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Jungkook was a mess that afternoon. After everything that had happened with Yoongi earlier he started questioning his sanity.

Jungkook was eating ramen and watching TV. He had already done all his homework so he just relaxed and tried not to think about the events that happened earlier. Suddenly his phone buzzed. He actually hoped it was Yoongi. He picked it up and opened it.

He got a text from a number he didn't recognize. He almost yelled out when he saw it was Yoongi.

Hey Jungkook. It's Yoongi.

Jungkook smiled and saved Yoongi in his contacts before replying.

Bunny Boy
Hey Yoongi!

What are ya doing? Everything ok?

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh. Even if it was a text he loved how thoughtful Yoongi was.

Bunny Boy
Yep everything is good. How bout you?

Eh could be better

Bunny Boy
What happened? Are you ok?

Well sorta. It's pretty stupid but earlier I walked into those stupid sliding glass doors. Now I have a headache.

Jungkook felt bad for laughing. He knew it had to hurt but he imagined it happening and it made it a lot funnier.

Bunny Boy
I'm so sorry I feel bad for laughing. You'll be ok tho right?

Yeah I'm good. But I hate those things. What kind of idiot invents a super clear DOOR? Like you are supposed to be able to see a door.

Bunny Boy
Lol I know they should outlaw them.

Tomorrow I'll go out and collect signatures to petition them.

Bunny Boy

Jungkook and Yoongi continued texting for a while. They talked about a lot of stuff like their past and their hopes for the future. Jungkook suddenly started feeling sick. He was coughing regularly and he could tell he was starting to get a fever.

At first he brushed it off thinking it would go away but it kept getting worse. He was congested and used up literally all of the tissues.

"Oh fantastic." He muttered before he broke into a coughing fit. How did this just magically appear. What a way to ruin his weekend.

Bunny Boy
Yoongi I think I am sick. And I also used all the tissues. I'm sorry to cut the conversation short but I think I am just gonna go to bed.

You're sick?

Bunny Boy
Yeah it came out of nowhere.

Don't go to bed yet give me a minute.

Jungkook was confused. What was Yoongi planning? When Jungkook didn't get anymore texts from Yoongi he just turned his attention to the TV. After about 15 minutes he nearly jumped out of his skin from a knock on the door.

He paused the TV and got up to answer the door. When he opened it, his jaw dropped. On the other side of the door was Yoongi holding chocolate, medicine and like 5 boxes of tissues.

"Y-Yoongi?" Jungkook sniffled.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself when I heard you were sick." Yoongi said sheepishly.

"Well come in." Jungkook stepped aside.

Yoongi walked in and put the stuff on the counter as Jungkook closed the door.

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