Chapter 14: I am Violet Varden and I am Different

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Chapter 14

I am Violet Varden 

and I am Different!

Damian sat sniffling at the kitchen table as I proceeded to brew coffee and tea. He was sneezing, as if he had caught a cold. I liked coffee and Damian preferred tea. I offered up a variety of different flavors and he chose the blueberry.

“Sounds like a very manly choice.”

I said with a smile, as I stood near the kitchen cabinets leaning against the marble counter top in my light gray sweats and white tank top, my hair was tussled in a messy bun.

“I'd like to think so, blueberries are very good for you” Damian flexed his knowledge muscles as he raised his chin up proudly. I was still smiling, shaking my head in a yes motion as if to agree.

“Well, maybe I'll skip the coffee and have myself some super blueberry tea!” I said very matter of fact.

“I think you should, I think we could both use some super tea right about now!” Damian noted.

I took a deep breath; I felt the more serious questions were coming, so I prodded to see how much Crys had actually told Damian. “What else, did Crys tell you, about me?”

Damian was quiet for a few seconds as he sipped his blueberry tea. “Ouch ... hot ...” Damian yelped as he shook his head, I laughed at him.

 “I told you it was hot.”

 “I should have listened.” Damian said as he scolded himself sarcastically.

“Are you always this defiant?”

“Only when I'm distracted by such a beautiful lady.” I laughed again as I gazed into his amazing light brown eyes. this time a deeper longer laugh made its way from my belly, it felt great to laugh. Did he really think I was beautiful?

“Yeah” I said wryly. 

“She told me about your parents.” He confirmed my suspicion. I shook my head in a yes motion again, as I suspected she had. Damian took hold of my hand as our tea cups rested on the table.

“I'm so sorry your parents have disappeared, Vie.” It was difficult to meet Damian's eyes, yet he gripped my hand tighter then he had before and I felt a deep sorrowful emotion engulfing me within. I finally found the courage to meet his loving eyes with mine, although mine were watery. Damian released his hand from mine and wiped the sad tear that began to fall to my cold cheek with his warm fingertip. At that very moment I felt as though a powerful magnet was pulling me towards him, maybe it was my heart, yet I held back my overwhelming emotions to lunge towards him. I had so many questions about my bracelet, to which hopefully, held answers to which would quench my wonderment. I said as I got up to get my purse, Damian insisted it was a gift. I sat back down. 

“Please Vie, you don't have to pay me back, consider it a birthday gift.”

 “How did you …, let me guess, Crys?”

“Yes” He said devilishly grinning. 

“Thank you, for everything that you've done for me, I'm very grateful, to have a friend like you.” 

“You're welcome” He said humbly. 

“The bracelet was a gift, from my parents, for my fifth birthday. It means so much ... All these weird things started happening, after I lost it. I'm so glad to have it back. I guess I've got to have it fixed ...”

“Would you like me to take it to the jeweler for you?” Damian asked. 

“I couldn't ask you to do that, you've already done so much ...”

I looked over to the bracelet as it sat on the kitchen table; I picked it up holding it in my hands thinking about my parents and everything that had happened so far that day. I was starting to get the feeling, that I wasn't a normal teenager. I was Violet Varden and I was different. I was seriously in need of some answers.

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