Chapter 1: My Parents Disappeared

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Chapter 1

My Parents Disappeared

When I was nine years old I was adopted by my Grandmamma. My parents mysteriously vanished on a chilly early September morning in 2001. I was in the upstairs bathroom decorated of seashells and shore trinkets. I looked into the wooden medicine cabinet mirror while brushing my teeth. My pig tails were bouncing from side to side as I counted to 120. Daddy said that I should sing the Happy Birthday song to myself 8 times and I always did. When I was finished brushing my teeth, I made my way down the spiral staircase with my Hello Kitty backpack mounted onto my shoulders. 

I was ready to tackle the first day of Fourth Grade. I strolled into the open kitchen calling for mommy. She would see me onto the bus, since daddy was working at the station. When I received no answer, I proceeded to call for her throughout the rest of our spacious Victorian home in York. I called for her in every room. 

“Mommy, Mommy, where are you?”

After I made my way up to my parent’s bedroom, I noticed something strange. I heard a rustling sound. The windows were open and the leaves were falling from the trees. As I gazed at the long see-through vermillion curtains, flapping in the breeze, I felt a strange energy rush through my body and I jerked. Mommy's reading glasses sat on the floor so I picked them up.

“Mommy, Mommy ...” 

I continued to call as I searched in unusual places, like under their king sized bed. As I bent over and lifted the tan bed skirt, the white wooden door slammed shut.


I gasped loudly as I turned to the closed door. I was frightened but I kept myself calm by believing it was the wind. The wind began to howl making its way through the window, kicking up the circulars that were on top of the mahogany nightstand. They began swirling in the center of the room. I was scared, my heart beat rapidly. A black cloud began to show itself in the form of a person. It moved closer to me and I was on the brink of tears, then sobbing wildly as it approached.

It could have been the dust from beneath the dressers. Part of me felt like it was an entity with an agenda, one that was not good. From the whirling cloud I heard whispers. I couldn't make out any words. The black clouds hovered, two feet in front of me, and I felt my body shake again. This time it was not from fear, but more like something that had come over my spirit and instilled a mighty courage into my heart.


I commanded as I extended my arm and held up my hand.


I commanded once again. The bleak black cloud backed up and disappeared through the open window. The wind stopped and the circulars fell to the ground. I had already called my Grandmamma and she had made her way up the stairs and into my parent’s bedroom less than a minute after those strange occurrences had taken place. I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat on the bed. My Grandmamma rushed into the room and sat beside me.

“It's going to be alright Violet, everything's okay.'“ 

Grandmamma Maple said as she hugged me lovingly. I called my Grandmother Grandmamma, and her name was Maple.

“Where are they?”

I sniffled. 

“Where are my mommy and daddy?” 

I asked my Grandmamma in a whimpering voice.

“I don't know dear, but I've called the police force and they said your daddy didn't go in for work today”

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