Chapter 18: Investigating Snowdin

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Frisk and Chara continued walking, keeping the metallic glove with them. Maybe it could help them find Royal Guard 229 themselves? Who knows, it's something related to a missing person, it could possibly help them somewhere. Frisk could hear some shuffling within the depths of Snowdin Forest, but decided not to talk about it. Chara, on the other hand, was becoming pretty vocal, despite her limited capability of talking.

At least Frisk didn't have to worry about that.

Continuing their walk, they stumbled across another metallic glove, this one filled with snow instead. "Why would anyone do this....? That just seems impractical." Frisk said. Chara chucked to herself slightly whilst holding both gloves. "What's so funny?" Frisk asked. " fridge." Chara said. Frisk just stared, not finding it funny at all. Chara noticed that this was getting pretty awkward, so she stopped laughing and moved on, still having the gloves in her hands.

Frisk will never understand why Chara was laughing.

Nobody will.

Because that was pretty stupid.

Anyways, as the 2 humans carried on, they kept finding more and more parts of armor, each of them filled with something different. There was a dog wearing the chestplate! 'Silly dog, you can't be a member of the Royal Guard. You haven't even trained yet!' Chara thought whilst petting the puppy with the shining chestplate. Frisk, on the other hand, had started to empty out the metallic armor parts and started wearing them. He looked like a ridiculous knight right now, which Chara found... well, ridiculous and slightly funny, as Frisk would sometimes stop to pose and say something 'heroic', like "I am going to save the princess from the foul beast!" and "Oh, your majesty, I shall protect you at all costs!" and things like that.

Chara liked how much of a goof Frisk could be sometimes.

Despite all that, some armor parts were still missing. Frisk and Chara looked everywhere, but to no avail. "...I guess we should just move on." Frisk said, then walked ahead. But Chara stayed behind this time, without Frisk noticing. She kept staring at Frisk, who was way ahead of her, unsure if she should go and catch up with him. Something just didn't feel right. Frisk kept going ahead, still wearing the armor parts. Chara wanted to catch up to him, she really did, but she felt like something... or someone... was watching her. A bunch of glowing eyes appeared from within the forest. Chara felt as if the world was becoming darker and darker...

The eyes, they approached closer and closer, and Chara felt more and more scared. She shut her eyes and awaited the attack.

But it turns out, the glowing eyes were just her void creatures.

They all tried to nuzzle against Chara's sides, but due to their size, they just made Chara fall onto the snow instead. Chara opened her eyes after a certain amount of time, only to see her void creatures laying near her.

She immediately got up and started petting all of them, as if they were big doggos, even though the void creatures do indeed act and look like big doggos. She was so happy to see them again. She had to admit, she kind of missed them and wished that Toriel would let her keep them inside of the house.

Well, to be honest, Toriel didn't even know of the void creatures' existence.

And she shouldn't.

The moment was then interrupted by a running Frisk. "Oh, there you are! God, I thought you got attacked by something! Don't do that again!" Frisk said, slightly angry at Chara, whilst gently pushing the void creatures away from her. "....why do you care?" Chara said, upset. "Because you are my friend, and I care for my friends...??" Frisk said, then mumbled something under his breath, which made him look away and slightly blush. "...what was the rest?" Chara said. "N-Nothing-" Frisk said. "Let's just move on..." And then he walked ahead again, this time, Chara following right behind him.

[Time skip...]

Finally, they had gotten out of Snowdin Forest and had entered Snowdin Town. The void creatures kept following Chara, but she eventually ordered them to return to their hiding spots. She didn't want them to scare the Snowdin Town inhabitants again. "Ah, Snowdin Town. I love this place." Frisk said, whilst looking ahead, towards the start of Waterfall. Meanwhile, Chara was observing her surroundings. The shop, the hotel, the Christmas tree, Frisk-

"Uh, hello? Chara? Can you stop staring at me like that, it's making me uncomfortable..." Frisk said. Chara then apologized and turned her gaze somewhere else.

At least she was grateful that Frisk finally called her by her name, after having told him her name some weeks ago.

Chara then spotted a shining object, flying over the sky. "Frisk, watch out!" Chara said, hurting her throat quite a bit. Frisk turned around, only for the object to hit him right on his head, knocking him out instantly due to the force. The object was apparently RG 229's helmet. Chara picked up the helmet, put it on Frisk, just so now he could complete his armor set just a bit more, and then picked up and carried Frisk all the way to the hotel.

"Hello, welcome to Snowed Inn. Would you like to rent a room- Wait." The Innkeeper said, before starting to whisper. "Is your friend asleep over there?" The Innkeeper added, whilst pointing at Frisk. "....uh, yes! Yes. They are asleep." Chara whispered as well. 'I guess it makes sense that people can't recognize Frisk with the armor that he's wearing...' Chara thought. "Oh... Well, would you like to rent a room? It's only 80G." The Innkeeper whispered. Chara put down Frisk for a moment just to check her pockets for any G, but she only found an expired coupon for 'Nice Cream: Snowdin's newest winter treat!'. 'Oh, that was so long ago...' Chara thought, before putting the expired coupon back in her pocket. "....I don't have 80G...." Chara admitted. "Oh, you poor soul... You must've gone through a lot. I can tell by your appearance. Here, I'll let you two in a room for free, okay?" The Innkeeper said, then escorted Chara, who was still carrying Frisk, to their room.

Chara laid Frisk down on the bed, took off the armor and covered him with a blanket. Meanwhile, she decided that she would sleep on the floor, as to not disturb Frisk. Chara laid down on the floor and stared at Frisk, who was still unconscious. "....sweet dreams, Frisk." Chara said, as exhaustion took over and she fell asleep.

(look, i updated.)

((i blame RubyReyes297 for me not updating earlier-))

(((you distracting goof.)))

(also, i love you, aaaaaaaaaa-)

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