Chapter 7: Missing Bracelet

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 Chapter 7

Missing Bracelet


I groaned. “My Heaaaddddd”.

It was Sunday morning and a beautiful one at that. It was a blessing to feel the sun shining through the bay window in my bedroom, since it has been raining most of Saturday evening into Saturday night. I propped the comforter down and pulled it back over my eyes in a flash. Nice as the sunshine was, it was burning my eyes. Grandmamma had gone to church, which I had earlier declined to attend. Grandmamma went for bible study early in the morning before church and today they were having a luncheon as well. I wasn't up for all that much fun.

“mmmmmm” I moaned. “Ugh” I whined and I tossed the covers off if myself promptly.

I stretched and yawned. My cell phone was ringing, but where was it? I searched all over the bed and underneath the warm covers. I slept with my phone beside me every night. Still no sign of it! I dropped my head to the floor and searched underneath my queen sized bed. There it was, just beside my sneakers underneath a shirt. It was Chrys.

“Hello' I muttered, settling my head back down on my pillow so loud you could hear the 'poof!' as my head hit.

“Hi Vie!” Crys said cheerfully.

'Your awfully chipper this morning at .....' I looked on my phone '8:45 in the morning'.

“Yeah! I've been up for a whole hour! I've had my protein shake and ran the treadmill for a half an hour! Now I'm just kickin' it, talkin' to you.”

“mmhmmm hmmm” I said rather desultory. I began picking the mascara off of my eye lashes and then sprung up from my bed, standing up, straightening my sore back. My blue and white polka dot pajama bottoms looking fashionable with a white t-shirt.

“You sound so enthusiastic this morning!” Crys said sarcastically, as I heard her little brother bugging her in the background.

“I'm hung over” We giggled as I paced my room, my toes sifted through my tan shag carpet.

“Hung Over?” Crys said in the form of a statement and a question at once. I began to sluggishly tell her the story of how Paul proposed to Grandmamma last night.

“Grandmamma, Paul and I went out to Yon's for dinner last night” By this point in the conversation I had gotten up and looked at myself over in the mirror at my vanity. Ugh, what a mess! I began brushing my hair and then sat down.

“Sounds like a blast” Crys said. Crys knew I wasn't entirely fond of Paul and his antics. 

“You'll never guess what happened …” I said.

“You got asked out by a hot waiter?”

“No.” I sighed. “I wish. No, Paul proposed marriage to Grandmamma and she accepted!”

“Shut up! Really? Girl that's cray!” Crys exclaimed.

“I tell you no lies.' I answered. 'Paul gave me a gift, just as sort of a way to make me happy so I didn't have any objections. I am now the proud new owner of a Samsung Galaxy 4 phone'

“No sugar! That's awesome! I'm jealous Vie. Now, You've got the phone you've always wanted. Upgrade!”

“Yeah, it's pretty cool and Paul's a pretty decent guy, I know he'll take good care of Grandmamma. There's still something that creeps me out about him, but I'm not the one marrying him, so who am I to judge, right?”

“Awah. We'll your Grandmamma is happy, that's what really matters.”

“Yep, true dat Crys” I responded trying to believe this was a good thing.

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