Chapter 24: I'm So Tired

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" why are we doing this again?" Quinn asked Scooter confusedly, as she sat there next to Sam and Puck in ridiculously tight skinny jeans. Scooter sighed impatiently as he turned around to face Quinn. "You are doing this so the fans can finally get what they want." Sam perked up at the mention of fans. "We have fans?!" He asked excitingly as everyone one else looked at him like he was the strangest thing in the world. Puck decided to take the reigns on this strange Sam encounter and turned towards him. "Duh Sam, where have you been the last week? Oh I know, up Julie's ass." Quinn and Puck laughed as they high fived each other. Sam pouted as Scooter sighed once more, then clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Pay attention children. Now, Quinn I want you to hold up that blank board while Puck and Sam point at it." Quinn nodded and did what she was told, as did Sam and Puck. They posed for a couple of pictures while Scooter's personal camera man took pictures of them. "Are we done yet? I'm getting quite hungry." Puck complained as he rubbed his stomach with a angry look on his face. Scooter nodded as the camera man showed him the resulting pictures. "Yeah we're done." They all sighed a breath of relief and went to go get changed. "Oh wait Quinn!" Quinn groaned and slumped her shoulders as she turned back around to Scooter. "I forgot to tell you, but Ariana wants to collab with you guys." Quinn's eyes widened as she stuttered out a response. "R-Really?" Scooter nodded with a Cheshire smile on his face. "Apparently you made a good impression on her at the party." Scooter said while wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively at Quinn. Quinn laughed as she shook her head. "Dude I could barely even speak to her, Rachel literally did all the talking for me." Scooter shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I guess she likes the quiet geeky types. Anyways, she was hoping you guys could meet up and write a song together." Quinn was about to scoff at the mention she was a geek, but Scooter continued. "So I told her she could come meet you at school today." Quinn almost fainted when he said that. "Are you kidding me?! Scooter please tell me that you're joking right now?" Scooter shook his head with a knowing smile. "Oh come on Quinn, what happened to my ladies man? Or ladies woman? I don't know what to say anymore, but be respectful and try not to drool at her." Scooter said as he patted Quinn on the shoulder gently and left her there with an agape mouth.

"No fucking way! Dude we are gonna be legends! We're literally gonna have Ariana Grande hang out with us at school. This has to be on the Puckster's bucket list and if it isn't then I'm adding it on there, just so I can cross it off." Puck said as he began rumbling through his book bag for a pen and paper. Quinn rolled her eyes at him. "Dude I'm the one who writes the songs, so I'm the one who's gonna be hanging out with her." Puck stopped and whined. "Aw man! Welp there goes one of my fantasies." Quinn grimaced at the thought of what he was currently thinking of. "Yea I don't even want to touch that subject with a ten foot pole. Anyways, I'm totally nervous because I literally have nothing to write about." Puck scoffed at Quinn. "Nothing to write about? You literally hooked up with Rachel last week and you two still haven't talked about it." Puck said as he shoveled a fry into his mouth. "Shut up Puck, it's not like I haven't tried to talk to her about it but-" Puck swallowed his food to interrupt her. "Dude you're just making excuses, if you really wanted to talk with her about it, you would have hunted her down by now and made her talk with you."   Quinn sat there speechless, but she eventually sighed. "Okay maybe I am making excuses, but could you blame me? I have no idea where I even stand with Rachel anymore. I'm just scared that once we do have the talk, she won't want to actually be with me again." Quinn said sadly as she poked her food around on her plate. Puck sighed and nodded. "I understand that you're scared but, this is Rachel we are talking about here. If she didn't want to be with you again then why did she even sleep with you in the first place?" Quinn sighed and shook her head. "If I knew the answer to that question I wouldn't be scared shitless to have this conversation with her." Just then Quinn got a text from Ariana asking her if she could meet her in the auditorium. Quinn groaned as she hit her head on the lunch table. "Ariana wants me to meet her in the auditorium." Puck looked at her confusedly. "How did she wind up there? Sam is a horrible tour guide." Quinn nodded agreeing with him but stood up nonetheless. "Alright well I'll see ya later I guess." Puck moaned his acknowledgement while shoving some more of his delicious fries into his mouth. On her way to the auditorium she saw a huge line outside of it. "What's going on?" Quinn asked one of the teenagers in line. "We're waiting for Ariana Grande to come out." Quinn nodded as she skipped the line and head right for the door. Sam was thankfully there waiting for her. "Hey Quinn! Ariana is inside, also don't tell anybody but she told me my hair looked cute pushed back." Quinn was about to question him but instead she just added it to the 'things Sam says that she doesn't quite understand yet.' Quinn said her goodbye to him and the huge line and walked straight in. "So aren't you supposed to have bodyguards with you at all time or something?" Quinn asked Ariana as she walked up to the stage, where she was sitting on the piano. "I do, it's just that they're really good at blending in." She said as she pointed next to her offstage and behold there was a man with a walkie talkie in his hand. "Wow you weren't kidding. So uh, how do you want to do this?" Ariana shrugged her shoulders as she turned towards Quinn. "I was thinking we could actually get out of here. Sam was talking about a Glee club earlier and it sounds really fun." Ariana said with excitement. "Uh sure, it starts in five minutes so we could head down there for a couple minutes. How about we head out the back way? I think your fan club is still waiting in line to see you." Quinn told her playfully as Ariana quickly nodded in agreement with Quinn's plans.

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