Chapter 4: The other ones' fates

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3rd Person POV

Every few days, another human fell.

First, it was a very honest SOUL called Integrity. They met their end not from Gaster, but from Sans after telling him their opinion of him in very great detail. Some monsters from Waterfall then took their items and scattered them throughout Waterfall, because finders keepers and because they weren't careful enough with their new belongings.

After Integrity came Perseverance, a human that didn't easily give up. This human was really close to Hotland, but they met with Gaster. They managed to run away a few times but after a while, Gaster was the winner. Gerson later found their items and took them for his shop.

After Perseverance was Kindness, a kind-hearted human. They were the first human to have managed to reach Hotland. And they went really far. Sadly, Gaster was on their tail since his Lab was there. Sadly, their kindness couldn't save them. The blast sent their frying pan flying and ruined their apron's edges a bit.

And the last human to fall was Justice. A human who always wanted everything to be in the right order. They had managed to get to Hotland as well. In fact, they got further than Kindness. How? Every time they found Gaster, they would shoot towards Gaster's eyes, rendering him blind for a while. Eventually, they reached a fountain near the, still unfinished, CORE. They tried to run away, but Gaster got their SOUL. The items left there were taken by Bratty, Catty and Alphys.

A lot of missing posters have been placed everywhere, each of them having a rough drawing of each human and their name. The reward for each human was 500G. A lot of monsters went looking for the other humans, just for the reward, but none of them ever found the humans. Only Gaster knows where the humans are actually hidden. He was the one who went and gathered their SOULs after all. Even when Sans killed Integrity, Gaster showed up and took the SOUL.

Now, he's missing only one SOUL.


Only then will his plan be successful.

Now, he waits in the depths of his Lab. He waits for that one SOUL.

Now, let's see what the others are doing...

Toriel has fallen into a state of depression, being unable to keep all of those humans in bay. She thinks that she's the reason why all of them are gone. Asgore keeps trying to calm her down whilst also trying to keep the monsters in bay. He always has to come up with different ways of keeping the peoples' hopes up or else all of them will 'fall down'. Asriel has just been worried about all of his 'friends'. He hopes that one day, they will be found.

Oh Asriel...

Undyne feels defeated for letting the humans leave just like that. The Royal Guards in Hotland never did anything and now have to work twice as hard for half the pay they got.

That's what you get for acting like a stoner who is also a surfer.

Now, let's see...

Chara's POV



Get me out of here.

I don't want to be in this hell-hole anymore.




Why?! Why did he have to kill all of those humans?! They didn't bother him or anything!!

...well, Integrity kinda deserved it, but, c'mon.

I really miss my family.

And my void creature army isn't helping me.


Get me out.

I want to go home.




3rd Person POV

Time goes by fast when you aren't paying attention.

But when you are, time goes...




...I actually have nothing to say.

Maybe you're better off without me.

...I'm just kidding.

I can't leave you alone.

Because then, the book would be somewhat unreadable.

I mean, 3rd Person POV is really important, even if you don't think so.

I'll be going now, I just made this chapter really boring.

Gaster's POV

Finally, my plan is almost done. I just need one more SOUL, and then, nobody will be able to stop me. Sans then stormed in the room. "Sans, don't you know how to knock?" I asked him. "Shut up, Gaster. I know what you are trying to do and I won't let you do it." Sans said with a 'threatening' look on his face. "Then, stop me. Come on. I dare you." I said, giving him a cocky grin. He then attacked me with another Gaster Blaster. "Huh?! How did you get that?! Only I have the prototype!!" I said, surprised. "Let's just say that your blueprints helped me a lot." Sans said, then continued charging blasts towards me. After a while of dodging and charging, I had enough and summoned a blue bone cage around Sans. Sans kept trying to use his Gaster Blaster but I neutralized it by slicing it in half with a few bone attacks. "See? You cannot stop me." I said, as I slowly left the room. I'm pretty sure that he will stay there for all eternity. I chuckled to myself and went back to my blueprints.

Sans's POV

Gaster thinks that I'm stupid, huh? I teleported out of the bone cage, but decided to not chase after Gaster. Right now, he's too powerful. I've practically chosen the worst time to stop him. And now, I'll just throw in the towel. He has practically already won. I just hope that some miracle happens and his plan fails. I go back to where Papyrus was and keep an eye on him. He's really childish, something that the old Papyrus wasn't. Eh, I guess it's for the better.

Now, I'll take a nap.

See ya later, readers.

(I wasn't planning to update today.)

((Don't you just hate it when you wake up and you feel like you've slept for only 8 minutes?))

(((Why does this happen to me every day.)))

(I'll go play something now.)

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