Chapter 11: Overwhelming Evidence

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Chapter 11

Overwhelming Evidence

Uncle Frank and I had gone back to the scene of the crime or the scene of my vision rather, at the Dunn Memorial Bridge and Clearwater. We first went out to the Skyline Diner, for breakfast before investigating the scene of the supposed crime. I wore my black leggings and a Giants sweatshirt, it was daddy's, he loved the Giants and football in general. I had on a pair of Puma's to match. I have to admit, I had a very large sneaker collection. Uncle Frank was wearing a casual outfit as well, with a baseball cap on as if he was attempting to be incognito.

We each ordered a big breakfast and had a wonderful time. I had ordered bacon, eggs, sausage and toast with butter and jelly. Uncle Frank had the chocolate chip pancakes and a mug of coffee and I had my orange vitamin water. I was feeling somewhat under the weather. My nose was runny, too.

“Better get your vitamin C there kiddo.” Uncle Frank said.

 “There's plenty of vitamin C, here in my Vitamin Water, see, 60% of my daily value.” I smiled as if I had just won an argument. 

“Okay, okay, you win.” uncle Frank winked at me as if I was doing well in a competition.

 “But, you know, Vitamin Water is just glorified sugar water?” Uncle Frank just couldn't help himself; he had to egg me on. 

“Would you rather I drink a coke? I hear they’re fortifying those with vitamins nowadays as well ...” 

“Good point, why don't you just stick to the Vitamin Water, Vie”

“I think I will, Uncle Frank.” The chemistry between Uncle Frank and I was great. I don't think most people who were actually related got along that good.

“So what's going on in your life kiddo, besides seeing dead people?” I practically spit out my drink. 

“Excuse me.” I said laughing, uncle Frank laughed, too. “Not much” I said as I ate my breakfast like a starving horse.

“Grandmamma starvin' ya'?” Frank joked. “No! Grandmamma is an excellent cook and she takes top notch care of me.” I said, straightening my back and wiping the ketchup off my face with a napkin. “I’m just being a teenager!”

“She is a wonderful woman, you're really lucky to have her around” 

“Tell me about it” I said matter of factly. 

“So ... any new boyfriends or friend drama ...” Frank prodded.

I looked out the window at the sun. “I was the fastest runner at track practice this week, I actually broke a practice record, Miss Mangina said.” Then Frank practically shot coffee out of his nose he laughed so hard.

“Miss Mangina?”

“Yeah, it's German” I said. The Diner wasn't all that busy for a Saturday, there were a few other customers.

“Well, I'm proud of ya' darlin.” 


Uncle Frank paid the check and we headed out to the park. We were both so full we noted how we'd both like to go home and curl up in our beds. We spoke about memories of my parents, Julie and John, on the way over, I told Uncle Frank how I had lost the cat's eye bracelet, probably at the park where I had the vision, since that's where I remembered wearing it last. Frank remembered the day my parents had given that bracelet, clearly. He assured me I would find it, I hoped he was right.

“Park over here” I said. “This is where I had the vision, just right over there by the bench along the river.”

“Okie doke.” Uncle Frank parked his silver car. It was overcast and very windy, it looked like it was going to rain, my hair was blowing around.

“Looks like rain” Uncle Frank said as we headed over to the spot. I stopped for a moment before we arrived, as I was having a wicked flashback of the day I had the vision of Colin murdering Cindy.

“You okay?” Uncle Frank asked. I collected myself, 

“Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.” “Okay, just checkin.” and we continued on our way until we arrived at the spot where it all went down. I stopped and advised Frank that we had reached out destination. I was uncomfortable and stood with my arms crossed as I faced the river.

“I'm gonna have a look around, maybe you should look for your bracelet, since this is where you saw it last and all ...”

“Good Idea.” I agreed. 

As I began searching for my bracelet I began to feel calmer, I was with Uncle Frank, he would protect me and there was nothing to worry about. The crazy bird that had attacked me just a week earlier was sitting on a branch nearby cawing away, I looked up at him, could have sworn his eyes were red, no they couldn't be, I thought to myself. Uncle Frank was searching the scene of the vision as police officers do, he had his gloves on and he was carefully checking the area. He started humming a song by the Beatles, his favorite band of all time.

After a few minutes of searching for my bracelet, I gave up. I walked over to where Uncle Frank was.

“This is probably just a waste of time. It's just silly, I mean, you’re going on a lead for a closed murder case, just on the fact that I had a vision.”

“It's not so silly Vie; forensics uses a psychic from time to time to solve a case or two.” 

“A psychic?”

“Yeah” Uncle Frank said and just before he could elaborate any further on the subject, he found something, a button. He dusted it off and looked at it.

“What is it?” I asked

“Looks like a button, a rare one too, from a heavy jacket, perhaps leather.”

“Colin wears a leather jacket.” I confirmed.

“I bet he does.” Uncle Frank said with a tone as if he had just convicted him.

“What does this mean?” I asked.

“It means Colin's going to get what he deserves.”

I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, as Uncle Frank bagged up the button and took one last look around; I looked around as I stood there with my arms crossed and the wind tossing my ponytail around. I thought about how Colin's body had been invaded by those dark clouds, how he had instantly changed, from loving to vile once it had happened. I wasn't so sure a conviction was what Colin deserved. I didn't dare tell Uncle Frank about the Dark Clouds just yet, I wasn't ready for that.

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