Chapter eleven

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Quinn's POV:

After my classes it was finally lunch. I went straight to the auditorium to have lunch with my girlfriend. That's right! Girlfriend! It feels weird saying that after three years of random hook ups with nobody's. I shrugged and walked happily to the auditorium. I opened the auditorium doors and saw Rachel sitting at the piano playing a few notes. "Hey rach!" I shouted walking up the steps to her. She turned around and jumped on me "baby!" She yelled in excitement. I laughed as Rachel held onto me tightly. I set Rachel down and kissed her lips gently, "I missed you." I said lowly against Rachel's lips. Rachel smiled "I missed you too quinnikens!" Rachel happily kissed my lips again, then sitting down pulling me with her. I smiled at her as she talked to me about glee club and sectionals in a couple months and how we should be very well prepared. I nodded listening to every word she was saying while eating my sandwich. Rachel had a salad and we talked and talked for what seemed like hours. "Quinn what songs do you think we should do?" Rachel asked me curiously. I thought for a minute "I don't know, I'm kinda bad at picking songs. But whatever you pick will be amazing, I guarantee it." I said smiling. Rachel squealed and kissed me on the lips softly, "I'm so glad were together." Rachel said hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her "me too." Rachel looked up at me and we stared into each other's eyes. I saw Rachel's pupils dialate and she stare at me lustfully, I smiled. Rachel leaned slower into me and kissed me gently, we kissed gently and lovingly for awhile, until things started to get heated. Rachel pushed me down onto the stage floor behind the curtains and kissed down my neck, I whimpered as Rachel sucked on my neck. 'Wow! For someone who barely had any experiences, she's really good at this!' I thought. I felt myself harden immeaditly, Rachel laying on top of me kissing me like this, it's very hard to resist her. She smiled at me amused when she felt me harden against her "Quinn, are you hard?" She said amused. I blushed in embarrassment, 'usually I wouldn't be embarrassed of getting a boner in front of somebody. But Rachel was special to me, she could make me hard in a second, which is why I'm very embarrassed right now.' I huffed "well can you blame?" I said. Rachel bit her lip and leaned down to kiss me and Sat back up, "I know, I'm that good Fabray." Rachel said cockily at me. My mouth was agape in shock "you are hanging around me too much," I said teasingly. She laughed. I sat up and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her neck. Rachel moaned, I stared to rock into her center, holding her tightly against me, Rachel moaned loudly, holding onto my leather jacket. When I started to go faster the bell rang, ruining our moment. We both groaned. Rachel pulled back and got off of me, I stood up with her, "rach....I'm still hard," I whined. Rachel smirked at me while going down the stairs "oops! Sorry quinnikens, I got to go class." Rachel said smiling as she walked out swaying her hips. "Your such a tease berry!" I shouted as she walked out, I heard Rachel laugh. I huffed and walked out trying to calm myself as I headed to my final class of the day.

Finally my last class was over. I ran to Rachel's last class and waited for her to come out. Being Rachel she had to stay and talk to the teacher about later assignments. I patiently waited for her, looking at twitter. I was checking my twitter when someone accidently rushed into me knocking me on the floor. The girl was on top of me and I was beneath her, I grunted in pain. She gasped "I'm so sorry!" I opened my eyes and saw a light haired brunette with light brown eyes staring at me poligetically. I smiled at her "it's okay...really." I said sincerely. She got off me and started to pick up her books and papers. "I'm Marley by the way, again I am so so sorry." She said nervously. I shook my head and helped her pick her books up "it's okay, I'm a footbal player, so it didn't hurt that bad. Seriously don't worry about." I said smiling at her. She blushed and stood up with some of her papers in her hand. I smiled as I handed some of her stuff to her. "Oh I'm Quinn." I said, realizing I haven't even told her my name yet. She smiled at me nervously "I know, your kinda popular around here." I nodded "well it's was realy nice meeting you, Marley." I said sincerely. She nodded "you too." She shook my hand and left walking down the hall, she turned and small waved at me shyly. I smiled and waved goodbye to her. Rachel came out of the classroom and saw me and Marleys exchange of goodbyes. I turned to her "there you are, I was seriously thinking i would have to drag you out of there." I said kissing her left cheek. She fake smiled me "who was that?" She said pointing down the hallway. "Oh that's was Marley, I actually just met her. She kinda ran over me." I said smiling. Rachel nodded slowly, I smiled at her obvious jealousy. "Come on babe, you know I only want you. The famous Rachel Berry." I said teasingly intertwining our hands, she smiled at me. I pulled her along as we walked out I the school parking lot to my car. "So what did you have to talk about with Mr...?" I said opening my car door for Rachel. "Oh Mr. Hitch, I just wanted every assignment early for the weekend." I chuckled at her as she got into my at and I rushed to the drivers side and got in. "You know, your kinda cute for a nerd." I said playfully at her. She smacked me "your a nerd too!" I laughed "yes but a nerd that hides my nerdiness." I told her honestly. She laughed "just drive me home, fabray." I chuckled as I started my car and drove to Rachel's house, holding her hand over the console.

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