Chapter 6

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Jonathan was speechless. Questions were flying through his mind faster than a distressed Omega, and he wasn't sure how many he actually wanted answers to.

How had he never noticed anyone watching him?

Were more people watching him that he wasn't aware of?

Heats had a specific smell?

What else did he not know about Omegas?

How long until they expected him to kill people?

"Now don't freak out on us,"

Smitty tried to joke, although when he reached out for Jonathan, he flinched away.

"How many?"

There was a pause as all the guys looked at each other before back to Jonathan.

"How many what?"

Ohm asked finally.

"How many people have you killed?"

Jonathan finally managed to say. Ohm scoffed.

"We only kill bad people. Like the Canary Gang. They're made entirely of Alphas and-"

"They're still people! People that have families and children, no matter how bad."

There was silence after the interruption, then Jon asked,

"How does your gang make their money?"

Ohm paused, then said,

"Well, several companies use our docks for shipping. However, we usually go through their supplies to see if they're actually shipping what they tell us. Sometimes it is the product, sometimes it's Omega trafficking, sometimes drugs, sometimes- ow!"

Ohm yelped after Craig slapped his arm, but Jonathan was already sick.

He didn't want to see the sick and injured Omegas, bound like animals. Hearing about it was bad enough.

He didn't want to be in a situation where killing was the only option.

They were in a gang.

He was in a gang.

They expected him to kill people.

"Stop the car."

He whispered. When nobody said anything, he said louder,

"Stop the car."

"What? Why?"

Ohm asked, glancing at him curiously.

Still, Brock continued driving.

"Stop the car!"

Jonathan screamed, trying to force the vomit in his throat down and the tears in his eyes back. Finally, Brock slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder, putting the van in park before Jonathan forced the door unlocked and pulled the door open.

He didn't care about his new clothes.

He didn't care about them being nice.

He didn't care about them trying to protect him.

He just wanted to be as far away as possible.

"Jonathan, get back in the van, we're almost home and then you can talk to Evan."

Ohm said, stepping out as well. Jonathan turned to face him, feeling his wings open like they wanted to fly away.

But he never learned how.

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