Chapter 29: Like You Wanna Be Loved

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"Holy shit Quinn would you look at that crowd?! We've never even had the stadiums be this full before. I think even some of our fans came." Quinn chuckled as she took off her helmet making the crowd scream her name. "How did they even find out we have a game today?" Puck took off his Helmet with a cheeky guilty smile. "I might have told them we're gonna win against the sharks today. It's also my bad that I forgot to turn off my phone's location." Quinn coughed out a laugh as she looked up at the many teens holding photos of them and screamed their heads off. Quinn sighed as Puck and her ran towards their teammates. "They're you guys are, why are you two always late?" Coach Beiste asked them angrily. They smiled at her guilty as she shook her head and told the team the plan. "Just follow like we practiced all this season guys and we got this win in the bag." Puck nudged Quinn on her shoulder. "Meaning we need to give Quinn our quarterback superstar the ball with every opportunity fellas." Everyone nodded as they patted Quinn on the back, except Finn who just looked hurt by the notion of his teammates already forgetting about him. I guess he was still bitter that Quinn took his spot from the team, which Quinn didn't care what he thought of her. "You said it better than myself Puckerman, now let's get out there and tear their heads off!" Coach Beiste shouted as the guys shouted in excitement. Everyone put their helmets on as the game finally started and they ran on the field. The crowd cheered loudly as the buzzer went off, signaling to everyone the game has officially started. Quinn got in her stance at the back of Puck as Quinn looked to her right as she saw Finn waving to the crowd. Quinn peered her eyes to see who he was waving at and it was of course Rachel. Who stood there with his jersey on her torso. Quinn would be lying if she said that didn't sting just a little. Finn put his helmet on and made the mistake of looking back at Quinn, getting ready for her to hike the ball. Quinn glared at him with fiery eyes making him gulp and took back around to face their less menacing opponents. It felt like everything went in slow motion as she took one last look at an excited Rachel as she yelled out and hiked the ball. "HIKE" the titans immediately roared as they ran towards the sharks and pushed them back away from Quinn. Quinn grabbed the ball as she backed up to see Puck running in front of them, to their yard-line to score. Quinn smiled as she threw the ball as hard as she could before she got tackled to the ground, which shouldn't have happened if Finn was doing his job correctly which was to protect the quarter back. Puck huffed as he lined up his body with the ball and finally caught it, making the crowd scream in excitement. Quinn huffed as she pushed the guy off of her and started to run down the field, leaving an apologetic Finn behind. Puck was almost down to their side of the field when a guy came up behind him and tackled him down. Coach screamed in appraisement as she clapped her hands together, at least they got halfway down the field. "Shake it off Puckerman!" Puck groaned as he got pulled up on his feet by Quinn. "Nice throw." Quinn smiled as she patted the dirt off of his jersey. "Come on we got a long way to go." Puck groaned making Quinn laugh.

An hour into the game and they were down three points. Everyone was completely exhausted to say the least. Quinn was trying her hardest but it seemed like it just wasn't enough. Every time she would get a good throw in Finn would somehow mess it up by not pushing the sharks away from her. "Finn you bumbling idiot, you gotta push them away from me, not push them towards me!" Finn huffed as he took his helmet off his sweaty face. "I'm trying! It's like they're slippery or something." Quinn rolled her eyes as she took her own helmet off. "Or maybe your buttery pillsberry dough boy nipples are lubing them up." Finn growled at her as he rushed towards her in anger. Quinn has been doing that all game, making fun of him for no reason. It was the last straw making him charge towards her in anger. "What is your problem?! All I'm doing is trying to help you out there and you just keep making fun of me!" Finn got in her face making Quinn smirk at him. "Yeah sure seems like you're trying all right. What? Don't like that I got your spot for the year, so you're trying to sabotage me?!" Quinn asked him as she pushed him away from her roughly. Finn scoffed as he shook his head with a smirk, knowing exactly what to say to piss Quinn off even more. "I'm not! You're just mad because Rachel doesn't want to be with you anymore. I'm glad she figured it out before it's too late and guess what?She's going to homecoming with me and not you." Quinn roared in anger as she charged towards a regretful looking Finn quickly. Finn groaned as Quinn pounced on top of him suddenly and started to punch his face in harshly. Everyone on the field looked towards the commotion in shock as they rushed towards them with speed. "Quinn stop!" Puck yelled out as he finally got her off of a bruised and bleeding Finn. Quinn kicked Finn in the stomach one last time before she was hurled away from him by Puck. "Puck take her to the locker room before she ends up killing him!" Coach Beiste shouted at him as she told the Ref they needed a time out, helping a groaning Finn off the field. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Puck shouted in anger as he shoved Quinn inside the locker room. Quinn huffed with a scoff as she threw her helmet down on the locker room ground. "Me?! He's been out to get me since I got on this stupid team. You saw how he didn't block those idiots from tackling me! He's sabotaging the team!" Puck looked at her like she was crazy. "Are you kidding me right now? Finn is an idiot sure, but he's totally not the evil type. We all know he's still bitter towards you taking his spot, but he would never sabotage the team like that." Quinn huffed as she threw her chest plate off of her, refusing to look at him. Puck sighed as he looked at Quinn sadly. "This isn't about the game isn't it? This is about you being jealous because Finn is taking Rachel to homecoming. Well guess what Quinn? You need to grow some balls and finally go talk to her. I'm tired of you guys glancing at each other when you think no one is looking. You're obviously still in love with each other, I don't get why you don't just shout it from the rooftop by now." Quinn swallowed the lump in her throat as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "You wanna know why? Because I'm going to fuck it up! I fuck everything up! I lost Rachel once because I was too insecure about myself and I know she doesn't deserve an asshole like me in her life anymore. I'm just going to drag her down and she doesn't need someone like that in her life. Even if I did tell her I love her what's the point? She's going to NYADA and I'm stuck touring the world with Ariana fucking Grande. Do you even realize how selfish that sounds of me? People would kill to have a life like mine and here I am willing to gladly throw it all away just so I can be with the girl I'm madly in love with." Puck sighed as he hugged Quinn, making Quinn finally burst out in tears. "Who gives a shit what other people think you should do with your life, what matters is what you want to do with your own life. If you want to be with Rachel in New York then I say fuck it and go for it. I'm sure Scooter wouldn't mind one bit, he knows how sad you've been lately. Hell he even told me to convince you not to do this whole tour thing, but I was too scared to lose you." Quinn sniffled as she laughed and hugged him back. "I know and I'm scared to lose you guys too. I'm not going to quit the band either, you guys mean too much to me to bail on you like that. I'm sorry I'm being an emotional Lima loser right now." Puck laughed as he stopped hugging her and rubbed her shoulder in comfort. "You're a woman Quinn, you might have a bigger dick than I do, but you're still a woman." Quinn chuckled as she smacked his shoulder playfully. "Fuck off." Puck smiled at her as he handed Quinn her chest plate to put back on. "Now get your shit together and let's win this game."

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