Chapter 18: How I Truly Met Ollie

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Chapter 18

How I Truly Met Ollie

I had spoken to Damian that night for about an hour, he helped me with my Spanish homework, which was great because I was finding Spanish II increasingly difficult. Mrs. Gramata was pretty hard on us and she made us speak in Spanish most of the way through class. I was glad to have Damian to help me with my Spanish homework and with any luck I would get an A!

Damian was really smart and he practically had a perfect grade point average. After high-school, he said it was his dream to go to college and someday become a college professor. He wasn't quite sure yet, exactly what he wanted his major to be, but he knew he wanted to be a teacher.

At least Damian had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to do after high-school; I had no idea what I wanted to be after high-school. I figured I would attend community college and just go from there. I knew I loved running and writing. Maybe I would be a writer or a professional Marathon runner, was there even such a job as a professional runner?

I had spent so much time feeling sorry for myself, since my parents’ disappearance, still crying myself to sleep most nights, which I couldn't really focus on the future. Just getting through life on a day to day basis was challenging enough. Then I felt bad for feeling sorry for myself and I guessed it was one of my greatest weaknesses. But no matter how bad it got, I always found my way back to happiness and I actually had a pretty good sense of humor, despite my sadness. 

Crystal and Gerri had really been there for me through it all and I loved those girls with all my heart. Regardless of where life would take us after high-school, even if we went our separate ways, which we most likely would, we would always be best friends at heart, a tripod! Ollie was a new edition to our tripod so I guessed we weren't a tripod anymore, we were a quadrapod. Oh, was that Spanish? oh no, that would have been quatro.

Ollie was a really good person and the fact that he occasionally had gotten on my nerves was absolutely due to my own personal issues. He was a caring and trustworthy person and I knew I could count on him in any situation. Ollie was always texting me with his own personal issues like how his dad would drive him crazy. Ollie's dad had a nightmare of a younger girlfriend who was clearly using his dad for his money and Ollie couldn't stand her for it. 

He would confront his dad and tell him how he felt that Peggy was using his dad for his money, but Ollie's dad refused to believe it and it caused a war between them. I really did feel for Ollie, since I truly believed he was only trying to do the right thing by telling his dad the truth about how he felt. Ollie came across a little bit flakey but he really was a smart kid with a lot of guts and I respected him for it. maybe that's why he annoyed me so, because he was so up front and honest about his feelings, sometimes to the point where you just wanted to flick him like a gnat. A little truth fruit gnat.

But I had to love Ollie for his blunt honesty, it’s what made him a really good friend. Ollie had discovered that if he climbed up the willow tree outside of my bedroom window, that he could make his way onto my balcony by jumping the precise distance.  I had a balcony, did I mention that? I had lots that I should have been thankful for and that just made it that much worse that I would feel sorry for myself. 

At first I was thoroughly disturbed by Ollie's surprise appearance. I was lying in bed watching music videos on MTV, tonight by fun was playing and I heard an insane tapping on my door. I was so startled that my bowl of freshly popped buttered popcorn went flying into the air. I scolded him for showing up at my balcony like that as I was disappointed most of my popcorn had ended up on my bed, but I let him in anyway. 

Ollie was ranting and raving about how he and his dad were having another argument over Ollie's contempt for his gold digger girlfriend as he ate the spilled popcorn off of my bed. I just looked at him like hey, what are you doing, that's my popcorn! But then, he started crying and I couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards him. I moved in closer and sat next to him, letting my ice guard down and warming up to his obvious needs for a true friend.

I hugged him for what seemed like a good while, assuring him that everything would be okay, looking for some words of wisdom, but I realized that in times like those, it wasn't so much what you said, but just simply the fact that you sympathized and you were there. It was at that moment, that I truly let my icy guard down and accepted Ollie as a friend into my heart. and so a quadrapod it was.

We watched a little MTV together and Ollie had fallen asleep on my bed and he looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake him. I didn't see the harm in him being there, in my bed, I trusted him and I felt that he would never try to do something scummy and make a move on me, his heart was genuine. It was then that I realized, maybe his being so nice to me wasn't necessarily to do with a crush, but rather his attraction to the light inside my heart, which to protect myself from pain, I had desperately tried to keep hidden.

Ollie and I awoke the morning after he had crashed my pad, with popcorn still spilled all over the bed and the TV was on. We said goodbye, momentarily, since we would see each other in a couple of hours at school. He thanked me once again for being such a good friend and told me that I still looked beautiful, even with drool on the side of my face and half of my hair sticking up. I laughed and I thanked him for such a high compliment.

Well that's the story of how Ollie and I became close friends anyway. He made his way out if the balcony, just how he had made his way in, but in reverse. What we had was simply a pure and loving friendship with no romantic attraction whatsoever. It was nice to have a plutonic relationship with a boy. Don't get me wrong, Ollie was cute, in that little boy, Justin Bieber kind of way. But we were friends and that was all. 

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