Chapter 35

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Smitty gripped John's hand tightly as he stared at the early morning sky, the Alpha running soothing fingers through his hair.

Soft, salmon pink delicately draped over glimmering gold and dappled with marmalade clouds.
The nearby ocean's waves crashed calmly, the cool blue reflecting part of the fragile colors that painted the sky.
It was beautifully soothing- salt nearly drowning out blood and pastels nearly drawing attention from splattered crimson.
It was a lovely morning- but they had no time to appreciate it.

The couple was waiting with Anthony at the van, everyone else back at the base as Brock patched them up. Tyler had told them to stay and wait for any sign of remaining Canaries or those who were MIA.

If there was still no sign of them when everyone was patched up, they would look for their friend's bodies together.

Smitty still hadn't seen any sign of Jonathan.

And Tyler's expression when he had asked about the other Omega made his heart drop. Craig had stayed quiet as well, casting worried glances toward the container where he and Evan had been stationed.

The dove-wing didn't want to think about what could have happened to the elk-horn.

Scotty had been waiting with them as well, but as soon as Brian drove away the Beta had dashed into the carnage of shrapnel and bodies.

The only thing preventing Smit from joining him was the secure grip John held him with.

"Are you sure you can't get your drone online?"

The dove asked, glancing at Anthony with teary eyes.

The Beta shook his head, not taking his eyes off of the fresh, early, sky.

"It got caught in ont of the explosions. I watched it go down."

Smitty whimpered, turning back to face the gore and rubble that curled and crackled silently.

He could smell Jonathan's Heat in the air.

It made his feathers itch knowing he was staying idle as a fellow Omega lay vulnerable somewhere in the destruction.

He needed to protect and help Jonathan.

He needed to see if the jay was still alive.

Smitty took a deep breath of the salty air, swallowing the bile that rose at the amount of blood that hit his nose.

But he could smell something else, and it was steadily growing stronger.

He strained his ears over the sound of fire and waves, hearing the persistent scrape, scrape of shoes on concrete.


Smitty jumped at the yell from Anthony, looking toward the smell and sound of the deer-horn before paling.

Blood covered both the Alpha and the broken Omega in his arms.

Scotty was walking nearby, his distress clear by the uncomfortable scent that radiated off the Beta. Marcel, however, stared at the van with a steely expression until he was close enough for Smitty to hear Jon's very faint, and racing heart.


Smitty flinched at the Alpha's tone, the fire burning in the deer-horn's eyes the only sign of the war going on in his body.

"H-he left. Is Jonathan alive?"

Marcel's coal-colored eyes glanced at Anthony, letting out an infuriated snarl before turning toward Smitty.

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