Chapter 8: This is no longer just a game

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Frisk's POV


...ow, my head.

It feels...



I open my eyes for a split second, indicating that I'm awake. "Oh! Are you finally awake?" Someone asked me. I just turned around to face the wall, not wanting to talk to that person just yet. I started thinking. Where was I? And then I remembered that I tripped and fell down a hole in a cave. Inside of MT EBOTT. Wait... Why was I there? Oh, right, I was exploring...


Why was I exploring again? memory is really foggy right now.

Maybe later, I'll remember the rest.

I turned around to face this person now. They weren't a person as in, a 'human'. They were some sort of anthropomorphic goat with white fangs and snowflake-white seemingly fluffy fur. They also had a tuft of... white hair? Can you really call it hair in this situation? I don't know. Anyways, they seem to be friendly... "Hello? Are you awake?" The 'person' asked me. "Mhmm.." I said, not really in the mood to properly speak. Well, in the morning at least. Is it even morning here? I have no idea and there are no clocks in this room! I heard the person gasp as I gazed around the room. "Mom! Mom! The human is awake!" I heard them yell as they exited the room and closed the door, just like an excited child would. I slowly got up and followed after them, just to see where they would go.

I peeked from around the corner and saw the 'person' talking to 2 bigger anthropomorphic goats. Perhaps they are a family..? Both of them were pretty large in size, so I'm just assuming things... The more interesting thing was how the tallest of the bunch had golden-colored hair and a big, also golden-colored beard. He was also wearing a crown and golden, pointy shoulder-pads... I think they are a he, due to the big horns. Anyways, is he a king of some sorts..? Does that mean that this is a royal family? I was too deep into thought to realize that someone was talking about me.

3rd Person POV

"Seems like your friend is thinking about something." Toriel said. Asriel just kept asking Frisk their name. "Asriel, my son, I think you should let your friend answer." Asgore said, trying not to sound rude or mean. "Okay, dad!" Asriel said. "So, howdy, my name is Asriel, what is your name?" Asriel said, then waited for Frisk's answer. "...w-well, everyone calls me 'Frisk'..." Frisk said, ready to add to that sentence and immediately forgetting the rest of it. "Frisk? That's a nice name!" Asriel said, then hugged their new friend. Frisk was confused, but still hugged back. "I've never hugged a human before... It strangely feels different from hugging a monster." Asriel said. Frisk got even more confused, and slightly creeped out by what Asriel said. "It feels... warmer and more soft." Asriel said, creeping Frisk out even more. Toriel then just separated the two and sent Asriel to his room. "Oh don't worry, young human, Asriel just can't express himself very well." Asgore reassured Frisk.

At this point, Frisk just felt really uncomfortable.

Frisk decided to look around this room as well, just to forget about what just happened with Asriel. There were a few family photos, which upon closer inspection, had a huge smudge on them. Frisk was curious as to why the picture was smudged and why the Dreemurrs never fixed them, but decided not to investigate, due to thinking that they would break the Dreemurrs' personal boundaries.

Chara's POV



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