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It was the same night. Jungkook was asleep on his bed and Yoongi took the couch. Jungkook had been getting pretty decent sleep despite his stuffy nose and the occasional cough. But he had shot up from his bed when he heard booming thunder.

Jungkook looked out his bedroom window. It was pouring rain and lightning danced across the sky. Jungkook looked at the clock. It was 2 AM. He had fallen asleep at around 10. Another clap of thunder rang out and Jungkook cowered under his covers. He didn't mind rain but lightning and thunder terrified him ever since he was little.

He stayed under the covers and shut his eyes hoping he would eventually fall back to sleep. No such luck. The rain only pounded on the window harder and the thunder intensified. Jungkook felt like such a baby for being scared of a storm but he couldn't stop the tears that spilled out of his eyes.

'Great. I'm sick, scared and alone.' He thinks while reaching for a tissue.

'Wait...I'm not alone. Isn't Yoongi still here?' He felt a little better remembering that Yoongi was there.

He let out a shriek as thunder and lighting occurred at the same time. More tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision. He was so scared. There was only one thing to make him feel safe.


He slowly got out of bed and walked up to his door. He hesitated.

'Maybe I shouldn't wake him up over something so stupid.' He debated.

But he automatically changed his mind when more thunder boomed outside, causing him to jump. He turned the knob and quickly made his way to the living room where Yoongi was sleeping peacefully, not bothered by the raging storm outside. Jungkook reluctantly shook his shoulder slightly.

"Y-Yoongi?" He choked out, tears still pouring down his face.

Yoongi stirred slightly but did not wake up. Jungkook tried again.

"Y-Yoongi please wake up." He pleaded while shaking him a little more.

Yoongi's eyes opened halfway. They stayed like that for a few seconds until he realized:

'That's Jungkook's voice.'

His eyes snapped open at his realization. He looked up to see a shaking Jungkook looking down at him. His face was streaked with tears. It broke Yoongi's heart.

"Jungkook? Are you ok? What the hell happened? Are you hurt?" Yoongi blurted out and sat up.

"I-I'm scared, Yoongi." Jungkook sniffled.

It took him a second to process why Jungkook was so scared. He heard a loud clap of thunder and Jungkook flinched and a few more tears spilled onto his beautiful face.

"Dammit, Kook. Don't worry, okay?" Yoongi spoke softly while cupping the younger's face and wiping away his tears.

Jungkook closed his eyes and more tears fell. Yoongi ignored the pang of hurt in his chest.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Yoongi asked gently.

Jungkook nodded with his eyes still closed.

"Okay bun, let's go." Yoongi whispered while standing up and taking Jungkook's hand.

He led him back to his room and they both got under the covers. They were face to face and Jungkook was still shaking. Yoongi wrapped an arm around him and wiped his tears once again. Another clap. Jungkook flinched again but not as much as he did before because he felt safe in Yoongi's arms.

"Don't pay attention to that Kookie. Just look at me and everything will be fine." Yoongi whispered.

Jungkook nodded and pulled himself closer to Yoongi, nuzzling his face into his chest and gripping his shirt with one hand. Yoongi hugged him tightly and soothingly ran his hands through his hair. Yoongi kissed him on the forehead and eventually Jungkook fell asleep in Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi sighed in relief that Jungkook was asleep and he managed to calm him down. Yoongi continued to play with his hair and kiss his forehead occasionally even though he knew he was asleep. Yoongi definitely cared for Jungkook, no doubt about it.

Yoongi then chuckled to himself. They weren't even a couple but they sure acted like one. He hoped they would become a couple in the future though. He smiled at the thought before drifting back to sleep.


Jungkook woke up feeling warm and extremely comfortable. He opened his eyes slowly and immediately closed them again because of the blinding sunlight spilling through the window. He opened them again and they eventually focused on something black in front of him.

He then inhaled the familiar cologne and realized his face was literally buried in Yoongi's chest. He felt his face burn. On the bright side, he didn't feel very sick anymore. That medicine must've been magical.

He slowly lifted his head and looked up to see a sleeping Yoongi. He giggled at the sight. His hair was a little messy and his lips were slightly parted. That reminded him of the kiss they shared before. It was so amazing. A part of Jungkook wanted it to happen again as he continued to look at his lips.

"If you are just gonna stare at my lips you might as well kiss me, Jungkook." Yoongi rasped, his eyes still closed.

Jungkook jumped and his face was on fire once again. He was so embarrassed. Yoongi just caught him staring. At. His. Lips.

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked down at Jungkook. A smexy smirk appeared on his face as he saw how the younger stared up at him with wide eyes and pink tinted cheeks.

"Ha, what? I-I wasn't staring." Jungkook squeaked.

"Right." Yoongi scoffed.

"Hey! I was not staring!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"You know what I don't care if you were staring or not. I am more focused on something else." Yoongi smirked.

"W-what is it?"

"Where's my kiss?"

(A/n: Hate to ruin the moment but when I was writing this I literally said "Oh shit" out loud lmao. Okay so most people would leave that as a cliffhanger but I'm nice so I won't ;)

"W-what?!" Jungkook choked.

Yoongi had his arms around his waist. He pulled him closer.

"I want a kiss." Yoongi murmured while licking his lips slightly.

"I-I..." Jungkook could hardly speak he was so flustered.

"Are you gonna kiss me or not, baby?" Yoongi smirked.

Jungkook was so embarrassed but he couldn't help himself. Of course he wanted to kiss Yoongi. Who wouldn't? And to add on to that Yoongi was asking him. And he also called him baby. Jungkook felt like he was melting.

He hesitated, feeling a little self conscious but then he leaned up and pressed his lips onto Yoongi's. He could feel Yoongi smirk a bit into the kiss but he kissed back.

They pulled away and stared at each other until Jungkook got too shy and broke eye contact. Luckily, just this one time Yoongi saved him from further embarrassment.

"So, how bout some breakfast?"

You could eat Jungkook-


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