Chapter 12: A New Best Friend?

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Chapter 12

A New Best Friend?

Uncle Frank and I left the park that morning, shortly after he had found the metal button. I was beginning not to like that location and thought maybe I should find a new spot to chill and write my journal entries from then on. There was another bench just a short distance past the place where I had my vision; I decided to try it out, next time I was in the mood to write. Maybe there would be no visions there and I could just be a normal girl and not a police assisting forensic psychic. I wondered if I could put that on my resume, when I was ready to get a job, after all, I would be sixteen soon, it might have been near time to get my behind out into the rat race of the working world.

I paced my room, thoughts racing, thinking about Colin and the inevitable doom I had imposed upon him with my psychic powers. What had I done? Perhaps I had done something good, by telling Uncle Frank about what I had seen, I mean, Cindy Swanson did deserve some justice, didn't she? Even if Colin was possessed by some Dark Demon thingy, we were all responsible for our own actions, regardless, were we not? Of course we were. This deduction put my racing mind to rest and I sat down at my very busily decorated computer desk.

Colin had not been charged with Cindy's rape, or murder, the police were unable to provide any plausible evidence. Cindy's body had washed upon the bank of the New Jersey Palisades late June. Her family was thankful that her body hadn't disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean, heaven forbid; they would never have had any closure, which was something I could understand, needing closure, since I was looking for some myself.

I felt terrible about what happened to Cindy, I hadn't known her well, but had some contact with her from time to time. She was a real sweet girl, involved in many activities, an avid player on the tennis team an A+ student. The papers said it was her dream to go to Harvard.

Gerri's jerk of an ex-boyfriend Calvin Briggs was best friends with Colin. They had broken up at the end of last school year and thank God for that. Calvin was a controlling and abusive boyfriend to Gerri and she finally reached a breaking point to where she couldn't take the abuse anymore and she broke up with him on the last day of Freshman year in the hallway in-between class periods where other students could hear.

Needless to say, Calvin was crushed by this and would not accept the truth, that Gerri just did not love him, at all. He harassed her so badly, that within a week of their break-up, Gerri had to get a restraining order on Calvin. We were now into the next school year, and Calvin still always found ways to show up where Gerri was. She had lifted the restraining order out of the goodness of her heart and in hopes to begin the new school year off with a fresh start. Calvin was a senior and so was Colin. Since their dads were motorcyclists and part of the gang, 'The Hells Angels', naturally Calvin and Colin followed suit. There were a few other boys that followed them around also, who rode motorcycles. Calvin and Colin were like the leaders of the pack. Gerri had sort of known Cindy Swanson, since her ex-boyfriends best friend, Colin was dating her at the time.

Colin had already gotten himself a new girlfriend named Tania Hart; she was a motorcyclist also and rode to school every day with Colin on the back seat of his Harley Davidson . She was a bad girl, one whom I would never mess with. Tania and Colin took shop class together, that's how they met, I suppose and after the first day of class they were already boyfriend and girlfriend, engaging in gross public displays of affection upon the public eye. The Motor Club and the Poplars’ did not get along at all! There was constant confrontation and fighting between the two groups, sometimes bloodshed.

Gerri hated the motor club and she avoided them like the plague. Gerri was a very beautiful Brazilian girl, with long thick black wavy hair that was very shiny. She was a natural beauty and if she had been taller, she could have been a model. Every boyfriend she ever had was crazy over her to the point where she had to break up with them because of their insane jealousy. Gerri, Crys and I had all been friends since the fourth grade, when I first moved to Albany from Troy. Those girls were very close to my heart and I loved them both.

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