Chapter 23: Amy and Tania Turn Wicked

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Chapter 23

Amy and Tania Turn Wicked

Damian arrived at my house at about 7:30 in his new, used car, a 2007, red Subaru Forester. He had met his parents halfway on the price he paid for it, which was 7,500 dollars. He had gotten it about 2,000 dollars under Kelly Blue Book value, from his Aunt Sally, who lived in town. Damian was a hard worker and had saved up the 3,500 over the course of working full time hours at the store over the summer and part time hours during the school year. 

He was very ambitious and I liked that about him. He had gotten his license although he was sixteen, since his parents owned property in Maine and the legal driving age in Maine is sixteen, somehow, due to this, he was able to get a Maine license, even though he lived in New York.

Damian pulled up and I was already waiting for him on the porch. Of course, I had dolled myself up, since I knew I'd be riding to school with him. I was so excited, it was hard to stop smiling and Grandmamma had teased me at breakfast, since she noticed a certain glow, about me. I told her that Damian had gotten his license and would be picking me up so we could drive to school together. Grandmamma had given me this look, like uh, oh, my little baby's growing up, but she was happy for me to and was glowing as well. 

I could tell that she was thinking about all the 'talks ‘she would have to have with me now, that I had a boyfriend, especially one with a license. Well, I wasn't exactly sure if Damian was my boyfriend, he hadn't officially asked me out at that time. I thought things were progressing nicely with us, even the wacky supernatural experiences that we seemed to share. Twice Damian had been in the throes of my encounter with the, 'Loco Oscuro', as mom called it.

Despite all of the crazy things that were happening, I was feeling pretty spiffy. As I sat on the porch, waiting for Damian, I was really excited to get to spend some time alone with him in his car, well, I thought we were going to be alone, but that wasn't nearly the case. 

As Damian arrived to the front of my house, I played with my hair wondering which way it would look best. I had curled my hair and sort of let it flow haphazardly, so I was flipping it from side to side. My hair had also begun to turn a slight hint of red, just like my moms. I hadn't noticed it until that morning, when I was curling it and I inspected the red strands in my vanity mirror, confused, yet pleased with the way it looked.

As I walked up to Damian's car, I noticed another girl in the driver’s seat; it was his sister, Patti May. Yes, that was her name, Patti May. Damian's parents were farmers from Maine, need I say more? Patti May was a freshman and she was freaking adorable. I hadn't formally met her besides at church earlier in that week. She had seemed nice enough, so I thought ... Patti May was one of Damian's four sisters and she was girl, so technically, she was the baby.

“Hey” I said as I walked up to the car. Patti May was sitting in the back seat and she looked pissed. Damian immediately got out of the car to greet me and open the passenger front seat door for me.

“Hi Vie” Damian said and we both smiled at each other “You look nice today.” He said as I proceed to sit in the car.

 “Thanks Damian!” I turned my head to the back seat and said hi to his sister, “Hey Patti May, how are you doing this morning?” I asked.

“Fine” She said with disinterest as she paid no mind to me and continued to text on her cell phone.

 “Cool phone” I said to Patti May.

 “Thanks” she said snidely. I took it by her short answers she was not interested in talking with me, so I gave up on that endeavor. 

Damian turned to me and smiled then looked back to Patti May. “Oh, she's just cranky, because she doesn't like mornings. Plus she's jealous that you got to ride shotgun and she didn't.” Damian laughed, pleasantly.

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