Chapter 47

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Tyler watched Evan for a moment, the Alpha's emotions visibly at war as his eyes flashed dangerously. The elk was pacing the floor, the game of monopoly long since forgotten.

"How did they lose him?"

Smitty asked, his wings twitching where he fidgeted in his chair. John was trailing soothing fingers down the dove's feathers.

"He had gone inside to grab something, apparently there was a back entrance and Brock found some kind of syringe."

Evan's voice was low, words dark as waves of fury radiated off of him.

Tyler really wished he could stand.

Instead, he strengthened his scent, the smell of the beach making Evan glance at him curiously.

"Evan, you need to calm down. I'm sure we'll find him."

The Alpha's charcoal eyes narrowed, but he did slow the wringing of his hands, and the waves of anger subsided.

"When they get here we'll talk to them, until then, let's-"

He was cut off by the sound of quick steps coming up the stairs, and all eyes flickered toward the door when it opened.

"I can explain,"

Was the first thing Brock said, his hands held up defensively and his wings tense behind him. Evan whirled around to face the Omega, eyes cold and his lips threatened to pull into a snarl. Brian, however, stood beside his mate, eyeing Evan as they walked closer to the group.

"Please do,"

Tyler spoke up, already rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Brock glanced at Evan and Smitty before laying out the details of their short trip, and how they found Jonathan's disappearance.

It didn't seem there was much to go off of.

"What did you say it smelled like?"

Tyler questioned, still stuck in his seat from the game as everyone else had migrated around the room.

"It smelled like Alphas in there, maybe three,"

Brock answered, sipping at the cup of water he had gotten.


"Maybe, I didn't see them at all."

Tyler ran a hand over his face before waving his hand around,

"Any specific scents? One you recognize at all?"

Brock sighed, eyes squinting as he tried to remember.

"One of them was pepper, and then I think peanuts and blackberry."


Marcel spoke up from where he leaned against the wall,

"I know there was a Canary that smelled like peanuts, it could be a different Alpha though."

"Do you have the syringe with you?"

Lui asked suddenly, standing from where he had been sitting beside Nogla. Brock looked surprised at the question, but suddenly started patting down his pockets as Brian let out a scoff.

"I told 'im not to, coulda been a heroin needle fer all we knew-"

The Alpha was cut off by Brock handing the Beta a baggied syringe.

Nobody questioned where he got the bag from.

Lui turned the needle around in his hands before snapping,

Cerulean FeathersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora