Chapter 19: Hold On To Your Heart

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Quinn woke up with a major headache, she sat up and suddenly realized she wasn't in her room. The bed was much smaller, the blinds were also opened. She's a vampire so of course she would never have them opened. She got up in confusion and looked around, yep she's definitely in someone else's room. If the posters of cute boys is anything to by. She looked down at herself and saw she still had her clothes on from last night, but not her shoes. Huh that's weird, she got up from the bed and found her shoes right next to them. Ok so she didn't hook up with whoever this girl was, although she remembers Rachel's face a lot. She put them up and walked out of the room, this house is really small. She saw the back of a woman cooking breakfast in an also small kitchen. It smelled like eggs and bacon, whoever this woman was she definitely loved her a bit. "Uh hello?" Quinn called out cautiously towards the woman. The woman looked behind her shoulders, oh thank god it's just Marley. Quinn sighed in relief, "Hey Marley, uh what exactly happened last night?" Quinn asked hesitantly, sitting down on the chair across from the dining room table. Marley chuckled and blushed a little bit, "Well you were very drunk last night and uh we danced a little." Quinn almost laughed at how red Marley's cheeks were, "and uh you asked if I wanted to go home with you but you fell asleep getting into the car. I didn't know where you lived so I drove you back to my humble abode." Marley said gesturing around her house with the spatula in her hand. Quinn nodded and smiled in embarrassment, "I'm really sorry about that Marley. I usually don't get that hammered." Marley shook it off, "It's okay Quinn, it's what friends do for each other." Marley said smiling brightly, while handing Quinn a plate of eggs and bacon. Quinn looked at the plate in front of her and nearly salivated, "God Marley you're a true saint." Marley laughed and sat next to Quinn. "She truly is." Quinn heard a voice behind her, it was Marley's mom rose. "Hi Quinn, how are you doing? You look like someone ran you over with a truck." She told her playfully, going into the kitchen and making herself a plate. Quinn shrugged, "Good morning miss Rose and I've had much worse hangovers than this." Quinn said playfully eating a spoonful of eggs. They all laughed and talked while eating their breakfast. As everyone was done eating Quinn offered to do the dishes but Marley decided to help her. They joked around while Marley's mom got dressed to go to work. "So did I do anything else embarrassing last night?" Quinn asked Marley, putting the last dish away in the cupboard. Marley shook her head no, "not really, I'm just glad you didn't throw up in my bed." She said teasingly at Quinn. Quinn snorted out a laugh, "me too cause then I would have to buy you a new bed." Marley laughed, "oh here are your keys by the way." Marley grabbed them off the counter and handed them to Quinn. How does a girl like Marley exist? She's such an angel that she makes real angels themselves probably blush in embarrassment. "Marley I never knew angels existed until I met you, thanks gorgeous." Quinn hugged her tightly while Marley blushed once again at the compliment. Quinn said her goodbyes to both of the women and sped off towards her house. She finally got home to her house and once again there was a note her parents left her, saying they would be back in a couple of months and to please not to trash their house again. Quinn sighed heavily and threw the note away. Hopefully they will come back for Christmas in a few months. Not to be a sap but she really misses her mom's hugs. She really needs one of those nowadays. I guess she has to get dressed for school now...yay.

"Hey Rachel, I was wondering if you wanted to uh go on a date later?" Finn asked her leaning against her locker, smiling at her goofily. Rachel hates reminding him every day that she just wants to stay friends. Finn did always have a short attention span. She sighed, "Finn I told you, I'm not looking to be in a relationship right now. All I'm focusing on is school and preparing for my future." Rachel said confidently and shutting her locker door, walking away from him. Finn stomped his foot frustration, this was a lot harder than in their freshman year. Rachel immediately agreed to go out with him the first time he smiled at her. He guesses
Rachel has bigger priorities than him. He sighed as he was about to walk away too but someone came up behind him and smacked him upside his head. Finn was about to beat that person's ass but saw it was Jules and calmed down. "Finn you imbecile!" She whispered furiously, as Finn groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "What is taking so long?! I thought you said Rachel would be on your arm as soon as Quinn and her broke up!" She said crossing her arms at him angrily. He winced, "Yea well, I thought she would be too. Listen Jules I don't think I can do this anymore..." he told her hesitantly. Apparently that was a mistake because she growled and pulled him by his ear to an empty classroom. He howled in pain, "what the heck Jules let go!" She let go but still looked at him, like she was gonna kill him with her laser green eyes pretty soon. "If you don't get Rachel to be in a relationship with you soon, so help me Finn I'll tell her all about what you did last year." She said smiling evilly at Finn. His face dropped but than realized he doesn't have to be scared of Jules anymore. "No..." her face scrunched up in anger, "what did you just say?!" She said so quietly that Finn was scared to answer, but he puffed up his chest with courage. "I won't do it anymore, and I don't care if you tell Rachel about my secret. This isn't right, Rachel deserves to be happy...and if it's with Quinn than I wish them the total best!" Finn said shouting confidently. Jules face dropped in shock, wow maybe Finn does have some balls after all. Whatever, she can do this by herself. "Whatever Finn, I can do this on my own, I don't need a moron like you getting in my way anyways." She said smirking at him about to leave but Finn grabbed her by her wrist, "Jules just stop! It's over! Can't you see? No matter how hard we try they will always love each other...Don't you want Quinn happy? If you really love her than you should let her go too." Finn said dropping Jules wrist as soon as she stopped struggling. Maybe Finn was right, she did love Quinn. She saw how much Quinn didn't smile as much since the hobbit wasn't in the picture anymore. She sighed heavily, no she can't give up. She has waited too long for this opportunity and she isn't about to quit now. "You're wrong Finn...once she sees that I've changed than she'll-" Finn groaned out loudly, "You're never gonna change Jules! You are the most evil person I've ever got to know in my life! If this is how you are now, than I'm glad I didn't see you at your worst. I know Quinn sees right through your lies too, she's smarter than she looks." Jules scoffed and crossed her arms together, "Just please leave them alone...they deserve to be happy. We do too but not like this, and you know it." With that Finn left without another word. Jules just stood there speechless.

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