Chapter 27: Date With Damian

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Chapter 27

Date With Damian

Grandmamma, Paul and I all got into Paul's car quietly, after the 'Healing Mary' incident inside of the church. Paul's car smelled like strawberry air freshener and of course it did, there was an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror.

“It smells so good in your car Paul, like strawberries!” I said. 

“Thanks Vie, it was a free gift from the dealership.”

“Cool.” I said.

As Paul started the car Grandmamma turned around from the front seat, where she was sitting to the back seat where I was and looked at me with concern.

“Violet, honey, what exactly happened in there, with that Mary girl?” 

“I don't know.” I said as I fiddled through my purse to find my phone. 

“Why did you put your hand up, to Mary, when she asked you to heal her?”

“I'm not sure, I guess because that's what they do on TV, you know, on those church shows, when they heal people. The priest always puts out his hand to the person he's trying to heal.”

“I guess that's true, dear.” Grandmamma said and she smiled lovingly. 

“Praise Jesus!” I said giggling as I held out my left hand joking.

“I wouldn't expect anything less from you Violet, your heart is pure. Of course you would want to help someone in need of help who has asked you kindly to help them ...” Grandmamma praised.

“She's a good girl!” Paul added.

Grandmamma was satisfied with this answer and she turned back around as we pulled out of the church parking lot. There was a bit of traffic. I was just satisfied my playing dumb had worked. We passed Mary's family, as they drove an old Subaru Forester that was a little beat up. Mary was looking at me once again, still smiling. I wasn't sure exactly what I had done, but at this point, with the flames that extended from my finger tips and touched Mary, I had an inkling that it DID have something to do with me. I was slowly beginning to develop an understanding, that I was 'different' or 'special' and that there were certain people, who I could talk to about it and there were certain people, I had to keep it a secret from. I didn't know why, all of this had to be or was, all I knew, was that it was happening to me and it had to have been happening for a reason.

“So where to next!” Paul asked. I was beginning to actually like him, especially since he stuck up for me when Mary's abusive dad had called me a witch. 

“Well, we're going to drop Violet off at the Hudson River Greenway Park, and then you and I are going out to lunch at Lake View Inn on Crystal Lake.” Grandmamma answered Paul.

“Mmmm sounds nice!” Paul said. “But I think I'll just have a salad.” He said as he looked at Grandmamma smiling.

“Oh dear, once you see the menu, I think you'll want to order more than a salad!” Grandmamma said in good spirits, as she held his hand.

We arrived at the Hudson Greenway Park, soon enough and I said goodbye to Grandmamma and Paul.

“So what's the plan, dear?” Grandmamma asked.

“Damian is going to bring me home later on, tonight.” I said.

“Not too late, it's a school night.” Grandmamma reminded me. “Be home no later than 9:00.” 

“Okay.” I agreed as I got out of the and kissed Grandmamma from the passenger side window. “ No later than 10.” I teased as I walked towards my friends. 

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