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"Guys, I am freaking out!" Jungkook exclaimed as soon as his friends arrived at his place.

"For starters, calm the fuck down." Jimin scoffed, rolling his eyes.

They all went to sit on the couch (except Tae who was raiding the fridge and pantry for food).

Jungkook stood in front of them and began pacing back and forth.

"Lord, would you fucking stand still? You're giving me anxiety from just watching you." Namjoon's eyebrows knitted together as he observed the youngest's behavior.

"Like I said: I am freaking out!" Jungkook practically yelled.

"Are you ever gonna tell us why?" Jin COCKed a brow, folding his arms over his chest.

"Seriously, what's the deal?" Taehyung asked with a mouthful of poptarts.

"Well...Yoongi asked me to go on a date with him." Jungkook spilled the tea.

"What!" Taehyung choked on his poptart.

"Holy fucking shit! I almost shit my pants that is so amazing!" Hobi clapped his hands loudly, his loud laughter filling the room after. Jungkook was unable to hold back his smile.

"I knew it, ya dumb fucks! I predicted this from the beginning." Jimin bragged.

"Did you say yes?" Namjoon raised his brows as he waited for a reply.

"Of course I did!" Jungkook said as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"So what's the problem? Aren't you happy?" Hobi asked, noticing the unsureness in Jungkook's tone.

"Obviously! I'm so nervous, though." Jungkook muttered as he returned to pacing.

"You'll be fine." Jimin reassured him.

"When is it?" Namjoon asked.

"Tonight at 8:00."

"I have some Gucci stuff in my car if you want to make a good impression." Taehyung offered.

"No, he said to keep it casual. The place he is taking me is good quality but it's really laid back there." Jungkook shook his head.

"Did he say where you were going?"

"Probably a drug dealer's house." Jin muttered.

"Shut up Jin. He's a good guy." The sunshine boy glared at the eldest.

"No idea." Jungkook interrupted the upcoming argument. "I just hope I don't embarrass myself." Jungkook murmured while looking down.

"There's no reason to be nervous, Kook." Namjoon shook his head, leaning back into the couch.

"It's technically my first date and so much could go wrong..." Jungkook trailed off.

"Well if he likes you enough, which from what you've told us sounds like he really does, he'll stick with you even if you do something embarrassing." Jin muttered quietly.

"Did you actually say something somewhat positive about Yoongi?" Taehyung asked in shock.

"I'm just saying he seems decent from what I've heard but you all know I have trust issues." Jin shrugged.

Jungkook had to smile. His friends were always there to make him feel better when in doubt. He felt a lot better for the date because of his friends' support.

Time skip- 45 minutes before Yoongi is going to arrive

"Holy fuck look at the time why aren't you dressed?!" Taehyung screeched.

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