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The bell rang signaling the dismissal. Yoongi was the first out the door despite the fact he was at the back of the classroom. Jungkook stood up from his desk and was the last to walk out. While he was walking he realized he had absentmindedly been holding something in his hand.

"Damn, I forgot to give him his pencil back. I hope he doesn't need it for any other classes." He said to himself quietly.



Yoongi managed to get the hell out of his last class and practically tripped over himself to the cafeteria. It wasn't that he loved food so much it was more that he was happy to have a break from those obnoxious teachers. He sat down at his usual spot, way in the back corner.

The cafeteria filled up very quickly and became noisy causing the grumpy boy to groan. His eyebrows furrowed as he took out his sandwich.

"Just when I thought I would get some peace and fucking quiet." He grumbled to himself lowly.

He glanced up and saw Jungkook and all his friends enter the cafeteria talking and laughing. They looked really happy. Yoongi never had that.

"That adorable idiot didn't even give me my pencil back." he muttered even though he wasn't angry.

Jungkook and all his friends sat at the table. They all were still talking as they got out their food.

"So" Hobi started with a mouthful of noodle stuff (???).

"How was everyone's day so far?" He finished. Hoseok asked them these questions every single day, always wanting to make sure everything was okay with all of his friends.

Everyone answered except Jungkook who kept his head low, remembering the embarrassment of his first class. It was his fault, but Ms. Taco made a big scene just for him being late.

"What about you, Kook?" Hobi questioned with a bright smile.

"Not so good." Jungkook replied quietly, his face flushing.

"What happened?" Namjoon quirked a brow.

He Junglooked up and continued to explain.

"Well, I was late to class and for some reason Ms. Taco got all mad. Which by the way was very embarrassing in front of the whole class." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Then she told us we had a pop quiz!" He exclaimed, sounding kind of disgusted. There were a few chuckles at the table.

"And the cherry on top is I didn't even have a flipping pencil." He sighed. "Which led me to awkwardly having to ask for a pencil from..." He trailed off as he remembered Yoongi. His lips curled a smile at the thought.

"I think he's dead." Taehyung monotoned while chewing slowly.

"Maybe." Jimin responded, staring at the younger along with the rest of them.

Jungkook didn't even realize he was staring at Yoongi who was all the way on the other side of the cafeteria chewing on his sandwich. Namjoon seemed to be the only one who caught on and followed Jungkook's gaze over to the back of the cafeteria.

"Ohhh." Namjoon drawled out. "He must've borrowed the pencil from that guy, Yoongi." He explained to the others.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why he is staring at him like that." Jimin replied, raising his eyebrows at the boy who was still staring.

"Yeah it does!" Taehyung exclaimed. "It means someone has a little crush, no?" He said teasingly while grinning.

"You better hope not! My innocent little Kookie is not dating anyone!" Jin snapped at them.

Finally Jungkook came back to life and looked at them with wide eyes.

"What? I don't like him! We didn't even speak until today." He replied quickly. "Well technically he didn't say anything. I did. But that isn't the point." He narrowed his eyes at his annoying friends.

"Wow, so he didn't even say thanks when you gave him his pencil back? He's rude you can't date him Kook." Taehyung scoffed before shooting a death glare over at Yoongi.

"He can't date him even if he is the nicest guy in the world! You guys need to stop pressuring my poor baby into those things!" Jin retorted, hugging Jungkook tightly.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his ridiculous friends and pushed Jin away. "I still have to return it to him. I guess I'll do it now because I don't remember if I have any other classes with him." Jungkook shrugged while feeling a bit nervous.

"Fine, but don't do anything stupid." Tae snorted.

"You'll be fine, Kook." Hobi encouraged with a smile.

"As long as you don't drool on him then, yeah, you'll be fine." Tae snickered only to get elbowed in the ribs by Namjoon.

Jungkook got up not wanting to listen to the nonsense any longer. He took a deep breath and started over to were Yoongi was.  He admired him the whole time he was walking there. He had all black on which matched with his black hair. Jungkook always found him attractive but never said anything because he didn't think someone like him would like guys. Plus, Jungkook was pretty shy. Okay really shy.

He reached the table and cleared his throat. "H-hi Yoongi." He started quietly.
The black haired boy looked up at him with those dark eyes.

"I-I forgot to give you your pencil. Sorry about that." He said while holding out Yoongi's pencil. Yoongi took it from him and put it away.

"Thanks." Yoongi said lowly, which made Jungkook shiver. His voice was unusually deep for someone his age. Puberty must've hit him like a truck- scratch that- a fucking train.

Jungkook nodded slightly and turned around on his heel about to walk away but Yoongi spoke.

"You know, you're lucky you returned this to me." The older stated, eyes burning holes on the other's back.

Jungkook spun around and let out a small "Oh?".

"I'll have you know," Yoongi murmured in a serious tone as he leaned forward. "That this pencil means a lot to me."

Jungkook tilted his head to the side, not sure if he was joking or he was a wacko.

"His name is Bob. I've had him since freshman year." Yoongi shrugged. "So I hope you treated him nicely." He remarked with an intimidating glare.

"Uh- well..." Jungkook struggled to find coherent words. Yoongi stared at him, his dark eyes piercing Jungkook's soft ones.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?" Jungkook asked shyly while playing with his fingers. Yoongi found it cute. He would never admit it though-

"Because you're cute." Yoongi blurted out before he could even think about what he was saying. He mentally face palmed.

'Real smooth, dumb ass.' Yoongi thought while cringing internally.

"W-what?" Jungkook gulped, trying to hide his blush.

"You didn't actually think I had a pencil named Bob, did you?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow at the other.

"Um no...?" Jungkook said with a face redder than a tomato.

Yoongi chuckled which made Jungkooks heart flutter.

"Cute." He repeated.

Oof second chapter done

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