Chapter 3: Creep Bathroom Incident

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Chapter 3

Creepy Bathroom Incident

The rest of the first week of school was uneventful to say the least. I was glad to have made it through to Friday and finally, it was the weekend. I was looking forward to Uncle Frank's visit that evening. Frank wasn't really my uncle, since he was my dad's best friend. He had adapted me like I was part of his family. He would visit Grandmamma and me every Friday evening. Sometimes we'd go shopping or out to eat. Grandmamma would come with us on occasion, but usually it was just Frank and I. When Mel had the chance to visit, she'd come along too. 

Mel was preoccupied with charitable events as of late. Frank and Mel were upper middle class citizens. They spent a lot of time promoting local events and remaining active in the community of York. Uncle Frank ran for town council of York that fall. In Frank's absence due to his regular visit with Grandmamma Maple and me, Mel kept her scheduled charity event for breast cancer to continue the ongoing promotion of his position in the election.

Frank was a friendly and genuine gentleman. Frank and Mel's marriage seemed like a love story from a fairy tale. It was a shame they were never able to have children, but it came as an advantage to me, since they treated me like the child that they never had. 

During the first week of sophomore year Ollie and I had grown closer as friends. I was a guarded person with many walls and didn't want to let anyone new into my life, past the fortress I had spent so much time, carefully and meticulously building without firstly giving it very careful consideration. Turns out Ollie did live in the opposite direction of me, but only  half of the time. His parents had joint custody of him and they lived in two different directions, but in the same town. On Tuesday I was unable to avoid Ollie's desperate 'Where's Vie' search after school. I felt badly and so I accepted his invitation and spent some time with him, bonding, at his mom's apartment on the other side of town from my house. Ollie's mom liked me very much. She said I was welcomed to visit there anytime. The apartment was very small yet very spotless and organized.

Crys' mom drove her home from school almost every day, unless we had made plans to walk home together. Often we would settle in at home first and then drop by one another’s houses freely. It was like we each had a second home. Crys lived in a very well to do house, her parents were quite wealthy. Once I had overheard her dad brag to a guest, that he had 2.5 Million dollars in assets! He was the accountant for the New York Met's. Mr. Thomas had lifetime season passes to the New York Met's Baseball games. Sometimes Crys and I went with her parents, Mark and Sandy and her little brother Mathew. Crys didn't really like to go unless I came along. Neither one of us were baseball fans. But her family would occasionally coax into going. Her parents argued a lot at the games over trivial things and it was annoying to us both.

Mathew, Crys’ younger brother, was a sweet boy of seven. He would burrow underneath our skin occasionally but it was nothing out of the ordinary for a seven year old boy’s behavior. Mathew had a crush on me. Usually Crys didn't want to be bothered with Mathew's childish ways. I could see he just wanted attention and love. I would scold Crys for being so mean to him. She didn't like that, but Mathew loved it when I came to his defense. She didn't quite call him by his name, but rather by names like, Wet bed, Goober and Geek.

Grandmamma's house was a homey home with family pictures plastered all over the walls accompanied by old paintings from several generations, of which my family had painted. My heritage was 50% Irish as my dad's side was 100% Irish. My mom was decent from Mexico. Grandmamma enjoyed painting oil portraits of people. She once painted an oil portrait of me and it turned out quite exceptional, it since hung in the hallway. Grandmamma's husband, my granddad, Mac, had passed away the year before I moved to Grandmamma's. My granddad's death was tragic. He was hit by a driver who was texting on a cell phone and killed, as he was attempting to cross the road in town.

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