer leave the house that easily, Asgore now trains them in offense, defense and magic. Toriel had her doubts on these decisions but after a while, they seemed worth it.

Toriel sat back onto her arm-chair, thinking about everything up to this point...

She just hopes that they'll be alright.

3rd Person POV, following Frisk and Chara

Frisk and Chara had just stepped out into Snowdin Forest, closing the stone door behind them. "Aw, I forgot my scarf..." Frisk said, slightly disappointed. Chara really couldn't do anything about that, so she just walked ahead. "HEY, WAIT FOR ME!!" Frisk said, running after Chara. " magic?" Chara said, still not being very talkative. "But you know that neither of us can do it..." Frisk said. Chara just looked away, knowing that Frisk was semi-right. Neither of them could do it at the moment. Eventually, the 2 kids stumbled across a metallic glove. Chara picked it up, only to turn it upside down. A bunch of dust flew out of it. "Is that...?" Frisk asked. ".....I think." Chara replied. "Now I'm worried." Frisk said, not sounding worried at all. "....let's just go." Chara said, walking ahead. "Alright..." Frisk said, following right behind her.

And so, the 2 kids kept their guard up as they ventured towards Snowdin Town.


((I was supposed to be studying right now.))

(((How did I end up here??)))

(Oh, if you're actually reading this, "Hello!")

((Also, don't worry, guys, Asriel is still alive.))

The Forgotten Soul [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें