Chapter 16: Return of the Angel

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Chapter 16

Return of the Angel

The Jammy Jam went great and it was just what I needed to get my mind off of what seemed to be an impending apocalypse. Crys, Gerri and I painted our nails, watched Means Girls and talked about boys while eating mass amounts of cookie dough Hagan Daz ice cream. I told my besties everything about what happened with Damian, except for The Dark Ghost incident and my apparently new levitation and mind control skills. They were so happy for me, I was floating on cloud nine and having the time of my life. We stalked Facebook pages and took pictures of our Jammy Jam and uploaded them to Facebook as well. We took all kinds of pictures in our pajamas with silly faces and ice cream, We were making memories!

Crys talked about her crush on Ollie, Gerri and I urged her to ask him out, but Crys refused to be the one to ask a boy out, she was just old fashioned like that. She must have been blind to the fact that Ollie had a massive crush on me, which was in no way shape or form, cute in any way and I was glad that his fervor for me had been dying down even if it was slowly.

Gerri talked about how her ex-boyfriend, Calvin had still been stalking her, showing up at places like track practices and the mall while she was shopping for new sneakers with her mom that week. He still found ways to send her text messages saying how much he missed her by purchasing new phones with new numbers and stuck 'I love you' letters in her locker every day. She couldn't prove it was him and so she just had to live with it, until he had finally gotten over her and that day couldn't come soon enough.

I got up to do my morning jog, while my girls slept in my huge bed in their bright and colorful pajamas; they were so adorable when they slept! We all had breakfast together, as Grandmamma made us homemade Belgium waffles with lots of butter and real Maple syrup. Grandmamma invited us to church and although I wasn't too keen on going Crys and Gerri wanted to go, so I sucked one up for the team. Of course Amy and her parents were there, along with Ted and his parents and lots of other kids from our school, it was a popular church, we had quite a few Catholics in our area. If only they knew they had a witch right there in their church ....

I didn't really know what I was, I wasn't certain I was a witch, but I knew I wasn't like your average teenager, or your average person. Whatever I was, witch or not, I was different. Uncle Frank had said forensics used psychics to solve cases, but could they levitate? Could they move things with their intent? I didn't know. I couldn't have been the only person in the world like this, could I? I wondered as the choir sang Amazing Grace in church and I gazed at the aesthetically pleasing stained glass windows of sheep in meadows.

As my eyes wondered around the church, while the priest gave sermon, I noticed to the left, Damian and his immense family sitting quietly. Of course they were Catholic, which would make sense, since it didn't seem that Damian's family believed in birth control, so there were eight siblings in total. His mom looked surprisingly in good shape for a woman who had given birth to that many children. I was shocked. Then I wondered if Damian wanted a family that big someday and I gasped in fright. Thankfully, I don't think anyone heard me, except for this old man in the front row who seemed to keep looking back and staring at me. Wait a minute, it was the old man from my jog that one day, who had turned into the Dos Equis looking guy and then disappeared! Now I was scared, and excused myself right in the middle of breaking bread to go to the bathroom.

“Excuse me, it's an emergency, waffles didn't sit right with me this morning” I said to random people as I excused myself.

People staring at me as I made my way down the aisle and then eventually into the foyer, when I opened the door to the bathroom I immediately ran to the stall.  I had to pee really badly, those three cups of coffee wanted out. I flushed the toilet and made my way over to the mirror, it was a really nice bathroom; it was good to know with all the tithings, that there was a considerable amount of money going into flower arrangements and air fresheners. I mean, this bathroom had the works, designer hand lotions and fancy mints. I was impressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw the Dos Equis guy standing right behind me.

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