Chapter 29: Meeting Granpa Jethro

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Chapter 29

Meeting Grandpa Jethro

As I stood at the white marble counter top, by the Bonavita coffee maker, drinking my hazelnut coffee, the sun shone through the window. Reading the newspaper, I was shocked by what I had seen on the front page.

“Key evidence found by Mayoral Candidate, Frank Jibroni ...”

My mouth hung open in shock and I nearly spilled my hot coffee as I made my way over to the kitchen table to grab a cheese Danish and sit down. What I read next, was more shocking than being visited by an Angel who made dog poop disappear from my hand; Seeing a pirate and an alien at my side when I was running the 1600 meter race at the track meet, AND being attacked by an evil tornado wearing a straw hat and Tania with a pocket knife all put together and rolled into one.

“Colin Davis was charged yesterday with eight counts of rape and four counts of murder and is suspected to be the ‘Hudson River Road’ Rapist.” I read.

“No Way!” I said rather loudly as I took a bite of my Danish.

“No way what, dear?” Grandmamma asked as she sipped her tea, browsing through a catalog.

“Colin's been charged with Cindy Swanson's murder and three other counts of murder! They believe him to be the Hudson River Rapist!” Grandmamma sadly shook her head. She had pink curlers in her hair and a white bathrobe on.

“It's very unfortunate for those poor young girls. Uncle Frank is an honorable cop and if he found evidence against Colin tying him to these heinous crimes, then it's more than likely he's the one.” I nodded my head in agreement with Grandmamma’s intelligent deduction as I read on. Thank God the newspaper didn't mention my name anywhere in conjunction with Colin's indictment. Just as I finished reading the paper, I heard Damian honking the horn for me, outside. I got up from the kitchen table, with the newspaper still in my hand and only a few bites taken out of my Danish. I stuffed the newspaper into my olive green messenger bag, which was hung on the side of the chair I was occupying.

“You're not going to finish your breakfast?” Grandmamma asked and I looked down at the barely eaten Danish and then picked it up.

“I'll finish it on the way.” I replied and Grandmamma smiled approvingly.

“Have a nice day dear.” Grandmamma said and I momentarily felt guilty for what I was about to do, since I was skipping school that day with Damian to go see Grandpa Jethro, without telling her what I was doing or where I was going.

As I walked towards the front door, I reached into my jean pocket, checking to make sure that I had Grandpa Jethro's address, that Aunt Mel had written down for me on Saturday, and I saw that I also had a text message from an unknown number on my phone.

“Hey Violet, its Tatiana. I will be testifying against Colin. See ya' at school!” I placed the phone back into my pocket and fixed my light purple baby doll shirt as I walked out the door.

I got into Damian's car, he gave me a peck on the lips and then as I buckled my seat belt and looked over at him. I could tell that he looked nervous.

“Everything's going to be fine!” I said assuring Damian.

“I told my mom what I would be doing today.” Damian said and I looked at him with disapproval. “It's okay, I told her that you couldn't tell your Grandmamma.” I half-smiled and touched him on his shoulder. “Thanks for doing this for me.”  

Damian looked at me with those most amazing crystal blue eyes. “I love you, Violet.” he said and I was silent for a few seconds as I was not expecting Damian to say that he loved me at that moment and I hadn't thought about if I loved him, or was I even sure that I knew what love was. But I smiled. “I love you too.” I said and felt this whole new feeling rush over my body and capture my heart. Damian smiled back at me lovingly as he drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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