Chapter 26

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The sound of car horns could be heard from the propped open window.

A breeze played with silk curtains.

Pearl and azure feathers twitched in the cold.

Smitty yawned as he stretched, slowly lifting himself from the sky blue sheets he was tangled in.

Jonathan let out a quiet snore from where he was sprawled on the other half of the bed, only partially covered by the sheets Smitty had subconsciously buried himself in.

Smit giggled softly, pulling more of the blanket onto his friend before standing up.

His foot made contact with a discarded chip bag, the aggressive crinkling making him cringe before he looked back at Jonathan.

The jay-wing shifted slightly, but quickly settled back into sleep. Smitty sighed, a smile quick to pull itself onto his features.

He nudged the chip bag into a pile of others, chuckling at the stack of other empty snack bags that littered that corner of the room.

Jonathan hadn't left the safety of his room since he had fought with Evan (which had been one of the many stories the two had shared) three days ago, and since then Smitty would just bring in whatever snacks and food Jonathan requested.

Then, the two would watch internet videos, play games on the Xbox Smitty had brought over from his room, and Jonathan had even taught Smitty a few tricks about drawing and painting.

It had been nice, relaxing and blocking out the world for the hours they spent together.

However, Smitty would eventually leave the haven to get food, and he would ignore that glances he got from all the Alphas.

The only one who tried to speak to him was Evan, constantly pressing questions into his temple about Jonathan; but Brock would usually usher Evan away and give the dove-wing two plates of food before sending him on his way.

Jonathan would usually scarf his food down quickly, then snack on the store of chips and cookies that Smitty had stolen from the pantry until Smit wouldn't let him have any more. In fact, if Smitty thought about it, the two of them had been eating quite a lot-

Three knocks on the door.

"Smitty? It's me, Brock. I brought breakfast."

The dove-wing slipped toward the door, opening it enough to reveal the eagle-wing holding two plates of syrup-drenched waffles.

"Thanks, Brock."

Smitty cooed, eyeing one of the plates.

"Don't forget your forks!"

Brock said with a chuckle, handing Smit the utensils he had managed to balance under one of the plates.

"Thank you!"

Smitty said with a smile, placing both plates and forks on the dresser behind him.

"Tell Jon good morning for me,"

Brock said as he waved goodbye, closing the door behind him.

Smitty smiled, taking a deep breath of the homemade waffles before turning to look at the shuffle of sheets behind him.

"Who wazzat?"

Jonathan mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Just me getting breakfast,"

Smitty purred, careful to not spill any syrup as he handed Jonathan his plate.

"Aw, thanks Smit."

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