Chapter 5: A Vision of Murder

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 Chapter 5

A Vision of Murder

Saturday morning had come quickly. I had awoken snug as a bug in a rug, underneath my purple velvet comforter. Mom used to read 'Snug as a Bug' to me when I was a child. My comforter was so soft and warm, every time I pulled it off I felt the morning chill. I didn't want to get out of bed, so I rolled around for about a half an hour before waking. It was only 4:30 am. Every day, I went for an hour long jog at around 5 am. My cell phone alarm clock went off at 5:00 am. I hated my cellphone it was so cheap and behind the times. What I really wanted was a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone, but that was too expensive. I'd have to save up three months’ worth of allowances and that would mean not spending a penny of it either.

“ERRRR ERRRR ERRRR ERRRR” I stumbled for the button to turn it off grumbling. 

“ERRRR ERRRR ERRRR ERRRR” Where is that button? I went to roll over as I ordered the extremely annoying cell phone alarm to shutup and I accidentally rolled out of bed with my comforter. 

“owwwwww” I yelped as I hit the carpeted floor but finally got the darn thing to stop beeping.

I threw on my 'jogging' clothes and began doing stretches. I was in great shape! My calves were well defined, my abs were toned and I was as flexible as a gymnast! I did a ten minute set of stretches in my roomy bedroom on my blue Yoga mat with little yellow suns. Salem strutted over to say Hello.


Salem greeted me as I stretched

“Good Morning Salem” I greeted him too.

“Meow, Meow”

Salem replied as he rubbed his fat furry body against my sides

“mmmmmmm .... You're so soft”

I picked Salem up and gave him kisses, he was shedding.

“Pfffttt Pfftttttt” Oh I need to brush you!

I then arose, grunting from the pain of my Russian split stretching position. I was feeling like a million bucks though! I stretched my arms up in the air from side to side as I played 30 Seconds to Mar's 'From Yesterday' on my iPod dock. Then I proceeded out the back door. Salem followed me

“No, Salem, you stay here”

“Meooowwww?” He pleaded convincingly

“You know you can't come jogging with me, my fat furry buddy.”

I placed Salem down on the tiled kitchen floor and proceeded out the door. The air held a certain crisp chill that gave me goose bumps on my skinny arms. I was wearing a pink V-neck t-shirt and black Victoria Secret's yoga pants. I had bought them on my last 'Mall trip' with Uncle Frank. He loved Victoria Secret's. I figured it was because he liked to shop around for Aunt Mel, since he always bought something too.

Grandmamma didn't like shopping at the mall, in fact she despised it. She was an avid Walmart shopper. She said 'anything you need you can get at Walmart, from a light bulb to lunch meat!' I wasn't too fond of Walmart, but Grandmamma certainly was! Even though she had money, she was a thrifty shopper.

“Good morning Miss Violet” I heard in a sing song voice from the nosy neighbor’s yard

“Good morning Miss Perdue” I said struggling to sound cheerful. I wondered what she was doing up so early, but didn't care enough to ask. 

“Going for your jog?” She asked.

“Mm hm” I said.

“Hey, its yer birthday soon, now, isn't it there Miss Violet? Pretty little thing you are, I bet all the young lads in school are just chasin' you around tryna get in those britches!”

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