Chapter 19: Playing Hooky

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Chapter 19

Playing Hooky

I skipped school Tuesday, since Uncle Frank had requested to Grandmamma that she let me sit that one out. Grandmamma didn't really question Frank too much, or ask why, she trusted him and if he said it would be in my best interest, which was all the explaining that she needed. Frank had asked me if I would like to spend the day at his house and we could go down to the station as well and talk about my visions and the evidence he had found. 

I was also excited to see Mel, who I hadn't seen in a few months. Frank had come to pick me up nice and early, I didn't even get my jog in, even though we had the big track meet against Cohoes. I figured maybe, it would have the reverse effect on me and actually make me run better if I practiced less, it was really just an internal excuse to pardon myself from my laziness. 

On the drive over, Frank had handed me a Mcdonald's bag with two Mcgriddles in it, they were my favorite Mcdonald's breakfast sandwich, however, I loved them, but they did not love me, so to speak and I was a tootin' in the car like a baby who had bad gas. Uncle Frank and I just laughed as we were good like that. I laughed so hard, that I actually got a stitch in my side and I noted that I hadn't laughed that hard in a really long while, as it was much needed therapy. Thank you Mcgriddles and subsequent flatulence, you rock!

As I had tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks, Frank cranked the radio, Eye of the tiger was playing on one of the popular radio stations and we were singing along like it was nobody’s business and it really wasn't, nor, do I think, they would have wanted to make it their business anyhow! After twenty minutes of driving, we arrived at Uncle Frank's and Aunt Mel's snazzy bi-level brick and stucco home in Troy. We had passed my old home on the way and I was temporarily sullen. The outside was all decorated for fall with pumpkins and gourds and it had a real homey feel to it, that I really enjoyed. 

“The house looks great Uncle Frank!” I said. “Don't praise me, praise Mel! She does all of the decorating around here, she is amazing!”

Uncle Frank said as we both stood beside the car for a moment to gaze at the beauty of the property. Everything was perfect and landscaped right down to the T, from the hedges to the trees. There were even some Halloween decorations here and there; I really loved Halloween, mainly for the dressing up of course, why else? This year, I was planning on dressing up as Rouge from the X-Men for Halloween. 

As Frank and I made our way to the stairs, Mel opened the door to greet us. She was very enthusiastic to see me as it had been a while.

“Hi Sweat heart! How ya' been?” Mel said.

“Good.” I responded happily and smiling incessantly.

 “Oh, you're growing up so fast! I can remember when you were just a little tiny thing!” Mel said and we laughed. 

“Hehe, the yard looks beautiful Mel! I just love the pumpkins and the gourds are super awesome!”

“Oh thanks Vie, I just picked some stuff up at the market when I was out the other day. Had hoped you'd be coming by, so I  wanted to make everything extra special!”

Mel was about average height, 5'5” with a very classy way about the way she dressed and presented herself. She was possibly, soon to be the mayor's wife, so I guessed she had a reputation to uphold. She had a light colored suit on, it was very nice and looked expensive. She wore a decent amount of gold jewelry and a huge diamond necklace around her neck, which was a 20th wedding anniversary present from Uncle Frank. It must have cost a fortune, it was one heck of a rock!

“Come in, come in ...” Mel urged me and so I did just that.

Uncle Frank had a phone call so he remained outside for a little while longer while he took the call, it sounded like it was from the office and it may have been about me, but I hadn't heard enough of the conversation to say for sure. It was nice to see some pictures of my parents in their house, it just added to the whole, homey feel that I so craved and I was definitely getting my fill. Mel was uber excited to give me my birthday present, as she couldn't wait! 

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