Chapter 24: The Track Meet

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Chapter 24

The Track Meet

Thursday night, after all of that secret supernatural drama at school had finally ended, I decided to read more of mom's journal. I had received a call from uncle Frank and Aunt Mel at about 8:00 pm, assuring me despite their busy schedule campaign for Frank's place in office as the mayor of Troy, New York, that they would certainly be there and that they would ride with Grandmamma and Paul, ugh, Paul. 

All of my friends had promised to be there, except Ollie, who was still recovering from the Sony Play Station flu. Just kidding, it was just the regular old flu. Crys would ride with Damian and Scarlet Wolfe. Scarlet was a girlfriend that Crys, Gerri, Ollie and I would hang out with sometimes, like at mall trips or the occasional night out at the movies and pizza.

I laid in bed that night, after Uncle Frank called and I had spoken to him for a few minutes with my mom's brown hand sown, leather journal. I removed it from behind my fluffy pillows and from the pillow case that it was inside of, inside of a pillow case. I opened to the next journal entry and it read:

June 12th 1978

Today was the last day of school and now we have entered summer vacation. I'm sad to say, I'm not as excited about summer vacation as I normally am, but all the same, it is still exciting. I graduated with high honors, as I usually do and I told Pa and Ma, they congratulated me, but I could sense that they was a little preoccupied with other things, than my academics. All in all, I'm aiming to keep a positive stride on life and look forward to all the fun activities that Mel and I will partake in together this summer's season.

Other than the news of today being the last day of school, there's not really too much else to report. Daddy has promised he will try to go easier on me, as he knows he's been a curmudgeon since Mama's been sick. Daddy just looks sad, as he sits on the porch in the evenings, rocking in his white rocking chair. I think Mama's dying.

On a sweeter note, There's this boy, I really like down the way, so's I'm gonna try to get his attention too, in my nice summer outfits and hopefully at the fair this coming July, I'll help Pa work on the farm and earn some money for the rides and games, I reckon. Speaking of the hops farm, besides Ma's illness and Pa's frustrations, business is doing quite well! We's is selling hops by the tons and some other tall plants Pa's growing, I'm not sure what they are though they smell funny. There's lots of money in the bank Pa says for me to go to college at the finest school I desire to attend.

One more negative Nellie thing that's been happening is that I've been experiencing some awfully disturbing nightmares. This 'Dark Man' comes and takes away my Ma and Pa and then he comes after me next. I don't remember much, except for the fact that I'm scared and I run from him. I can only pray to God and the Lord Jesus, that these bad dreams stop. Ma says I need to pray to the rosary and that will help and also ask for forgiveness at confession, so's I did, but I'm still having them damned dark nightmares anyhow. I haven't told Pa about them, since he kind of scares me lately with his mood swings.

Some family visitors from Pa's side is coming in two weeks, from Mexico. I wholeheartedly look forward to meeting them for the first time that I will be able to remember, since they ain't seen me since I was a baby. Well, journal, that all the updating news for now, as ma and Pa always says, “May the light of the love of the Lord be with you.  May the Light of Love, cure you and send your darkness into the abyss.”

With Love,

Julia Mariana Quiñones

I was shocked that mom had the same nightmares that I had, but not so shocked, after I took everything else that had been happening into consideration. I wondered what the other plant was, that Grandpa Jethro was growing and was also taken aback by the fact that mom had expressed grandma and Granpa's great financial wealth, which I was unaware of till now. I felt so sad for my mom and the hardships that she had gone through with her mom's illness. I knew that later on in the book I would read that her mom would pass away, since she passed away when my mom was thirteen, that much I had known, or had been told at least. 

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