Chapter 25: Lies

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"So what do you have in mind for a melody?" Ariana asked Quinn as they munched on some Cheetos, that Ariana's bodyguards graciously got for them both. Quinn swallowed her mouth full of Cheetos and shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly? I don't even know where to start. But hey, that's why I'm sitting next to a multimillion dollar recording artist Right?" Ariana laughed as she shook her head. "Hey, my some of my producers help me, it's not just all me you know." Quinn nodded as she wiped her fingers on her pants. She wasn't about to suckle on her fingers in front of Ariana, even though that was the best part about eating Cheetos. "True, but every song you've ever wrote comes from experience right?" Quinn asked her curiously. Ariana nodded as she finished her small bag of Cheetos. "I guess so. Why? I mean you don't look like the type of girl whose never had experiences before." Quinn chuckled as she smirked towards Ariana playfully. "Oh? And what type of girl do you think I am?" Ariana smiled at her softly before answering. "You look like the type of girl whose scared of being hurt." Quinn's playful smile dropped instantly. Quinn scoffed quietly as she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "So? Everyone and their mothers scared of being hurt, it's not just me ya know?" Ariana scooted closer towards Quinn on the auditorium stage. "Yeah but you're very guarded, I can tell." Quinn tensed as she looked anywhere else but Ariana. "Yeah well...that's just how I am." Ariana tilted her head at Quinn confusedly, as if she was trying to figure her out on her own. "Have you always been that way?" Quinn sighed as she looked towards Ariana. "Why are you trying to figure me out all of a sudden?" Ariana chuckled softly as she shrugged her own shoulders. "I guess you're very intriguing to me." Quinn laughed as she shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know why, I'm just a regular girl who happens to have a very pretty face." Ariana chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders. "You're more than just a pretty face Quinn that's for sure. I'm pretty sure Rachel also thinks that as well." Quinn almost chokes at the mention of Rachel's name. Quinn looked towards Ariana with a blush on her cheeks. "You think so?" Ariana nodded and looked at Quinn like she was out of her mind. "Of course she does dummie! I saw the way she glared at me during our duet back there. I also saw the way her eyes softened when you looked at her. If you guys aren't together by the end of this, then I don't think true love exists anymore." Ariana said with pursed lips as she laid down on the stage and looked up at the ceiling. Quinn sighed as she laid down next to her, emotionally exhausted. "So, you're saying you won't believe in true love until Rachel and I get back together?" Ariana sighed dramatically as she nodded. "It's the only way to restore my faith in true love Quinn." Quinn chuckled softly at first but then sighed deeply. Quinn's first thought was that she couldn't do anything about her and Rachel. No matter how much Quinn tried to plan a talk between her and Rachel, somehow another conversation would start. For example, Quinn tried to talk to Rachel about NYADA, how Quinn was gonna make time to see her at all her shows. Rachel became excited and started to boast about spending her whole life in New York. Which Quinn thought was absolutely adorable, maybe if this whole band career sets off then maybe they can even become the hot famous couple around the world. Quinn smiled at that thought, she would probably hate having her relationship public, but as long as Rachel is by her side she wouldn't even give two shits. Quinn looked over at a spaced out Ariana, biting her lip as she held her notepad between her legs. "You know what? I think I have an idea for a song." Ariana perked up and threw her notepad beside her. "Thank god, I had absolutely no fucking idea what I was gonna write about." They laughed as Quinn pulled her off the auditorium stage and into the by now empty glee club classroom.

They were an hour and a half into making the melody, and they barely just finished writing the lyrics down. "Wow Quinn this is really good." Quinn blushed at her compliment and stepped away from the piano. "I hope so because I'm gonna send Scooter the lyrics and melody right now." Quinn said as she stopped her phone from recording and sent it straight to Scooter. "So what do we do now?" Ariana asked curiously as she sat down on the piano bench, throughly bored. Quinn was about to answer but one of the HBIC came in the room with her second in command next to her. "I say you come hang out with the head bitches in charge Quinn." Santana said with a lollipop in her mouth, while she had her fingers intertwined with Brittany's hand. Quinn chuckled as she rubbed the back of her neck. "I don't know guys-" Ariana interrupted as she squealed with excitement. "Oh my gosh! You know what I just realized? I've never had the full high school experience before." Quinn turned towards Ariana confusedly. "What? Really?" Ariana nodded as she shrugged nonchalantly. "Yea I've always been working somewhere in the limelight, like when I was a kid I was on a broadway show." Santana chuckled loudly, pulling Brittany closer to her body. "You're not really missing much here superstar. Plus Lima Heights isn't such a great experience for multiple reasons." Quinn laughed while Brittany stood there confused. "I loved my experience Santana, because I met you." Santana immediately turned red and started to blush. Ariana awed at the scene while Santana kissed Brittany's smiling face. "Okay maybe Lima isn't that bad after all, but you guys get what I mean. I would love to be a superstar on the road and touring with Britt Britt by my side." Brittany giggled as she kissed Santana's cheek once more. "I don't doubt that and I've seen the way you guys danced together, so maybe we can make that dream a reality this summer?" Ariana asked them with a smile of her face. Both of their faces dropped in shock. "A-Are you for real?!" Santana asked her flabbergasted. Brittany squealed as Ariana nodded her head in confirmation. "Well guess we all will be touring together this summer then." Quinn said as she gathered her paper filled with lyrics and put it back in her book bag. Santana turned to Quinn in confusion. "Wait you're touring with Ariana this summer? I thought you were gonna go to college next year." Quinn shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't really know anymore, it feels like there's nothing left for me here. Also I don't think college would be my thing anyways." Santana hummed non convincingly as she crossed her arms together. "This whole not going to college thing is about Rachel isn't it?" Quinn's eyes widened as she tried to protest but Santana beat her to it. "Oh please Quinn, we all know you're still hung up on miss broadway. Just because Rachel is going to NYADA doesn't mean you can't go with her. I'm pretty sure she would love to have you by her side as well." Quinn sighed as she swung her back pack on her shoulders in defeat. "Even if she did want me there I wouldn't know what to do with my life. I would just be dead weight as Rachel rises above the stars. Let's face it guys, without this music thing going for me I would have literally nothing to show for my life." Santana rolled her eyes as she connected her hand back with Brittany's. "Stop with this pity party Quinn, I'm not going to let you indulge yourself in sorrow anymore. Now get your ass up and let's go show Ariana how to party Lima Heights style." Ariana squealed as she grabbed Quinn excitingly and dragged Quinn towards the exit against her will.

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