Chapter 20: Old Habits Die Hard

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"Hey Quinn, Scooter just booked us a flight to New York to record! How cool is that?!" Sam yelled out excitingly. Quinn chuckled and nodded her head at him, "It's pretty cool man, but uh I haven't wrote anything new yet." She said quietly shrugging her back pack over oher shoulder, walking down the school hallway with Sam. Sam looked at her and clapped his hand over her back for comfort. "It's okay Quinn, I'm sure once we get to the big apple you'll have loads of inspiration." Quinn sighed heavily, "I sure hope so Sam..." They finally reached towards their lockers and put their stuff away for the day. So it's been a week since the whole kissing Rachel in the auditorium fiasco. Quinn could tell herself that it was a moment of weakness on her part, but she would be lying. Of course after they kissed for awhile Rachel told Quinn that they could never do it again. She knows that she broke Rachel's heart in two, but now all she wanted was to feel Rachel in her arms again. Quinn also lied to Sam about her not writing any songs. She had plenty, but they were all about Rachel. Quinn doesn't want to sing about her anymore, it's just too painful. Maybe when she's out on the road, she can share them with the world on her own time. As of the moment Scooter told her he needed happy songs from her. Or at least up beat compared to the usual sad songs she sent him. Quinn can't help herself, how is she supposed to write happy songs when she's the saddest person on the planet right now?! Quinn grunted with frustration and slammed her locker door shut. Quinn turned her head and saw that Sam was currently getting flirted with by no one other but Jules herself. Quinn could honestly care less, but she wouldn't lie and say that she wasn't a bit jealous of Sam. That dude was always freakishly happy. I mean even when he gets knocked down repeatedly on the football field, he always manages to get back up. Quinn wishes she had that sort of mentality, but she's a weak bitch mentality wise. "Hey Sam! When you're done blushing over there we need to get to practice, or coach Beiste will have our asses." She told him playfully, sliding her letterman jacket on her shoulders roughly. Sam blushes even harder if that's even possible and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Sorry Jules but duty calls, maybe I'll see you out there?" Sam asked Julie hopefully. Julie smiled at him fakely and nodded at him, "Sure thing lover boy." Julie popped his collar of his letterman jacket and walked past Quinn. "I'll see you too Quinnie." She said winking at Quinn suggestively, walking away with a sway in her step. Quinn snorted and shook her head with amusement, "come on lover boy, I don't want to do extra laps because you can't focus on anything but Julie's ass." Quinn said chuckling and dragging Sam by his arm. As they got to the locker room and started changing into their uniforms, Sam suddenly turned towards Quinn nervously. "Hey Quinn you won't be mad if I ask Julie out right?" Sam asked her hesitantly. Quinn laughed and shook her head no, "Of course not man, what Julie and I had is way past due." Quinn said pulling her pants up. Sam sighed in relief at Quinn's answer. "That's good because I don't think I could compete with you Fabray. I mean you already knock Puck on his ass, I can only imagine what you would do to me." Sam said shivering in fear, as he put his helmet on for protection. Quinn laughed as she too put her helmet on. "Even if I did care I would never hurt my Sammy boy, you're too precious to me." Quinn said punching his shoulder gently. Sam smiled wide and hugged her. As they got on the field, they saw Puck flirting with the cheerleaders on the other side of the field. "Yo Puckerman! Get your ass over here, we got a game to prepare for this next week!" Quinn yelled at him as he jolted in fright at Quinn's scream. He quickly turned around and ran towards them, "Sorry captain, won't happen again." Puck told her playfully. Quinn shook her head in amusement. Couch Beiste blew her whistle loudly, "That's enough ladies! Alright Finn and Quinn I'm appointing you guys captain of each of your own teams. Choose whoever you fancy." Finn was back on the team in about a month, which Quinn wasn't all that excited about. She still has his quarterback spot, so she's still pretty smug about that fact. Finn started to pick first, "I'll take Dave and Ian." Karaofsky groaned in displeasure, he really wanted to be on Quinn's team. Quinn rolled her eyes, Of course he picked the biggest dude out of the team. "I'll take Sam and Puck." Puck and Sam high fived each other and stood next to Quinn. They started to pick all the rest of the boys one by one, until there was no one left. Quinn has never wanted to win a scrimmage more in her life this badly. Maybe it's a little sadistic but she just can't help herself. She can't help but feel that Finn wants to make her look bad at every opportunity he has. Even though the dude barley looks like he's paying attention half the time. Also and here's the kicker, he hangs out with Rachel all the fucking time. Every time she looks at the glee table, there he is...looking at Rachel with those doughy puppy eyes. Makes her sick with rage, all she wants to do right now is beat Finn to a pulp. Now she finally has a reason to do it. As everyone gets lined up across from each other, Quinn sets her footing looking at Finn with a smirk on her face and complete hate in her eyes. Finn just looks confused and constipated, as he sees the look Quinn is giving him. Couch Beiste finally blew her whistle and Quinn sprang into action. Finn apparently expected her to run into him at full force but she ran past him with a chuckle. He opened his eyes and saw that she was halfway down the field line, Finn quickly ran after her. Puck threw the ball as far as he could for Quinn to run and catch it near the other teams field goal. Quinn has to admit Finn was a bit fast but not as fast as her. She was finally under the ball and jumped up to catch it with both hands. She fell back down on her feet and quickly took off towards the end goal. She heard Finn panting heavily from behind her, she could have laughed herself but she was breathing heavily as well. Just then she made the mistake of looking towards the bleachers. I guess it was out of habit of looking for Rachel, but she never came to her practices anymore. Quinn couldn't blame her either, but to her surprise Rachel was there looking at Quinn with a worried expression on her face. Time seem to have froze making her loose her footing a bit. Finn could have sighed in relief at the slow in her pace. Finn finally got the opportunity to tackle Quinn, and he must admit he might have tackled her a bit too hard. As Quinn's foot touched the field goal, Finn tackled her so hard that she heard something snap on top of her head. All she could see was a blinding white light as she hit the groubd hard. Quinn heard a faint scream from across the field as she groaned in pain, Rolling on her back. Finn got off of her quickly, "Oh god Quinn! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" He tried to help her up but Puck knocked him out of the way. "What the fuck Finn?! You could have killed her!" Finn stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry! She was going really fast and I was going fast too, I didn't mean to tackle her that hard I swear!" Finn said taking off his helmet in distress. Luckily Sam was right behind Puck so he immediately took off Quinn's helmet and saw she was dazed. Sam bent down and picked Quinn off the ground slowly, helping her on her feet. Puck scoffed and shoved him hard, "If she's even remotely bruised I will shove my foot so far up your ass that you will be singing cotton tail!" Puck screamed at him loudly. Couch Beiste and everyone finally caught up to them. "That's enough Puckerman! Quinn is okay, but just to be safe take her to the infirmary." Puck growled and looked fiercely at Finn as he shuffled over and helped Sam hobble Quinn off the field.

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