Chapter 6: Keep attacking

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'Frisk' continued through Waterfall, the entire area seeming dull and boring to them. But every once in a while, a mysterious force stopped them. It was really strange to look at. Sometimes, they would even go to the wall and 'have a seizure', as Chara likes to call it. They weren't actually having a seizure, though. They were just moving against the wall really fast. And, just like that, they got enough encounters to satisfy the quota set for Waterfall. Now, they just had to meet up with Undyne...

...and Gaster.


Monster Kid kept following 'Frisk' like normal, telling them that they reminded him of some other humans that had fallen. 'Frisk' hadn't taken notice of the other humans falling down. Hell, they didn't even notice the missing posters. They were too busy going on a Genocide route to care.

After a while, they saved their progress right before the encounter with Undyne on the bridge. Seems like someone has already seen everything before 'playing'. Wow, what a dick move. That just ruins the entire 'game'. Anyways, 'Frisk' saved their progress again, just to make sure, and walked towards the bridge. Monster Kid then said his normal dialogue, until 'Frisk' turned around and walked towards him. Monster Kid tried to act brave, but was almost struck down by 'Frisk'. Undyne had taken the hit for Monster Kid. Monster Kid said more of his dialogue, until Undyne told him to leave. Undyne then began her monologue.

Chara's POV


I hope.




She dies.


A shame.

Ha. Ha.

Nobody will survive.

3rd Person POV

After Undyne finished her monologue, she transformed into The Heroine. 'Frisk' wasn't impressed at all. In fact, it felt like they had already done this before. 'Frisk's' SOUL changed into green, and they acquired a spear to defend themselves against incoming attacks.

The attacks started off pretty simple. Just a few spears coming from the front. But then, a few spears, with a lot more speed than the first ones, came in from the sides and the back. 'Frisk' was able to deflect them all, luckily. They attacked back and dealt 1578 damage. As 'large' as that number might seem, it only shaved off a really small portion of Undyne's health. Then, there was a somewhat simpler attack. Just fast spears, coming from the sides. 'Frisk' easily deflected those attacks. They attacked back again. Or should I say, kicked back again. 1637 damage. This attack was slow, but confusing. 'Frisk' had enough of staying stationary and letting the attacks come to them, and just attacked out of turn. Undyne was surprised how 'Frisk' dared to break the turn system. So, Undyne broke it as well, starting to attack out of turn and without any limits.

'Frisk' suddenly felt a surge of power within them and started charging at Undyne. Undyne was throwing a lot of really fast spears from all directions towards 'Frisk'. Only a god could get out alive.

Sadly, 'Frisk' wasn't a god. They were just a 'player' in a 'game'. And so, their HP quickly depleted to 0 and their SOUL shattered. A screen that would soon be familiar to them showed up.

 A screen that would soon be familiar to them showed up

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(This GIF sucks. Also, shout-outs and references. If you find them, good job, I'm proud of you.)

2nd Attempt

'Frisk' loaded their SAVE, then ran back to the bridge. The same things happened, only that Undyne didn't say her monologue. As soon as the battle started, Undyne summoned a lot of spear under 'Frisk's' feet. 'Frisk' managed to dodge those just fine. They then realized that the turn system was now completely gone. They had to attack fast or else they would die or the battle would never end. 'Frisk' looked around and spotted a few pointy rocks, right under the bridge. They had a plan. They ran towards Undyne, only to get hit by the spear that she was wielding. The knock-back sent them flying towards the pointy rocks, getting impaled by them and instantly dying.

3rd Attempt

'Frisk' waited a bit before going back towards the bridge. How could they get Undyne to fall of the bridge? The first idea that came to their mind was to knock her back into them. They would have to attack Undyne at full force to manage to knock her back. After deciding on what to do, they went back towards the bridge. Undyne didn't say her monologue again. 'Frisk' got out of the way of any attacks before Undyne could attack. They then quickly charged towards Undyne and performed a jump-kick. Undyne was pushed back very slightly. She then hit 'Frisk' with her spear again. The knock-back sent them flying onto Gaster, who was standing at the end of the bridge. Gaster summoned a Gaster Blaster, and turned 'Frisk' into nothingness.

4th Attempt

'Frisk' was confused. Who was that? 'I... want to stop doing this.' They thought, but they couldn't stop. Something wasn't letting them stop. They walked towards the bridge again, having the same plan as before. This time, they made sure to watch out for Gaster as well. As soon as Undyne transformed, 'Frisk' kicked her at full force, causing her to get pushed back very slightly again. This time, 'Frisk' parried Undyne's spear (with the spear that they had for deflecting attacks.) . There they were, staring right into each other's SOUL with pure hatred. The heroine versus the murderer. They stayed like this for a while, until Frisk overpowered Undyne, pushing her back and attacking again. Undyne then did something that she had never tried before. She managed to grab 'Frisk' by the leg mid-kick. She stared at 'Frisk' for a while. "Your killing spree has finally come to an end." Undyne said, before throwing 'Frisk' onto the sharp, pointy rocks with all of her might.

5th Attempt

'Frisk' attacked Undyne before she could transform. That managed to make 'Frisk's' plan of killing Undyne by pushing her into the pointy rocks successful, but then Gaster obliterated 'Frisk' with a few Gaster Blasters.

[A few attempts later...]

37th Attempt

Okay, this was just getting ridiculous. 'Frisk' was starting to feel something... Regret? Sadness? Desperation? Something, but they weren't sure of what it was. They let out a sigh and went towards the bridge. "Still trying? Wow, you humans really are determined, huh? Well, that won't last for long." Undyne said, before transforming once again. This time, 'Frisk' just stood still, just to see what would happen. Undyne just stared at them, confused. "Are you not going to attack after all of those times?!" Undyne asked. 'Frisk' said nothing. "Well, that's fine by me!" Undyne said, then charged towards 'Frisk' with her spear pointed towards 'Frisk's' SOUL, only for a familiar beam to push her away. 'Frisk' then quickly charged and kicked Undyne into the pointy rocks, killing her. 'Frisk's' LV increased. They quickly turned to look at Gaster. "My, that wasn't calculated at all." Gaster said.

'Frisk' charged towards Gaster, tired of him killing them constantly. "I really did not want her to steal my kill." Gaster said, then patiently waited for 'Frisk'. 'Frisk' quickly moved around and jumped off the bridge, just to grab on the edge of the path leading to the end of Waterfall. Gaster stepped on the hand that they were using to hold onto the edge. "My, my, what a stupid move. Now, any last words?" Gaster asked. 'Frisk' didn't say anything, they just grabbed Gaster's leg with their other hand and dragged him down, causing him to fall onto the pointy rocks. 'Frisk's' LV increased once again. Before Gaster could die and turn into dust, he charged a Gaster Blaster at 'Frisk' and fired it. 'Frisk' barely managed to dodge that, leaving them with 1 HP and a lot of battle wounds. They sat down, ate a few Cinnamon Buns, saved their progress and moved on towards Hotland.

Nothing can stop them now.

(Long chapter.)

((And that means, more plot-holes. Hooray for me.))

(((I got exhausted making that GIF.)))

(You can use it, if you want. Just credit me. Zzzz....)

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