Chapter 13: Return of the Bracelet

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Chapter 13

Return of the Bracelet

I had calmed down considerably, since I had spoken to Damian. Sometimes I got excited, but it was nothing that I couldn't steer back in the direction of Zen. Ten minutes had gone by since we hung up the phone and I was sitting at my vanity, fixing my make-up, first some face powder, then blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, then mascara. I sprayed some Victoria Secrets, Love Spell perfume onto my wrists and my neck and changed into something nicer than a potato chip encrusted pair of black leggings and a Giants hoodie. I scoured my walk in closet for something more apropos and changed into a pair of dark blue jeggings and a low cut dark gray baby doll, also donning some costume jewelry on, a long pearl necklace and a ring. I took one last look at myself in my full length mirror slipping on my dark gray flats and headed down the stairs Samsung galaxy 4 phone in hand smiling.

About twenty minutes had gone by at this time and I patiently sat in the family room, stalking Damian's Facebook page on my phone. He must have had a big family, because there was a recent photo posted on his page, with his mom and dad, four brothers and three sisters. I was amazed, since it was rare for people to have families that big in Albany. There were photos with him and his chess club friends. I wasn't trying to stereotype him, but I wondered how someone so hot and cool could be on the chess team! It was becoming clear to me, that Damian was an intellect, as I remembered the last time I had seen him at lunch, he said he was headed to the library to do research. I was impressed, not only did he have a job, which meant he was responsible, but he was a good student and smart too, on top of being gorgeous, bonus!

I scrolled through his Facebook pictures as I waited until I grew bored and looked at my watch, 25 minutes had passed, oh no, he was late! Tiny little thoughts of fear ran script through the back of my head, like, what if he wasn't going to show, then I got dolled up for nothing! Then I quickly laughed at myself for taking the situation so seriously and almost making a big deal out of nothing. Of course he was coming; he said he was, once again, I needed to chill. I sat up straight and glanced out of the bay window in the family room, it was still raining dogs and cats.

It was not only raining, but very windy as well. I turned on the TV. to find that there were tornado watch for New York till 5 pm that day, which was no big deal, it was only a watch, right? Then my phone rang.

“Oh my God Vie” It was Crys. “Did you hear the news” She asked. 

“You mean the tornado watches for New York? Yeah.”

“No, not watches, warning!” 

“Really? What's the diff?”

“Watch means they're like, likely, warning means they're like, most def!” 

“Oh, well, it's not like one big giant tornado is gonna come sweeping over all of New York city, so I'm not worried.”

“Oh, they already started touching down girlfriend.” “really?”

“Oh yeah, along the Hudson, up in Newcomb!”

“Alright, well that's not so bad, that’s about two hours from Albany.” 

“I'm scared Vie!” 

“Are you home?” I asked. 

“No, Amy decided to give us a break.” 

“How nice of her” I said with sarcasm” 

“Yeah, there's a major cheer competition in Manhattan in November, she's like freaking, it's like, so annoying ...”

I heard Amy yelling in the background for everyone to get back to practice and a lot of moaning. “I guess not even a natural disaster could stop her now” 

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